Chapter 15: Finally There

It's Not Forbidden

The hunt was quiet and it wasn't much of a struggle. The deer was unaware of the two lurking bwhind the trees and it was too late to run as Seokjin tackled it to the ground, its bones breaking from the wolf's weight and it fell dead. Hoseok came out from the bushes as he shifted back, "That was supposed to be mine," he whined and the wolf just chuckled at him and stared down at the huge animal. "Let's get this back home," Seokjin said and shifted back, ready to drag the game back to Taeyeon's cottage.


She was standing near the porch as she waved at both of them, stopping when she sees what Seokjin was dragging right behind him. Taeyeon bends down and pets the wolf's head and asks them go bring it out back, Seokjin does as he was told and Hoseok follows him. In a hour, the scent of grilled meat wafted through the whole house and everyone, especially Jungkook, was drawn to the backyard. There, stood Taeyeon and the other two. Jungkook ran to Seokjin and hugged him, the wolf nuzzling him affectionately. The fire lit their surroundings with a bright orange glow, venison cooking over the bright heat. "So, how'd you two meet?." Taeyeon asked, looking over at the two who were both snuggled up in Seokjin's oversized sweater. Jungkook chuckled slightly, "I found him when he was still a young wolf. I took him in and we've been close ever since," came his simple reply, short but it elaborated their whole story. "Why were you all alone, pup?." Taeyeon asked, the concern on her face showing. 


Seokjin was silent, completely silent. He looked over to Jungkook's parents, then at Hoseok minding the meat cooking over the fire, next he looked at the younger boy sitting beside him, then back at Taeyeon. "Well?," she asked, voice soft to show that she wasn't rushing him. "During the night, when I was attacked, my pack just left me. It's like they just wanted me to die out there alone," Seokjin responded, voice dropping an octave, eyes shining a bright gold. Taeyeon felr guilty for asking the question and had scooted over to him to pet the wolf on the head. "Sorry, pup." she apologized but Seokjin waved it off with a small smile, deciding to focus on other matters, like moving to the village that Jungkook's mother has always been talking about. The thought of lush green fields, flowers, and kind people made him giddy and warm in the inside. 


Taeyeon agreed to help them, suggesting that they eat well now, so they could travel that night. They weren't really onboard with the idea at first, but if they were eager to be out of the danger zone, they had to keep moving towards their destination. Taeyeon was more than willing to tag along, stating that she hasn't been out and about for awhile, Seokjin was more than happy to accept the offer. That night, everyone had slung their bags over their shoulders, one gun each person to which they thank Hoseok for raiding the hunter base before he quit the group. They trudged through the depths of the forest, guided by light magic, Seokjin's night vision, and Hoseok's old flashlight. Jungkook didn't like the dark, but he was going to have to deal with it until day would come, which was approximately nine hours until the sun would even peek over the horizon. 


They spent two hours walking and Seokjin ended up carrying Jungkook on his back, his parents had smiles on their faces, saying that they were close to the village. "We're almost there?," Hoseok asked, the hope brought back to his tone. Jungkook's mother simply nodded, seemingly relieved. Taeyeon decided to use a little magic, putting a little speed into the travel. The whole group's pace seemed to get faster and they could see lights within minutes. Just a few more meters and the village came into view, it looked almost completely modern. It was huge, surrounded by high walls, placed in the center of a meadow. Before they knew it, they were standing on lush green grass and earthy soil. Seokjin missed that scent, he was too caught up in the smell of smoke and gunpowder back then, he needed to get it out of his system with a great big whiff of fresh air. Jungkook had jumped off his back and had ran straight for the flowers, searching through the dark for a certain color. When a familiar tint came into view, he simply reached out and plucked it, running to the older in a hurry to show him what he had in his hand. A pink flower.


Seokjin took the pink bloom into his hands, smiling down at it before pulling the boy into a tight hug, relief and joy washing over him in waves. He followed his parents into the village, immediately spotting a woman run towards them. "I'm glad to see you, Hyeon." she said to his mother before the three adults hard turned back to the others. "This is my sister, Nori." she introduced, "And these are all my son's friends," she said as she patted everyone by the shoulder. Smiles and greetings were exchanged, but all they really needed right now was sleep. Taeyeon watched them from behind with a small smile before putting on her hood and walking away. Hoseok rushed over to her and held her by the wrist, "Hey, don't leave." he said as she looked back, hesitant. Nori walked over to them, "He's right. You can stay with us if you wish, we'll be willing to retrieve any belongings you have if you want." she said with a smile. Taeyeon smiled and slid off her hood, "Alright," she said. "Maybe I'll stay."


The next chapter is going to be the last chapter so please anticipate it~

Hope you like it~

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Luciferka #1
Chapter 16: Wowww..beautiful and lovely
Natashabird #2
Chapter 16: I liked the story very much :)
Chapter 16: Totally Kawaiii!!!! (the ending i mean)
Chapter 11: nooo Seokjin T.T
Chapter 7: oh my, poor SeokJin and Kookie.
Chapter 4: poor Jin T.T I'm glad Kookie is trying to protect him!
KiwiPrincess #7
Chapter 16: Great story..i'm happy that finally they are safe..the ending is so beautiful..just perfect!

Thank you for this great story.. ^.^
LilyClover #8
Chapter 13: Is Taeyeon a witch?? (No offense) and thanks for the update~~
kpoplover_160 #9
Chapter 12: ^.^ *might be chanting* Jin is safe I love Jhope