Who likes shopping?

Fell In Love With SuperMen


"Annya" Mio said.
"I want to go shopping."
"Do you have fever?You don't like shopping."
"Yes, I like it, but you don't like what I want to buy."
Annya just nodded and went to her wardrobe to dress up.It was useless to argue with her friend, because it had always the same result.
"As you say.But I don't know you if a strange guy starts walking around us asking for cigarettes."
"Hey, how do you know that he wanted cigarettes?And he wasn't strange, he was cute."
"Again, as you say.It just seemed to I-wanna-cut-my-veins-right-now-and-right-here."
*At the mall*
Annya let Mio alone in one of those shops for emo kids.They had different styles, and in that shop were all kind of weird persons.
Annya was walking around in a very stilish shop, where no goths or punkers would ever go.The clothes were looking like they came from a fairy tale: T-shirts and shoes in bright colors, long dresses made of the most beautiful fabric.But then Annya's eyes fell on it...
It was a gray T-shirt wich had on it a fairy rising from a flower, with her wings wide opened, spreading silver and golden glitter.She put her hand on the T-shirt, but just then another hand grabbed it.Her face fell; she saw it first, and I-don't-know-who-she-is won't take it.
"Excuse me" Annya said in the most polite mode she knew."I saw this T-shirt first."
"No, I saw it first! Now take your hands from it, please!"
It was a boy(in a shop where 90 % of the clients were some cheap b****es).Even if his voice was a bit girly, no girl could speak like that.The girls would scream and shout at her to dropp her hands off because they saw first that first.But even for a boy, that was kinda gross.And for an ugly boy, he wanted something very beautiful.Because, if he was someone just half as cute as Heechul, why he would hide his face under a pair of sunglasses and a scarf?//"Wow, he's that beautiful that he's afraid that people would run after him, screaming?"// Annya thought.
"Sorry, I didn't know that you were deaf" the boy said louder this time."I SAID TO TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF OF THIS T-SHIRT!"
"Enough!" Annya shouted at him.
Now, all the persons from the shop were looking at them.Annya didn't care.And she didn't care about the T-shirt at all; she wanted to teach that boy at lesson wich was called gentility.So she pulled the T-shirt...But the boy pulled too.
And they both fell on the floor.Annya's head was hit by something-but she didn't know by what.But when she was half uo, her face froze:
That boy who acted with her like she was a maid was Kim Heechul.
And Heechul remained with his mouth opened when he saw her face.
"Annya?That famous actress?" Heechul asked.
//"He knows me!He knows me!He knows me!"//.Annya wanted so much to jump on him! Or at least just to help him get up...But no.It happened in the badest moment...
A bunch of girls from the other side of the shop saw them.And they started screaming.It was something when a famous actress was seen with a famous singer...Then they were running!They were running towards them!
"C'mon, let's go.We'll be crushed if we don't go right now." Heechul said as he grabbed her hand.
Then it was nothing.All that mattered was that Heechul was holding her hand.His soft fingers were holding her by the wrist.Annya didn't even care that they were chased by a bunch of OMFG-I-LOVE-HEECHUL-SO-MUCH zombies.Nor that the "zombies" almost reached them.
The image of Heechul running like there was no future was worth it.
*Somewhere else*
Mio was sitting in a cafe, drinking a strawberry milkshake.She was playing absently with her fingers while she was looking on the window...Nothing special.Just a plain window.Outside, there was nobody like him...Just normal boys, walking around with some girls who were showing too much of themselves.
She bought just a pair of skin tight jeans...Mio was quite bored...And lonely.Withouth Annya, it was somehow to silent...Nobody to tell Mio how "beautiful" was the T-shirt she bought.Or someone to laugh with about Girl's Generation.
Mio dialed Annya's number.Then Annya closed.Strange thing; Annya never closed the phone when Mio was phoning.
And Mio saw Annya.Running with Heechul, both chased by a bunch of fangirls. 
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