The Blank Book

Living The Fantasy

“Seyoungie! Let’s eat at your favorite dessert shop to celebrate the end of our final exams!” Hyejin excitedly invited her bestfriend who, by then, had her head planted on her desk.

“I can’t. I’m broke at the moment. And I don’t think I did well to celebrate in the first place.” Seyoung refused the offer.

“Liar.” Hyejin can totally read her by now. They’ve been friends since highschool after all. “If I know, you’re just saving your allowance for those handsome guys… what are they called again?” She continued while eyeing you.

“Oh my god! Can you still not get it right for the nth time?! They’re VIXX! I’ve been telling you about them for years now! I’m disappointed at you!” Seyoung grumbled, this topic had never failed to get her full attention.

“Sorry.” Hyejin just laughed it off. “Atleast, I remember the ultimate love of your life. Hongbin, right?”

Seyoung blushed at the mention of his name.

Finally giving up, Hyejin snapped Seyoung out of her daydream. “Hey, stop smiling like a fool, will you? And, eew! Please tell me you’re not drooling. I get it. We can just go next time.”

“Yaaay! Thank you!” Seyoung stretched her arms and wrapped them around Hyejin.

“You should probably let go now. I can hardly breathe, you know. And people are staring. They’re probably judging us.” Hyejin spoke with a nasal voice.

“I don’t care about them judging us.” Still, Seyoung let go. “So, anyway, I’ll go ahead. Take care on your way home!”


Hyejin was walk-hopping down the street when she suddenly heard a very familiar song.

♪ What U waiting for… The fate-like love that you want… Make it with me right now~

“Waaah! I need to find where it’s coming from!” She walked faster, took a left turn into an alley, and then she found it – a cutesy, mysterious, little bookstore.

“Hmm. I never knew this existed. When did they build this? Odd. It doesn’t even have a name.” Hyejin said while staring at the blue blank signboard.

She decided to come in and check it out.

“Wow. This place is incredible. I should probably take Hyejin next time.” She switched from one bookshelf to another, scanning through books with titles varying from simple to complicated to witty ones. She also noticed how unusual the author’s names were, “How do I read this… korekry… ffaraha… mi-micheo?” She tried reading aloud some names until an isolated bookshelf caught her attention. It was at a corner when the others were properly arranged in the middle. Also, she thought it glowed.

“Oh, these are blank books!” She exclaimed. Her hands were already full of some of them. “Great! I need one for my fanfic.”

After picking carefully, she took the blue notebook with small, glittery stars on it. “I like this one! I would still have enough even if I buy this, right?”

she walked to the counter and took out her purse just to see a signboard that says ‘THESE ARE FREE’.

“Really? Even those books? Cool. I wonder what kind of a person would invest his time and money for this.”

“Well, I’ll just take this one.” She said and kept the blank book in her bag.


After Seyoung had dinner, she decided to immediately go upstairs to her room.

“Mom, I’m going to my room. I have something to do.” She said while taking the stairs.

“Okay.” Her mom said while finishing the dishes.

As soon as Seyoung went into her room, she took out the blank book from earlier and rested on her bed.

“How do I start a story? What should I write about anyway?” She rolled over.

“Ugh, this is harder than I thought.”

“I’ve got an idea. I’ll just make up random VIXX scenarios. This would be fuuun!” She got out of her bed, sat by her study table, and began to write.

Ken was getting bored from all the practice so he decided to have some fun…

She chuckled after reading her finished short story.

“Since, I feel like writing. Maybe, I should start on my paper in Creative Writing.”

But, apparently, she didn’t feel motivated enough to do it. “Aaah, I won’t do this!” She immediately put away her things just after a whole ten minutes.

Instead, she decided to open her computer and check on all her social media accounts.

“Oh my god! There’s a new episode of VIXX TV 2. Must. Watch. This.” Her eyes were already glued to the screen.

‘Hello, everyone! Today we’ll finally have Ken TV! Yippee! But, we can’t celebrate yet. We have to be quiet so I can properly pull off the best prank ever for Ravi.’ Ken said from the computer screen.

Watching the video left wide open. Unlike her usual reaction when watching anything VIXX-related, that time, she just stayed speechless for a moment.

