
Fell In Love With SuperMen


Mio watched as the two ran until she couldn't see them anymore. She prayed they were still alive.

Thinking about it, it wasn't that bad at all. In fact, she was running with Kim Heechul, right? It should have been the best run in her life. 

Sighing, she thought about herself. Annya just got the luck. She was liking someone, she was meeting them. But when it came to her... she has always dreamt about lots of guys and watched them for afar but she waited in vain. No matter how intense the feeling was, nothing was happening. Her fans were commenting on her fanblongs about how beautiful she was or how much talent she had in both, acting and singing, but as long as the one she wanted to see it didn't, other people didn't matter. 

She had already finished her milkshake but she didn't feel like leaving. She should have called Annya to check if she was okay but she didn't feel like talking at all. She felt sleepy and tired. 

"Can I have an autograph?" A kind voice asked, making her wake up from her daydreaming. Yeah, daydreaming was her favorite hobby.

Turning her head - getting ready to give and autograph to one of her fans, who were by the way very kind, unlike few of Annya's - she saw the last thing she expected to see. Actually, he saw the thing she didn't expect.

Park Jungsu. Actually, Leeteuk. 

She stared at him with her hand still in her purse while searching for a pen. No way. It was like an enormous hand had thrown the exact guy she liked - dreamt about from several weeks - in the exact place at the exact hour. And damn, he was wanting an autograph from her. From her!

"Ermmm... aaa... yeah sure." She realized that she was probably looking worse than a crazy fangirl or a mind diseased person and she decided to say something. Or to try, at least.

"Why are you so surprised?" He asked, smiling, as she took his little notebook and wrote something on it.

"You.... asking me for an autograph...." She mumbled, knowing that she cannot control the blush and decided to focus on her cracking voice.

"What's so surprising?" He asked, his smile widening as she turned around again to hand him his signed notebook.

"You are Super Junior's Leeteuk." She said. "I am just a beginner actor. I should be asking you for an autograph." 

"So, are you free?" He asked, gesturing to the empty seat in front of her. She decided only to nod. "What happened?"


"You. What happened with you. You look really sad."

"Oh. Nothing. I'm just tired."

"Tight schedule?"

"Yeah. What's up with you here?"

"Heechul forced me to go with him to shopping." They both smiled, actually for different reasons. Mio, thanking god for Annya's luck that was bringing hers too, and Leeteuk, happy to see her smiled. God, if it was possible to fall in love only with a smile, he just did that ."Do want a coffee?"

"I drink only cappuccino. Coffe is too much for me." 

"Then cappuccino it is."

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