Be More Careful

Living The Fantasy

Seyoung felt the subtle rays of sunlight against the half of her face. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled like she had the best sleep in her entire life. When she was fully awake, she immediately got out of her bed and searched for something on her study table.

After a few minutes of rummaging through papers, books, and other stuff – she found what she was looking for. She held the blue blank book tighter and exclaimed, “Thank goodness, it wasn’t a dream.”

Hearing a noise coming from the outside of their house, Seyoung looked out of her window. She saw a truck with its driver carrying a box to the door of the neighboring house.

“Aaaaah!!! They’re here! They’re finally here! Oh my gosh!” She squealed until she found it hard to breathe.

Probably hearing her daughter starting trouble early in the morning, her mother called to her. “Seyoung! What is going on up there? Come, eat breakfast already!”

However, Seyoung still couldn’t contain her excitement that she had to massage her jaws which hurt for smiling way too long. Afterwards, she got herself ready to go out. She wore a pretty blue dress and repeatedly brushed her hair. Of course, she didn’t forget to bring the blank book which suddenly became her most important possession.

Her mother saw her coming down the stairs all dressed up and seemingly in a hurry. “Where are you going this early? I thought you don’t have classes on Saturdays?”

“Uh, I’m going to Hyejin’s to do my paper.” Seyoung tried to make up a good excuse.

“Oh, but you’ve never been that excited to study before. Won’t you at least have a quick breakfast?”

“Yeah, because they’re hot and talented and…” Before Seyoung totally spill it, she noticed her mother raising an eyebrow. This made her get a grip of her own blabbering mouth. “…I mean my professors are hotheaded and erm, talented so they don’t want slackers and you know I wan’t to work harder this time.” She tried to keep a straight-face while telling her lie. I’m really sorry. Just this once.

“Mooom! Can I have more pancakes?” Her seven year-old sister who was sitting on the dining table, impatiently her fork clean of maple syrup, called their mother.

Phew. That was close. This naughty sister of mine could be a lifesaver sometimes. Seyoung sighed out of relief. Wait. Did she say pancakes?

She pulled the chair next to her sister and sat on it. “I need energy if I want to do better in my study, right mom?” She said while reaching for a few pancakes.

“What?! Mom, Seohyun used up all the maple syrup!” She complained while holding the empty bottle up in the air for her mom to see.

“There’s nothing I can do about it.” Her mother plainly answered.

Instead of sulking over it, she decided to take out her blank book and wrote:

A bottle of precious maple syrup appeared in the refrigerator of the Hee family (who has Seyoung as the eldest daughter in case you get confused) in Changwon.

Seyoung constantly checked their refrigerator for maple syrup. But after waiting for half an hour, she just finished her pancakes without the damn syrup. Aah. I’ve wasted my time waiting. How terrible. I have to note this.

  1. You can’t make physical objects magically appear out of nowhere.

Since she was already writing on the blank book, she wrote another story. I’ll just make him come to me, then. Her thought was complimented with a short evil laugh.

Hongbin went out of their vacation house to greet their neighbor. He rang the neighbor’s doorbell and was greeted by a female college student.


However, Seyoung couldn’t wait any longer for her story to happen. So she already left and rang the doorbell at the house next door. The big, brown box she saw earlier was still standing by the porch.

Hmm, does VIXX have everything they need in that one box?

Their neighbor, Mrs. Cha, opened the door.

“Oh, good morning, Mrs. Cha!” She happily bowed at the elderly.

“Good morning. What brings you here this early Seyoung?”

“Ah, I was just wondering if your visitors already came.”

“Visitors? But I’m not expecting any.”

“Huh? Come on, Mrs. Cha. I can keep secrets. I promise. You don’t have to hide them from me.”

“I’m sorry. You must be mistaken.”

“Then, what’s inside this box?” Seyoung asked while pointing at the box.

“Oh, those are fabrics and a sewing machine. I suddenly got interested in sewing.”

“Oh, is that so? I guess I was wrong. Then, I’ll go ahead. Goodbye, Mrs. Cha. Goodluck on your sewing!”

Oh my gosh, what is happening? What did I do wrong? Then, she reviewed everything she had written on the blank book. One particular paragraph caught her eyes.

VIXX went for a vacation to Changwon. They stayed at a house located at a neighborhood where a Starlight named Hee Seyoung lives.

