Love... Triangle?

Living The Fantasy

“Ravi, did you see my…” Hongbin’s eyes widened when he saw her. “Oh, never mind.” He immediately turned around and ran back upstairs to hide his embarassment.

“Aaafgh!” She was covering while screaming to avoid making too much noise. There were tears of joy coming out from the corner of her eyes. “Holy potato! Somebody pinch me.”

“Ouch!” She felt someone carefully pinching her forearm. She turned around to see Ravi shoving a box of tissue to her face with his free hand.

“You might want to wipe that blood off your nose first before you trail off to your fantasies?” Ravi said teasingly then he smirked at her.

“I wasn’t… I mean… I just… I swear I’m innocent!” She answered defensively while wiping her bleeding nose. Although, all that stuttering didn’t help as Ravi just kept on smirking. His eyes seemed to be telling her “I know what you’re thinking.”

Aaah. How do I get out of this? Stupid nose! And silly Ravi. “It was probably because it is just really hot! The weather I mean… Besides, who has the real dirty mind between us?! Who said he loves as much as he loves his fans?! Who wrote those good and sensual lyrics?! Huh?” There. That will do it.

“Wha- Ah, I can’t believe you’re using that on me! That was a misunderstandi-“

“What’s going on here?! Did I hear someone say ‘hot’? What is?” N said while eyeing the two.

“ Hongbin.” Ravi answered and smiled at Seyoung. The latter made a slight stank face.

“What do you mean? And who is this girl?” N’s interrogation continued while the all the other members started to gather in the living room.

“She lives around here. Her name is Hee Seyoung. She’s a Starlight.” Ravi introduced.

“Have you gotten used to being a speaker for somebody else?” Ken asked and everyone watched and laughed as Leo glared at him and put his hand on the former’s shoulder.

To break the tension, Seyoung decided to introduce herself. “Hello.” She bowed and tried to stay as calm as possible. Well, she did. But inside, she was actually dying. “As Ravi had said, I’m a big fan of VIXX. My name is Hee Seyoung. It’s really really really nice to see you in person.” Ah what do I do? This feels somewhat unreal.

Each of the five members greeted her happily.

“So, what brought you here?” N went back to asking.

Wrong. I brought you here. She smiled before finally answering. “Ugh… I was actually at my best friend’s house.” She pointed outside the window. “Then, she told me they had new neighbors and one of them went to greet her. By her description, I… uh… just assumed that it was Hongbin. Plus, we both heard a scream which I know came from Hyuk. So, being a fan of yours, I got excited and went out. That’s when I saw a group of high school students in front of your house.”

Ravi nodded. “If you only saw how big their cameras were. But luckily, Seyoung came to the rescue. Thanks to her, we can somehow have a real vacation. Man, you all should hear the story.” He added.

The conversation went on until they invited her for dinner as a ‘thank you’ as Hyuk called it.


“Hyejin! Hyejin! Hyejin!” Seyoung called for her best friend while violently pressing the doorbell continuously.

“Yeah. I’m coming. What is it this time? And can’t you be gentler to our doorbell?” Hyejin answered as she opened the door.

“I told you! I was right. VIXX really lives next door!”

“Enough with your fantasy, alright?” Hyejin flicked her best friend’s forehead.

Seyoung rubbed her forehead as they sat down on the sofa.

“Ugh, but it just got real. I’m actually living the fantasy now. They even invited me to dinner! I said I’d bring you along!”

Hyejin’s eyes widened.

“I know. No need to thank me.” Seyoung crossed her arms, seemingly proud of herself.

“Wait. Whaaat?! So you really are serious?! So, that is the reason you ran and left me earlier. Come on. I’ll just embarrass myself in front of them.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. Why so?”

Hyejin rolled her eyes and let out a deep sigh. “At least let me memorize their names.”

“Oh, you’re right. Hehe this could be the chance for me to get you into them.”


The two heard someone open the door. “Sweetie, I’m home! Oh, Seyoung good to see you here.” Hyejin’s mom greeted as soon as she entered the house, carrying plastic bags in both her hands.

“Good morning, Mrs. Min.” Seyoung greeted.

“Mom, where were you?” Hyejin asked. The two girls stood up to help Mrs. Min with her groceries.

“Uh, I went to the supermarket. I wanted to cook for you.” Mrs. Min said as she put down her purse on the dining table.

“I bet it would be great.” Seyoung exclaimed.

“Ugh, are you sure about this Mom?” Hyejin sounded worried. “Last time you cooked, we had to throw out the pan because it was almost all burnt.”

Mrs. Min just smiled at her daughter. “Thank you, Seyoung. Do you want to stay for lunch?”

“Uhm, no thanks.” Seyoung declined the offer. “By the way Mrs. Min, can I take Hyejin with me for dinner later?”

“Sure. That would be great since I have to fill for a sick co-worker at the restaurant.” Mrs. Min started to arrange everything she bought in place.

“Yay! And, uhm, I have another favor to ask.” Seyoung did the puppy face which made Hyejin cringed.

