Chapter 4

Loving Him

“Isn’t it you?!” Eunhyukkie exclaimed as he point his hand that I was meant to shake to me.


“Strawberry milk?!”


“What is he doing here?!” Eunhyukkie waved his pointed finger in my face and stared unbelievably at his brother.


“Kyu said he would be bringing his friend along to accompany you~ Since he was afraid you’d get lonely! Isn’t he thoughtful?” I noticed Sungmin stared at Kyuhyun with dreamy eyes and a sweet smile. Kyuhyun just blushed and looked around.


Eunhyukkie just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms on his chest. “Whatever. Shall we get going then?” Kyuhyun and Sungmin nodded and entered the mall with me and Eunhyukkie trailing behind.


We had been walking floor after floor, shop after shop, shopping for Sungmin’s ‘supplies’ that mainly consisted of stuffed toys, clothes and food. Kyuhyun and Sungmin seemed to be enjoying their time, trying on different clothes and sharing food together, whereas me and Eunhyukkie still had the awkward atmosphere between us. I caught him taking little peeks at me as if he wanted to start a conversation but was hesitating.


We were now seated at a small cafe, we couldn’t keep up with Sungmin’s shopping speed and decided to rest at the cafe and wait for them to finish shopping.

“S-so, I was th-thinking…” Eunhyukkie started as he kept his eyes on his hot chocolate, biting his lower lip. “I thought maybe we should start over, you know? A-as friends? Si-since hyung is hanging out with Kyuhyun recently… and we would be meeting each ot-other more often…” He looked at me and reached his hand out and waited for a handshake. I nodded and shook his hand, “Yeah, that’d be nice.”


There was an awkward silence between us now, I’m not good at talking and didn’t know how I should start a topic. He just shifted uncomfortably in his seat and constantly took little sips from his hot chocolate and kept looking around.


“Eunhyukkie is a nice name.” I tried to end the awkward atmosphere between us, giving him a shy smile. It was a really nice name though.

He just stared at me blankly before laughing out loud, banging the table lightly with his fist. I just looked at him, amused by his actions. Did I say something wrong? “It’s Hyukjae actually. Hyung just calls me Eunhyukkie because it’s easier for him.”


My mouth formed an ‘o’ shape as soon as he said it. Ah, Hyukjae. “That’s even nicer than Eunhyukkie.” I liked that name, Hyukjae, Hyukjae, Hyukjae. “I’m Donghae, but you can call me Hae”


He nodded and bit his bottom lip, his ears were red and his cheeks were flushed red. “Hae”, he repeated it, probably trying to remember it. “That’s a lovely name.” He smiled with his gums poking out.


It was now lunch time and we met up with Kyuhyun and Sungmin at restaurant nearby, me and Hyuk (nickname given by yours truly) have gotten closer throughout the 3 hours of waiting for Kyuhyun and Sungmin. We talked about many things, our likes, dislikes and especially about Kyuhyun and Sungmin.


Hyuk told me that Sungmin had been non-stop blabbering about Kyuhyun and how manly he was, which made me puke inside since Kyuhyun obviously wasn’t manly; and Sungmin’s opinions of Kyuhyun was the complete opposite of how Kyuhyun is to me.


I found out he loved strawberry, it was his first love, he said. He told me he had a whole collection of everything strawberry, from his bath washes, fruits to his stuffed toys. He even insisted that I come by with Kyu sometime to look at his collection.


I blushed for the nth time when he held onto my arm again. We’ve gotten really close and he was now getting comfortable around me, there was more skinships between us too, with him constantly patting his hand on my thigh and squeezing it once or twice.


“It seems like my Eunhyukkie has made a new friend!” Sungmin said happily and clapped, Kyuhyun on the other hand just sent me a little smirk. “Yeah they sure seem close”. .


I just blushed crazily again and tried to distract myself by continuing to chunk down the fried rice I had before me, choking a few times and Hyukjae patted my back causing Sungmin to ‘aww’ at the sight and that made me blush even more.

The rest of the day went by fast, me and Kyu were now walking home and I listened to his little love talk about Sungmin. He kept talking about the little touches and hugs he got from Sungmin.


“And he kissed me on the cheek Hae! Kiss!” Kyuhyun squealed and hugged me tightly. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away. He was too in love with Sungmin. The devil was now prancing in front of me, picking up different coloured flowers that were grown at the roadside and smelt them one by one before throwing them away like confetti.


I just laughed a hearty laugh. It must be nice, to fall in love. It changes someone.


“Hyuk told me some things about what Sungmin told him about you~” I sang and the devil immediately stopped. I could even see his ears twitch in excitement. He turned around and ran to me as quick as possible, kneeling down on the ground in front of me and hugging my leg tightly.

“WHAT? WHAT? What did he say?! Oh my god, Hae! You have to tell me! You have to! Now! Now! Now! Please!!!”

A fool in love.


[928 words]

I'll try to do a double update if I have the time :-(

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