A Combo of Screams and a Nosebleed

Living The Fantasy

“Aaaaah!” Hyuk’s scream was probably heard around the neighborhood.

Each of the members of VIXX laughed, well of course, except for Leo who was busy listening to music by himself.

They were all gathered in the living room along with their luggage and a few boxes still unpacked.

“Yah! Enough of your screaming! Our neighbors might get mad at us.” N stopped Hyuk from further screaming.

“Hehe. I just couldn’t believe that our CEO let us have a vacation. It was just so sudden.” Hyuk explained.

“I was thinking the same thing. Anyway, I greeted one of our neighbors earlier. She seems nice. And she’s pretty, too!” Hongbin said.

“What? You went out? What if someone recognized you?” Ravi asked out of worry.

“Ravi’s right. How could you go out without telling us?” N added.

Leo, too, seemed worried as he took off the earphone from his right ear and listened to the conversation.

“Calm down, guys. You were busy so I didn’t bother you. Also, I was careful. I don’t know why but I suddenly had the urge to go out and greet our neighbor. But, you know, she didn’t seem to know me.”

“Wow. She didn’t recognize artwork Lee Hongbin? Amazing. Maybe, we can casually walk around here without having fans follow us.” Ken said excitedly.

“What do you mean casually walk ar…? Aish, kids, I’m warning you. Don’t even try to be reckless and get yourselves in danger. We don’t have our managers around to protect us.” N warned them.


Seyoung looked at her knee after catching her breath. Running at full speed down the stairs was definitely a bad idea as it made her trip. Thus, the reason for her bleeding knee. Hyejin didn’t even manage to catch up to her. However, Seyoung could only care less. I’ll finally meet them in person. That was the only thing that mattered to her during that moment.

She was hiding behind the bushes while thinking about what to do next when a group of female high school students appeared in front of VIXX’s house. They were all carrying cameras with telephoto lenses.

“Are you sure about this?” One girl with an extremely short skirt asked.

“Yes. My mom said she saw the guy that’s on a poster in my room. She was pertaining to Hongbin oppa’s poster.” One of them answered while fixing her hair.

Oh no. This is bad. What should I do?

“Oh. Are you girls interested in buying my late grandfather’s house? My family is selling it for a really affordable price.” Seyoung tried to put on act. Great. I just lied earlier and I have to do it again. At this rate, maybe, I could pass as an actress.

“Because, you know, we still feel his presence even though it’s been eight months since he died. If you talk to my parents they might even give you this in exchange for a jar of kimchi.” Seyoung said in a whisper, continuing her acting.

“Aaah, what is this weird unnie saying?” The girl with a short skirt said while furrowing her eyebrows.

“It’s true. We can even hear him sometimes.” Seyoung was trying harder to convince them.

“Ehem, ehem…” a voice of an old man was heard from inside the house.

“Aaaaah!” The girls shrieked in fear while running away.

Seyoung laughed at the hilarious scene. “Ahaha. If you could only see the scared look on your faces…”

“Wait, but who was that earlier?” Seyoung wondered.

“Boo!” A hand grabbed her on the shoulder.

She turned around and saw Ravi who was obviously trying to scare her, too.

“Aaaaah!” She screamed. But, not out of fear. Rather, out of extreme happiness and a little disbelief.

“Oh. My. Gosh. You are…” She said and poked Ravi’s cheeks. “You’re real!”

“No. I’m not real. I’m Ravi.”

It wasn’t really funny. But, she laughed anyway.

“Thanks for doing that.” He smiled at her.

Damn. Damn. He smiled. What do I do? I can’t take this. She thought while unconsciously biting her fingernails.

“What’s wrong? Are you hurt somewhere? Do you not like me?”

“Oh no, no. Of course, I like you!” Why would I not? I mean, you’re the great rapper of VIXX.

“Really?” Ravi was glad to hear that. “Oh, look. You have a wound on your knee.” He said after noticing.

“Oh, I’m okay. It doesn’t even hurt.”

“What are you saying? Come, let’s treat it inside.” He said while gently grabbing her wrist.

