Not what you really wanted

Fell In Love With SuperMen


"Here!" Heechul said, breathless.
Heechul found a good place to hide-none of those girls would ever think to search them there...And also a place were the girls were not allowed.And of course that Annya was an exception.
"It's the boy's bathroom!" Annya shouted.
"Yes, it is" Heechul said. "But it's empty, and please shut up, otherwise those girls will find us."
"You're telling me to shut up?!"
"I guess yes, if you're not deaf and you heard everything I said."
"Well, you're, you're.."
"I'm what, princess?"
Annya just looked at him, saying nothing.But what could she say? "Oh, my dear Heechul, I love you so much, but you're a damn idiot!" .That was way too bad...And then it came the silence...And Heechul was staring at her, his eyes wide opened.Annya was just looking at her shoes. //"Say something!"// she was thinking.Was she looking that awful that Heechul didn't want to talk to her?
"Hey" Annya began to say.
"OPEN THAT F****NG DOOR"someone shouted.
"TRY TO FORCE ME, BABOON!" Heechul shouted back.
Annnya bit her lip, trying not to laugh.Heechul's voice was sweet when he was singing, sweet when he was talking normally-but it was damn awesome when he was shouting or screaming!
Turning his face to her, Heechul asked:
"Did you want to say something?"
"No, I didn't." Annya said.
"Yes, you did."
"For the last time, I said that I didn't want to say something!"
"Really, princess?" Heechul asked.
"Yes, prince."Annya said, sharply.
In the moment when Annya called Heechul prince, he looked deeply into her eyes.He knew that Annya was sarcastic at that part...But somehow, he felt attracted to her.It was like a fire running trough his veins even when she spoke sarcastically to him.Sadly, it was obvious that she hated him.
"We sould hang out more." Heechul said with a huge smile on his face.
Annya didn't know what to do or say.If she heard right and Heechul wasn't joking, he said that he wanted to hang out with her.
The soft touch of Heechul's hands when he took Annya's hands into his almost made Annya faint.She was totally in another world. 
Heechul leaned closer to Annya.She didn't know what to do...Heechul was everything she wished, but he was also a jackass.A thousand of thoughts ran trough her mind in that short moment.When their lips were almost touching, Annya decided what to do.
Her leg, fast as a lighting, hit Heechul in his most sensible point.He didn't made a sound, he just feel on the cold floor.
Annya looked at him with no remorse.She turned her back to him and opened the door.Outside, about ten men were waiting in front the door.They started to wishper when they saw her coming out from the bathroom.But when they got into the bathroom, their voices could be heard by almost everyone who passed near that place.
*Some minutes later*
Annya was sitting on a bench, looking nowhere.Even if she would look at something in special, the image of Heechul from the bathroom would always come into her mind.What was he doing now?Was he suffering?Was he-
Her toughts were interrupted by the sound of her cellphone.Annya sighed and looke after it in her handbag.She looked at it a bit surprised: an unknown person called her.It was pretty weird; usally she knew the people who called her.
It was Heechul's voice.//"Wait a second...Heechul?!"//.First, she was angry.Who was that idiot who gave him her number.
"Bye Heechul." Annya said "May the alligators kill you before me."
She closed and threw the cellphone into the handbag.
Suddenly, an idea came into her mind.
The only person who had her number and who Heechul could find in the mall that day was Mio.
*Somewhere else*
"I feel so guilty." Mio said. "Annya will kill me."
She was sitting at a table from the cafe with Leeteuk and Heechul.About five minutes before, Heechul came like a tornado to them and asked Mio for Annya's number.She was blocked for a moment, but then, like guided by something, she gave Heechul Annya's number.
"No she won't." Leeteuk and Heechul said.
Mio sighed.If what they said would be true...
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