Tales of Love and Loss


  Oh no! The crazy woman is at it again! How is she torturing the Shinee boys this time? Stayed tuned and find out my little kittens.


  A short slender figure, wrapped in a heavy wool cloak despite the warm, muggy night slowly made his way through the dark. If his information was correct, the inn he was currently heading for contained the four people he'd been looking for for months.

  Once he arrived at the building and checked the sign to make sure it was the right one, not that anyone was likely to confuse a bright blue building named "The Fish and Anchovy" with anything else, even if a port town, he opened the door and stepped inside. Scanning the large common room, he finally spotted those he sought, well three of them anyway, heads of the merchant fleet Shinee. Taking a deep breath, he cautiously made his way toward them.

  Seeing the stranger he'd noticed stop in front of their table, the tall, black haired man who was sitting in the lap of the slightly shorter sandy haired brunette greeted him.

  "Good evening Sir. Can we help you with something?" 


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Chapter 5: Can I upvote again? Where do you find names ?? Nobody Important!!! Pure WOW
yulloxo6shinee #2
Chapter 1: Someone's gonna get hurt if they keep touching Key.
Queen of intrigue! Madame KE! Stop torturing your readers and update.
cassiejoyz #4
i demand that you update soon :p