Oh my gosh! I’m so lucky. Ravi is holding me! Seyoung was ‘fangirling’ hard on the inside while trying to keep her composure on the outside.

She took a seat while Ravi went to get a first aid kit. When he came back, he kneeled on the floor across her and started cleaning her wound.

“Oh my gosh, what are you doing?” She flinched. Wow. As if, she didn’t like it.

“What else? Treating your wound.”

She just let him do it even if she thought she was going to explode due to too much feels inside of her.

“Are you wondering where the others are?” He asked after he saw her looking around the room.

She nodded. Aish, why am I so speechless right now?

“They’re in their own rooms unpacking and fixing their things. I’m guessing you’re a Starlight so you more likely understand why I’m the only one who’s not fixing my things. But, I swear it’s not because I’m messy, or dirty, or something.”

Aaaw, he’s so cute. She took out her blank book while Ravi was still busy. Hmmm. Since I’m already here, might as well enjoy myself. She grinned and wrote something.

“There. It’s done.” Ravi said after putting a band aid on her knee. He sat on the chair across her. “So, who’s your favorite among us? Oh, you call it bias, right?

“Ah, yes…” She was hesitant to tell him. Will it hurt him if I say Hongbin?

“It’s okay if it’s not me.” He did two thumbs-up.

“Well, it’s Hongbin…”

“Oooh, my artwork huh?”

She nodded and smiled.

“By the way, what were you writing on your notebook a while ago?”

“N-nothing much.”

“Okay. You don’t need to tell me.”

After a few more minutes of talking, she became more comfortable with Ravi.

“Ahaha. You coughed like a real old man earlier. It was you who shooed them away.” Seyoung said while laughing.

“No. Your acting totally convinced them! That story was amazingly believable. You must be a beautiful liar!” Ravi kiddingly said. And they both laughed…

…until they heard Hongbin’s voice as he was coming down the stairs. “Ravi, did you see my…” He stopped his question midway when he saw her.

Seyoung cringed just at the voice of her bias and looked to the right where Hongbin was standing. Seeing him made her nose bleed. Oh gosh! I can’t breathe! Am I having a nosebleed? This is embarrassing. I thought this only happens in animes. Oh no, I’m seriously dying here. I didn’t know I was digging my own grave when I wrote:

Hongbin decided to take a quick shower. He came down from his room with only a towel wrapped around his waist, leaving his glorious abs bare while a few droplets of water were dripping down from his hair to his torso.


A/N: Hi! Sorry for this chapter being short. But, I hope you still enjoyed it regardless of the length. I'll try to make up for it by updating more often. And do tell me how you feel about the story so far. I'd love to know as it helps me in writing. (Even violent reactions, if any, will do) So, yeah. I'll be waiting while contemplating about how VIXX is ruining my life with its latest comeback.


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Yaaay! Living The Fantasy finally has a poster! :)))


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Chapter 4: When I saw Leo's gif.. I just.. ( arghhhh ) Anyway, Ravi likes her?? OMG!!! Best chapter!!!
topsecret_jie #2
Chapter 4: Can't wait for your updates!
BBC4Life17 #3
Chapter 4: imagine the chaos tho if some thirsty fan girl actually had the journal xD
those gifs man ;^; girl vixx is a meme xD ravi throwing his jacket off cuz he knows hell kill starlights *^*
BBC4Life17 #4
Chapter 3: wow I laughed when hongbin said he had an urge to go greet the neighbor haha
bruh I would kill to be in her situation. actually I would probably spontaneously combust out of shyness or some if I was ever approached by them xD
Lunawoon #5
Chapter 3: Wow she is so lucky *-* I want such a book, too xD Anyways, I really, really like your story! It's a great storyline and your writing is beautiful :) VIXX is ruining my life, too, so I can find myself in this story xD I can't wait for a new chapter :)
b2stb1a4 #6
Chapter 3: Oh gosh... how lucky is this person... wish I had a book like hers... *dies* i really love their comeback... wish they won in music shows... please a triple crown TwT
Chapter 3: The best chapter ever! " I'm not real. I'm Ravi " yeah Ravi you're. Fighting authornim~