Your P.O.V

My wish...
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“Wake up wake up,” I felt a shake. “Huh?” I said half awake. Then I jerked up. “OMG MY MATH TEST!!!” “Yeah you dummy.. Don’t worry we’re not late. Get ready, you can sleep more in the car.” Junhoe reassured me. I grabbed my bag and my blankets and pillow and followed Junhoe out the building and into his car. I got drowsy again the moment my hit the seats. I slowly put my seatbelt on, and before I knew it, I woke up to another shake. “We’re here,” Junhoe told me as he handed me a cup of coffee. “Do well y/n! I know you can do it, you’re going to ace this,” he said giving me a fist bump. I took the cup of coffee from him and gathered all my things to leave. Before I left, I faced Junhoe. Before I even knew what I did, I leaned over and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. “Thank you for everything Junhoe… I couldn’t have asked for a better tutor, and don’t think I didn’t know what you did to me last night,” I said smiling like crazy. I saw him turn red and I started to turn red. I got off the car, and leaned in to the window, “I’ll ace this and I’ll make sure to grant any wish you want. I pinky promise. I won’t let you down,” I said smiling before jogging off to my class. I felt really confident in all of my answers as I placed my finished test on the teacher’s desk. I walked out of class, and planned to just ditch the rest of my class. I texted Junhoe. I finished my test! Am I allowed to ditch the rest of my class today? :)

My phone vibrated within seconds. HOW DID YOU DO?!?! DO YOU THINK YOU DID WELL?

Can you just pick me up first?

Fine… But only because you studied all week for this test and you deserve a break.

I spotted his car as soon as it rolled on campus. I managed

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naokiirie #1
Chapter 5: Wowowowowowowowowowowowow! That's all I can say...