Chapter 16: Happy and Peaceful

It's Not Forbidden

Seokjin stared off into the sunset, perched up on a tree branch, just like what he did when he was still a little kid. Jungkook stepped out from the back door of the house and looked up at him with a smile, "Hyung~," he called out, jumping with his hands waving in the air. The wolf smiles and grabs one of his hands, using his strength and pulling the younger up with him on the branch. "Hi, Kookie." he greets back, reaching out to ruffle the boy's hair into a mess. The younger pouts, but he doesn't mind. Instead, he ruffles Seokjin's hair in return, earning a playful whine from the older. "It's beautiful," Jungkook says, referring to the sunset that left an orange tint over the horizon, shining over the valley where the village held farms and simple gardens, full with plants and flowers that Seokjin would like to frolick in during the weekends. The younger would be there with him, sitting on the grass, watching him relive his memories as a kid, the childish wolf in him showing. 


As they kept watching the sunset, Taeyeon had headed out to see them, calling them in for dinner. Seokjin jumps down first and leaves Jungkook up in the tree, eyes wide and voice squeaky as he whined about being left there. "Hyung!!," he yelled and Seokjin chuckled, spreading his arms out, letting the other know that he could catch him no matter what. At first, Jungkook was hesitant, but he didn't want to stay up there forever. Besides, he was hungry and the smell of grilled meat and fresh herbs constantly wafted through the whole house since his mother liked to cook. She couldn't do that much back then, but now she had a huge kitchen to make food in. He gulped slightly and jumped down, feeling the wind then a he fell into Seokjin's arms, warm and firmly wrapping him in an affectionate hug. Taeyeon laughs lightly and gestures for them to come in. 


Dinner was busy, people chatting with each other and telling stories. Seokjin and Jungkook were quietly eating, sitting beside each other. The wolf was busy stuffing his face with beef and Jungkook seemed happy to watch him as he did. When mealtime was over, everybody was back to their own business. Seokjin was back outside, staring at the moon this time. Jungkook came to him again, standing beside him as they both looked up at the sky, admiring the stars and the moon brightly shining in the dark. "We're finally safe," Jungkook says, breathing out. Seokjin smiled, "We won't have to run anymore. And here...I'm with my own kind," he mumbles as he looked down at the valley, watching a family play with wolf pups, petting them gently. The younger smiled too, looking up at him, admiring the older's features, finding things he hasn't really noticed before like how Seokjin's cheeks puffed out slightly. 


Seokjin wrapped an arm around Jungkook's shoulder, pulling him closer. No more words were said as they looked around, the moon lighting up the valley where the kids ran around, carrying lanterns and playing with the other wolves or mages who resided nearby. Jungkook smiled to himself, he looked at Seokjin, then the valley, then back at Seokjin.

This was the place where he would live, along with his parents, friends, and of course, Seokjin. There were no hunters to ever get in their way and everyone was extremely friendly and hospitable. Jungkook could never be happier. 

It was time to start new memories. 

Memories that will remain in the place and their hearts forever.


The End~ 

So this is the end of the story~ I apologize if the chapters have been so short. But I will come back with much better stories next time~ I hope you have enjoyed this story. Thank you for all the votes and comments you gave me, I really appreciate it~

Thank you, my lovely readers~ ^^

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Luciferka #1
Chapter 16: Wowww..beautiful and lovely
Natashabird #2
Chapter 16: I liked the story very much :)
Chapter 16: Totally Kawaiii!!!! (the ending i mean)
Chapter 11: nooo Seokjin T.T
Chapter 7: oh my, poor SeokJin and Kookie.
Chapter 4: poor Jin T.T I'm glad Kookie is trying to protect him!
KiwiPrincess #7
Chapter 16: Great story..i'm happy that finally they are safe..the ending is so beautiful..just perfect!

Thank you for this great story.. ^.^
LilyClover #8
Chapter 13: Is Taeyeon a witch?? (No offense) and thanks for the update~~
kpoplover_160 #9
Chapter 12: ^.^ *might be chanting* Jin is safe I love Jhope