Aaah, stupid self! I should have been more specific. Now, I have to go around this neighborhood to find them. Stupid. Stupid.

However, the worst was yet to come. She remembered the last thing she wrote.

Hongbin went out of their vacation house to greet their neighbor. He rang the neighbor’s doorbell and was greeted by a female college student.

Daaamn. What have I done? How many female college students are living in this neighborhood? They’ll probably recognize him. What if he gets attacked?


Twenty minutes have already passed, she got tired of asking the people around if they had any visitors. Great. Now, they probably think I’m a creep, if not a weirdo. She decided to visit Hyejin to rest for a while. Her best friend’s house was only four blocks to the left away from theirs.

Hyejin noticed how gloomy her best friend looked. So, she immediately invited Seyoung to her room.

“Hey, what’s with that face of yours? Here, eat up. My mom prepared this before she went out.” Hyejin said after putting a plate of bread loaves generously covered with nutella on the side table.

“I see. So, your mom still can’t cook. Why don’t you urge her to learn like how you urge me to finish my homework?”

“Come on, don’t complain. I know you love nutella.”

“Well, of course.”

“By the way, you know how the house next to ours was left empty for months now, right? But, earlier there was a guy who came from that house and greeted me. He said he and his friends are here for a few weeks of vacation.”

“What? A new guy? Greeted you? Vacation? Was he handsome?” Seyoung’s eyes widened and glimmered with hope.

“What’s with your speaking? Yes. His name. Hongbin. Indeed. Handsome.” Hyejin thought it was really funny how she was able to copy Seyoung.

Seyoung, on the other hand, was still in a state of shock.

“Oh, now that I think about it. His name is the same as that guy from VIPS!”

“You mean, VIXX!” Seyoung corrected. “I need to go to the toilet. Excuse me.”

In the bathroom, Seyoung tried to organize everything in her mind. So, VIXX is living next to Hyejin’s house. When I wrote that Hongbin greeted their neighbor, he actually met Hyejin. Phew. It’s actually better he met Hyejin who is totally clueless that she just met an idol than some random crazy fan who might have locked him in her room forever. Not that it wouldn’t cross my mind too, though. Aish, what am I thinking. I wouldn’t do that. Sigh. I should have went this way first.

Then she took out the blank book from her bag and started writing. Since I have to be more careful now, I should probably do this to make sure.

Hyuk suddenly screamed for no reason.

There. That will tell me if they are really here.

“Hey, Seyoung! What’s taking you so long?” Hyejin knocked on the bathroom door.

Seyoung opened the door and grabbed her best friend’s hand. “I have something serious to tell you.”

“Sure. What is it?”

“I think the guy you met earlier is really Lee Hongbin of VIXX!”

“What? No way! Yes, he could really make it as an idol with that face but what will he be doing here? Does he have the time to be having a vacation?”

“Believe me, I can feel it! How could you even not recognize him?! Tsk. It’s not like you’re living under a rock.”

After a few minutes, Seyoung and Hyejin heard a man screaming. This made the former rush out of the house.


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Chapter 4: When I saw Leo's gif.. I just.. ( arghhhh ) Anyway, Ravi likes her?? OMG!!! Best chapter!!!
topsecret_jie #2
Chapter 4: Can't wait for your updates!
BBC4Life17 #3
Chapter 4: imagine the chaos tho if some thirsty fan girl actually had the journal xD
those gifs man ;^; girl vixx is a meme xD ravi throwing his jacket off cuz he knows hell kill starlights *^*
BBC4Life17 #4
Chapter 3: wow I laughed when hongbin said he had an urge to go greet the neighbor haha
bruh I would kill to be in her situation. actually I would probably spontaneously combust out of shyness or some if I was ever approached by them xD
Lunawoon #5
Chapter 3: Wow she is so lucky *-* I want such a book, too xD Anyways, I really, really like your story! It's a great storyline and your writing is beautiful :) VIXX is ruining my life, too, so I can find myself in this story xD I can't wait for a new chapter :)
b2stb1a4 #6
Chapter 3: Oh gosh... how lucky is this person... wish I had a book like hers... *dies* i really love their comeback... wish they won in music shows... please a triple crown TwT
Chapter 3: The best chapter ever! " I'm not real. I'm Ravi " yeah Ravi you're. Fighting authornim~