The HeartBreak

Five Treasures vs Super Stars

The TV unexpectly and a man started talking “Welcome members of both F.T island and SS501 as you might know you will be living this mansion but there’s a little problem, you see we only have five bedrooms so all of you have to share a bedroom but it’s also solved you all will been sharing a bedroom with another band member from the opposite bands. Here it is

JongHun with JungMin

HongKi with HyunJoong

JaeJin with HyungJun

SeungHyun with KyuJong

MinHwan with YoungSaeng... and no you are not allowed to swap with anyone but if you do there would be some kind of mission... which SS501 should know how it works very well.” The guy in the screen did an evil laugh and the screen out.

F.T island looked at the scene blankly

Um... does anyone know what it weird person was talking about?”YoungSaeng asked.

“Well what he meant was...” reply MinHwan who once again placed on a white lab coat and glasses on himself.

“Wait, where did all that stuff come from?” asked KyuJong to MinHwan.

“That is what people called a secret.” he smiled” Well back to the topic...”

“No, you’re not starting with that again, remember we don‘t like a know-it-all because they spoil the fun, MinHwan.”SeungHyun said pouting.

“Okay, then” said MinHwan sulking in a corner, “but a letter just came under the door.”

All of the members of both bands looked where MinHwan was pointing and indeed they saw a letter. HongKi ran to the letter. ’I got it, I got it first.” He screamed in excitement.

All of F.T Island slapped their own face in embarrassment.

“What does say?’HyunJoong asked 

“”It looks like the formatting of the bedrooms in this mansion.” HongKi reply.” But in each room there two names and there’s a message. I’ll read it. ’This is where all of you are going sleep and the names are who you are going to live with. Remember if someone changes the place they sleep their bedroom-friend is going to be related too. So if you don’t want a mission then don’t move’ the end. I wonder who I’m sleeping with?” HongKi said curiously tracing the page to find his name.”No, it can’t be!”

“What is it?”JongHun asked walking to HongKi.

“I have to sleep with him!” HongKi said pointing his finger of accusation on HyunJoong.”I don’t want to; I want to sleep with JongHun only.”

“HongKi don’t be like that, it’s only for two weeks.” he said but HongKi was clinging on to JongHun for his life.

HyunJoong rolled his eyes.”Bright side, I now know who I’m going to sleep with.”

“Wait, didn’t the letter say something about a mission?” asked HyungJun in panic.

”Yep, I wonder what the mission is about?”JaeJin replied with a question of his own.

YoungSaeng came into the conversation “If it talking about the missions we use to do, well, to put it simply you either have to do something that will embarrass you or you will have to do something in secret without the other band members knowing and I mean that in the bad way.”

“I’m never going back there again.” cried HyunJoong “So HongKi lets go upstairs now.” He said as he tore HongKi away from JongHun and dragged HongKi with him up the stairs.

“JongHun!” HongKi cried “Save me!” JongHun wanted to run to HongKi so much back but KyuJong stopped him by placing their hand in front of him.

‘’ It’s for his own good, believe me.” KyuJong said, “Where’s the sheet?’’

‘’ It’s with HongKi, remember he was one who had it in his hand’’ JongHun replied but still looked like he was torn apart.

‘’No, please no I’ll be back, just wait for a second.” KyuJong said as he ran up to HongKi.

JongHun turned to the remaining members of F.T island.”Guys, we must fight. I know we will miss each other but it has to be .HongKi is already being taken away. We don’t know who’s going to be next. Its unfair world but we must keep fighting...” All the band members couldn’t control their feeling anymore and they hugged each other and cried. 

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taylor_fox #1
Chapter 9: the story is amusing, but the ending is a bit weird
shina4life #2
Idk lols cute story
diamante25 #3
SO FUNNY!!! You must write more hilarious stories with FT Island.
lol i love it hahaha XD
so cute <33 ft island with ss501 <333
Lol x-x .. so dramatic..
i would but i can't be bothered to lol (already knowing what my next fanfics going to be about)
Jaehyun/SeungJin! :D Make a sequel~!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDD
shina4life #10
epp >-< love when jungmin turns girl!!!