Note 3 - Jungkook, The Golden Maknae

Suga's Diary

Hey guys, sorry for taking so long to post the third chapter of Suga's Diary. 

I hope you like it!



Hello, Yoongi here.

Jungkook is a talented boy. Even though he is the maknae, the kid can do a little bit of everything, gives a lot of himself for the group, and he’s also a good friend.

He used to be short and shy, but now he’s more extroverted, and taller than me! I think I’m feeling a little old… (Nah).

But, despite all that, it’s easy to remember that he’s still Jungkook, our group’s baby maknae.

He’s usually very messy, but we always end up letting him go because of his baby status. Sometimes he will act all cute and pouty to receive attention or to get the TV’s remote. He’s always so sly!

In order to escape from being scolded, he even learned how to shed fake tears. Smart brat. I never fall for his tricks, but all the others seem to believe in him.

Oh, and when he and Taehyung stick together, it’s maddening. And only gets worse when Jimin and Hoseok also join them to annoy me.

I think that, out of all the dongsaengs, I end up giving more attention to Kookie. That’s another reason to think that Hoseok’s been strange lately, because every time that I’m taking care of the maknae, Hobi either gets mad, or leaves the room. Jealous Hoseok is something new, I wonder what’s happening to him.

Anyways, letting that aside… Yesterday I decided to make good use of one of the rare moments when the kids were quiet, and there were no one to fight for the TV. I was ready to enjoy that little moment of peace, until Jungkook came and sit by my side on the couch.

At first, I just ignored him. Maybe he just wanted to sit there because he was bored, or whatever.


-What? – I asked while sighing, knowing what would come next.

-Can I watch something?



-Fine. – I said, with hidden motives.


-Yes, but only if you show me some aegyo.

In the exactly same moment I said “aegyo”, a frown appeared on Jungkook’s face. He hates doing aegyo. It always works.

I laughed when I saw him crossing his arms and turning to face the TV, sulking.

After a few minutes of tranquility, Kookie hugged my arm.

-Please, hyung. Let me watch.

-I told you. I’ll let you only if you show me aegyo.

The kid laid his head on my shoulder, grumbling and telling me how mean I was, and how much he wanted to watch G-Dragon’s performance, etc. I had some fun with it for a moment, and then, I relented.

-Ok, you can watch it. – I said, giving the remote to him.

-Thank you! – he grabbed the device and changed the channel.

So we sat there, watching a G-Dragon’s performance. Even though I already let him have the controller, he kept holding my arm. After some time passed, he fell asleep like that.

The maknae fell asleep by my side, how cute, right? No, because now I’ll have to carry this brat to his bed.

The consequence: a hell of a backache in the next morning.

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kero1mokona #1
Chapter 1: Get it, girl! <3
Chapter 1: Lol this seems cute (´∀`) can't wait for more!