1sentence: three

1sentence: gtop

#10: Drink
Seunghyun admits that he does like drinking wine (occasionally); but what he loves most is drinking Jiyong's lips - the sweetest wine that could possibly exist.

#36: Laugh
Seunghyun breaks into a silly dance and he waits (one, two, thr-), Jiyong then bursts out into laugher - his whole body shaking uncontrollably, delicate hand covering the back of his mouth and eyes becoming crescent moons - finally, this beautiful man is laughing.

#48: Unknown
Their hands are so close Jiyong's hand twitches to be closer, to hold on to him, but he hesitates; suddenly, though, large warm hands slowly engulf his and he turns to his right, looking up into the depths of Seunghyun's eyes, and although he's afraid, he isn't sure, there's so much they still don't know - unchartered territories, futures unknown - he slowly wraps his hand around the other man's and squeezes.

#41: Wait
It's only been a week and he already misses his hyung so much - God, he can't imagine how he would be like when Seunghyun leaves for national service in a few months time..... but he knows, like now, he'll wait, wait for him to come back, (wait for his warm embraces, his gentle kisses, his soothing voice saying "Ji...") while trying to commit all their precious moments together to memory. 

#07: Wings
Seunghyun comes home to find Jiyong snuggled on a couch, in deep sleep, and as promised on the phone, a plate of fried chicken - more accurately, chicken wings - on the coffee table for his supper; and he chuckles, shaking his head, as his heart fills with warmth; because he knows Jiyong loves the wings part of a chicken as much as him, but he probably ate all the drumsticks and left all the wings just for him

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Chapter 1: All of the sentences were so sweet and I really liked the mask one :)
I hope you will write more!