Chapter 1

Loving Him

What would it be like to fall in love? I’ve never experienced it before… bring in love must be the greatest feeling ever. I remember mother telling me that being in love gives you the feeling of little fluttering butterflies in your tummy and only one person would be able to make you feel that way. I want to know how it feels like, to have the million butterflies in my tum-


“Lee Donghae!” A voice called out and I immediately turned towards the source. “Ugh!!!” I screamed out in frustration and glared at the person who broke my train of thoughts, “Way to go Kyu, you just ruined everything!” I pouted and crossed my arms, showing him that I was displeased.


He pursed his lips and cocked up an eyebrow before laughing at my childishness. “Puhaha! Hae, I must remind you that you’re 17.” He managed to say before giggling and holding onto his tummy.


That motherer. Did he just laugh at me? Me! Lee Donghae! I’ll show him!!


I whined and pouted even more, stomping my feet at the same time. This just made him laugh even harder, he was already on his knees, desperately begging me to stop my childishness as it was ‘killing him’. Yes, that’s it Kyu, hope you die from laughter.


I rolled my eyes and got up off my seat and began to pack my bag. I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn’t even notice class has already ended, only me and Kyu were left in the room. “Hmph, don’t you have club activities today?” I mumbled as I zipped up my bag, slinging it on my left shoulder, ready to send Kyu to his club.


“Yup! But first, I’d need you to help me with something…” He bit his bottom lip and put his head down, I noticed the slight blush on his face. I hummed in a questionable tone as a signal to ask him to continue. “Well, you see… I met this guy, at the club… how do I say it?” He continued to face the ground, shyly lifting his hand to rub his nape.  His ears were as red as a tomato now, I can’t even bring myself to imagine how red his face would be.

“You need me to help you ask him out?” I sang in a happy tone and skipped through the hallways. We were now at the block where all the different clubrooms were, the music room was the one on the furthest end of the the corridor. Kyuhyun just brought his lips into a thin line and nodded his head. Aw, now that I think of it, this is actually a pretty~ good sight to be looking at.


Kyuhyun was never the type to be blushing and acting all shy. Heck, for the 10 years that I’ve known him, I’ve never seen him acting this way. He’d always been the devil that would tease me for everything. Constantly smirking and glaring at me with those devilish eyes.


That boy must be something special, to be able to turn this into a blushing girl.


“What do you need me to help with?” I turned the handle of the door to the music room. Club activities must have started since I could hear the sounds of instruments accompanied by the angelic voices of the choir, which I must add, my dear Kyu is in!


“W-well, I asked him o-out to just you know… hang out during the weekends? But he said he was going to bring along his brother and I was hoping you’d come along to distract his brother so that I could spend more time with h-him?” Oh… that smart devil; using me for his own gains aye! But honestly, what can I do about it? I really love Kyu and want him to be happy and succeed with his plans. And it’s not everyday that you see such an adorable side of Kyu that acts like a girl in love. Everyone deserves to get a shot at love, and that’s what I’m going to help Kyu get!


“Alright, I’ll come!”


Operation: Distract Kyukyu love’s brother!

[699 words]
First chapter down!
Can you guess who Kyuhyun's date is and who the brother is? 
Kinda obvious isn't it HAHA.
Yep, you'll see tomorrow!
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