“Haha, what is it?” Mrs. Min asked.

“Please adopt me for at least two weeks!”

“Huh?!” Both Hyejin and her mom were surprised.

“Let me stay here for a while.”

“But, why? Did something happen at your home?” Mrs. Min asked.

“No, it’s not like that. I just… uhm… needed a change of scenery. Yeah. That’s how it is.”

Just then, Hyejin had an idea on what Seyoung wants to happen, “A change of scenery? Psh. I think I get it now. You just want to get closer to…”

“Uh never mind!” Seyoung exclaimed, cutting off her best friend.

Hyejin only smiled for she knew she was right that her best friend only wants to get closer to VIXX.


After losing in a few rounds of games, Hongbin and Hyejin ended up as the losers to clean up the table. While Seyoung wanted to spend as much time with Hongbin as possible, she thought that she couldn’t just break the “rules” and volunteer to clean with him. While Ken did a super aegyo so that he’ll be spared from cleaning. He even reasoned out that he still has to re-read his script for his musical.

Hongbin cleared his throat. “So, uhm, how did you become best friends with Seyoung?” He asked to initiate a conversation.

Hyejin slightly laughed. “Why, kind of unexpected because of our different personalities, huh?”

Hongbin only nodded and continued washing the plates which he pass on to her to wipe dry.

“Well, the story started when we were in high school. We weren’t really best friends at first. Just classmates. We had our different groups of friends and barely talked to each other. Not until my dad left us for another woman and left me and my mom penniless. I had to endure hearing my mom cry every night and continue going to school during the day like nothing is wrong.” She paused.

She looked at Hongbin who was listening intently before she continued. “Then, one of my classmates saw my dad with the other woman and things just got worst. All the people I used to call ‘friends’ just stopped being around me. I was all alone. Well, I didn’t care anymore at that time. That was when Seyoung started sticking to me. I even found it annoying because I thought she was just pitying me. And I didn’t want that. But, you see, she’s a persistent one.”

“Oh I’m sorry to hear about your parents.”

“Nah, don’t be. My mom and I are both over it. I think.”

“Good thing you became friends with Seyoung.”

“True. Although, she’s become more like a sister to me now.”

When the two went to the living room after cleaning up, they saw the rest having fun playing games to which Hongbin laughingly said, “Hey, how could you guys let a visitor clean up while you’re here having fun?!”

“But, we all agreed before we did the game, didn’t we?” Ken reasoned out.

“Besides, we thought you’d want to spend some time alone with her. Earlier, you told us that our neighbor is pretty, right?” Ravi added.

Hyejin warily looked at her best friend’s expression. While Seyoung only looked up and waited for Hongbin’s response like the others.

Hongbin just smiled and rubbed the back of his head. “Well, I did say that. But that doesn’t necessarily mean what you think.”

“Of course my best friend is pretty!” Seyoung stood up and put an arm around Hyejin’s shoulders.

“The both of you are pretty!” Hyuk said which earned him a big approving smile from Seyoung. And Ravi.


Hello all! I missed you!!!

So, uhm, first off, I want to apologize for updating just now. A lot has happened that's why T^T Really sorry. Just when I said in the previous chapter that I'll be updating more often -_-

Anyways, I want to once again thank the new subscribers. Seriously. Thank you all so much!

And as an expression of my apology and gratitude... enjoy these (random) gifs! Haha :D

(I love this!)

(Hongbin the meme)

(Uhm Leo watch where you shoot. *coughs* you hit my heart lololol)

(Where's the fire emoji when I need it?)


Bye~ See you again. Soon. And, oh, happy new year!!!

P.S. I just realized... Seyoung didn't get to use her blank book in this chapter. Oh, well...


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Yaaay! Living The Fantasy finally has a poster! :)))


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Chapter 4: When I saw Leo's gif.. I just.. ( arghhhh ) Anyway, Ravi likes her?? OMG!!! Best chapter!!!
topsecret_jie #2
Chapter 4: Can't wait for your updates!
BBC4Life17 #3
Chapter 4: imagine the chaos tho if some thirsty fan girl actually had the journal xD
those gifs man ;^; girl vixx is a meme xD ravi throwing his jacket off cuz he knows hell kill starlights *^*
BBC4Life17 #4
Chapter 3: wow I laughed when hongbin said he had an urge to go greet the neighbor haha
bruh I would kill to be in her situation. actually I would probably spontaneously combust out of shyness or some if I was ever approached by them xD
Lunawoon #5
Chapter 3: Wow she is so lucky *-* I want such a book, too xD Anyways, I really, really like your story! It's a great storyline and your writing is beautiful :) VIXX is ruining my life, too, so I can find myself in this story xD I can't wait for a new chapter :)
b2stb1a4 #6
Chapter 3: Oh gosh... how lucky is this person... wish I had a book like hers... *dies* i really love their comeback... wish they won in music shows... please a triple crown TwT
Chapter 3: The best chapter ever! " I'm not real. I'm Ravi " yeah Ravi you're. Fighting authornim~