She reached for her blank book and immediately turned to the page where she just wrote her first finished short story. “My story is eerily similar to that episode just now. How did that happen? Oh my god. What kind of sorcery is this?”

She took her phone which was lying on her bed and quickly dialed Hyejin’s number.

“Seyoungie? What is it?” Hyejin asked as soon as she took the call.

“You won’t believe what just happened. Earlier I found this really odd bookstore and got a pretty blank book from it. Then, I wrote a random story about VIXX on it. Just a few minutes later, they released a new episode of VIXX TV 2. And it was freaking similar to the story I wrote!” She told Hyejin without even pausing.

“Wait. Wait. VIXX has really gotten you insane. This is alarming. Wow.”

“Nooo. What I’m saying is true!” She insisted.

“Even so, it must be pure coincidence. Before you go gaga over VIXX, why don’t you finish your paper first? I bet you haven’t even started anything.”

“Aaah, you don’t understand!” She whined.

“Do your paper. I’m hanging up. I have something to read.” Hyejin didn’t even have a second thought about hanging up. She must be re-watching countless videos of VIXX again.

“Tsk, I’ll figure this out myself then.” Seyoung muttered to herself while looking at her phone’s screen.

She tried to write another story. Something simple that could prove that it was not a coincidence.

Leo created a new twitter account. He posted a selfie of him doing a peace sign as his first tweet.

“There. This is really crazy if this is to happen.”

She waited patiently and kept checking the internet for articles. It wasn’t long until she finally read the headline she had been expecting: VIXX’s Leo Returns to Twitter.

She immediately clicked on the link to Leo’s twitter account. What she saw made her run around her room like she had won the lottery – a selfie of Leo doing a peace sign.

“Oh. My. God. This is freaking dope! What should I do?!” She tried to calm herself down. Fortunately, she made it somehow.

“Okay, this blank book clearly has some magic. Now, I should probably know exactly what it can do and not do.”

EXO became a 12-membered group again. The three people who left were able to talk things out with their agency.

She waited for at least an hour and a half. Nothing happened regarding what she had written. The internet was quiet of news about Kris, Luhan, and Tao coming back to EXO.

“Okay. So, I guess, it only works on VIXX.” She scratched her head for more ideas.

Hee Seyoung finally got to start her paper in Creative Writing when a brilliant idea came to her.

Again, she waited for some time before finally giving up. “It doesn’t work on me either.”

She flipped the pages up to the last page and started writing.

            Important Notes:

  1. This doesn’t work on other idols, me, and possibly on other people aside from VIXX.
  2. The story takes at least around ten minutes to happen in real life.

“More notes will probably be added some other time. Tomorrow, I must visit that bookstore again.”

Suddenly, an idea came to Seyoung’s mind that made her smile like she’s up to something naughty. She started writing on the blank book.

VIXX went for a vacation to Changwon. They stayed at a house located at a neighborhood where a Starlight named Hee Seyoung lives.


*The Featured song is What U Waiting For by VIXX.

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Chapter 4: When I saw Leo's gif.. I just.. ( arghhhh ) Anyway, Ravi likes her?? OMG!!! Best chapter!!!
topsecret_jie #2
Chapter 4: Can't wait for your updates!
BBC4Life17 #3
Chapter 4: imagine the chaos tho if some thirsty fan girl actually had the journal xD
those gifs man ;^; girl vixx is a meme xD ravi throwing his jacket off cuz he knows hell kill starlights *^*
BBC4Life17 #4
Chapter 3: wow I laughed when hongbin said he had an urge to go greet the neighbor haha
bruh I would kill to be in her situation. actually I would probably spontaneously combust out of shyness or some if I was ever approached by them xD
Lunawoon #5
Chapter 3: Wow she is so lucky *-* I want such a book, too xD Anyways, I really, really like your story! It's a great storyline and your writing is beautiful :) VIXX is ruining my life, too, so I can find myself in this story xD I can't wait for a new chapter :)
b2stb1a4 #6
Chapter 3: Oh gosh... how lucky is this person... wish I had a book like hers... *dies* i really love their comeback... wish they won in music shows... please a triple crown TwT
Chapter 3: The best chapter ever! " I'm not real. I'm Ravi " yeah Ravi you're. Fighting authornim~