Chapter 3

Loving Him

On the way home, Kyuhyun was bragging away about how pro he was at Starcraft again. I was used to it since he does that almost everyday. “When you are finally as pro as me at Starcraft, I’d probably be 70” He held his hand to his heart and faked a frown. I rolled my eyes and lightly punched him in the shoulder, causing him to stumble a little. Yeah sure, I do play Starcraft… But it was only because Kyu forced me to! It was addictive at first, but it died down after awhile, I hardly even play! It’s not because I’m bad at it… they always say practice makes perfect right? I’m definitely going to go home and secretly practice before asking him for a man to man showdown!


“So Kyu, what will be the plans tomorrow?” I asked and noticed him blushing crazily again. Ugh, sometimes he can be such a sissy. But I still can’t deny that he’s sooo cute!


“I-I’ll pick you up a-at 11am tomorrow!!!” He covered his flushed face and ran towards his front door and stabbed the key into the lock in all directions. I can’t help but laugh at his shyness, he must not want me to see him acting like a little girl all the time. I don’t think I’d ever get used to this side of him either.



“Wake up! Wake up! Sleepy head, dumb pig, stupid fish Donghae!” I groaned and rolled onto my side, propping up myself using my elbow and grabbed my phone. In case you’re wondering, that was Kyu’s voice. He specially made that alarm tone for me since I told him his voice was the most annoying thing to hear in the mornings, which I deeply regret since I now suffer the misery of hearing his voice in the early mornings.


The time was now 10:15am, which meant I had 45 more minutes to get ready before meeting Kyu next door.


I headed to my cupboard and picked out a simple plain tee and skinny jeans. I didn’t feel like dressing up today, neither did I have anyone to attract. But now that I think of it, I shouldn’t dress up nicely for today, in case Kyu’s date falls for me. God bless my mom and dad for creating such a god-like face like mine.


I was in the shower scrubbing my body when I heard a morning cracked voice sing. I laughed out loud, causing some water to get into my mouth, almost choking me. That voice was clearly Kyu’s, I’d be able to notice it anywhere. He was probably in the shower too, since it’s the only time he sings, apart from choir practices. It was so funny because his voice was cracking as he tried belting out the high notes. I swear I could even hear him groaning in frustration when he failed at reaching certain notes.


After the warm shower, I changed into my clothes and headed to the living room. Seated on the couch was my older brother, Yesung. He currently had his eyes closed, headphones placed in his ears and was bobbing his head to the rhythm of the music. I felt a wide smile spread across my face as I practically galloped towards him, embracing him in a biiig bear hug.

“Ah! What do you think you’re doing?! Get off me!” Yesung whined and pushed me away but that failed as I hugged him even tighter.


“Hyung! I missed you so much! Where have you been? Don’t you miss me too? Did you get me the nemo fish I told you to get?” I snuggled my face into the crook of his neck, earning a groan from him.


Yesung doesn’t usually come home often since he’s currently studying in a University far away from the city we currently live in. He only comes home during special occasions: like my birthday hehe and during the school holidays. I loosened my grip on him and blinked, wait a second… it wasn’t a special occasion and neither was it a school holiday… so what was he doing here?


“That’s too many question you dumb hae! And yes I definitely missed you, much more than you think I do. You always wanted the rainbow nemo isn’t it? I added it into your fish tank already, take care of it alright! It costed a fortune!” Yesung pointed towards the fish tank I kept by the front door. Oh lord, it’s true! There was a little rainbow striped nemo swimming around in the fish tank, making friends with the many species of fish I already kept.


“Thank you so much! I love you even more!!!” I shouted to him and poked at the rainbow fish, trying hard to catch its attention. “But hyung, what are you doing here?”


“Well, dear boy, it is my home and besides~ I came here to just get a couple of my things. Ryeong has been whining about not having enough supplies and I didn’t feel like wasting money on buying new ones so I decided to come by and grab some things. By the way, he said he misses you and promise to come during the holidays.” Oh! So that’s why he was here! Ryeowook, whom Yesung calls Ryeowook, is Yesung’s boyfriend. They’ve been together for about… 3 years now? Ryeowook is a nice boyfriend to hyung! The first time he came over to our house, he cooked me all my favourite dishes! He even bought many gifts for mom and dad. But it’s been a long time since he last dropped by. I really miss him.  


I was about to reply Yesung when suddenly there was loud bangings coming from the front door. “Come out you dumb ! We’re going to be late! UGHHH!” Me and my older brother looked at each other and laughed really hard. I gripped my tummy as it was hurting from laughing too hard and opened the front door and now, in front of me stood a rather frustrated Kyu.


His hair was disheveled, probably from all the frustrated hair ruffling he did.  He was wearing a blue checkered flannel with black jeans. I definitely noticed the effort he had put in for today. He hardly wore anything else other than t-shirts and jeans. But today, he even added a black watch and I could even smell the strong scent of cologne lingering in the air.


“Oh~ Honey~ Aren’t you a little too excited for our date~?” I walked towards him and circled a finger around his chest and even gave him a little kiss on the cheek. He immediately pushed me off and made disgusted sounds “Ew! You freak! That’s gross!” I just laughed and skipped off, “Come on yeobo! What are you waiting for?” I did a sultry pose and sent him a blowing kiss which made him roll his eyes.


We were now heading towards the mall, it wasn’t a long walk from our house. Just a few blocks down the street. Kyuhyun was constantly looking at his phone and texting while blushing. He’s probably flirting with that boy again. Such a meanie though, I was just right beside him and he’d rather spend time with this boy on the phone instead of the beautiful figure before him.


It took about 15 mins and we were at the mall. It was the weekends and it was filled with people of all different ages. We stood by the entrance as Kyuhyun said Sungmin (who I assume is his date) and his brother were going to be late since they were caught in a jam.


“Kyu!” A voice called out and Sungmin ran towards Kyuhyun, hopping into his arms, there was someone who hid behind him, I assume that it was his brother. I noticed Kyuhyun’s face froze and cheeks turn red as he remained motionless towards the boy that was hugging him. Sungmin just pouted and reached a hand out to Kyuhyun’s forehead, “Is something wrong? Are you sick, Kyu?! Your face is so red!”


“N-no! It’s nothing, just the heat.” Kyuhyun let out a shaky laugh as he placed both hands to cover his cheeks, as if telling them to calm down. “A-anyway, this is Donghae. Donghae this is Su-Sungmin” Kyuhyun introduced as Sungmin reached out his hands towards me. I shook it and shyly smiled, “I’m Sungmin, Kyu’s friend! And this is my dearest brother, Eunhyukkie!”


Sungmin dragged the shy boy behind him and pushed him towards me. He had his eyes glued to the ground bumped into me slightly and reached a hand out towards me, inviting me for a handshake. I was about to shake it when he looked up, he had a wide smile across his face and I could see the large chunk of gums peeking out. I opened my mouth in shock and he later followed suit.


“Isn’t it you?!” Eunhyukkie exclaimed as he point his hand that I was meant to shake to me.


“Strawberry milk?!”


[1506 words]


Here it is! The date!

And yeah yesung is hae's brother. HAHAH

i was thinking between siwon and yesung, but i felt a dorky hae deserves a dorkier brother. 

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