1sentence: two

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#23: Fire
When their lips crash together -  it's like fireworks had sparked off in their bodies - burning ever so brightly in sync; leaving their minds all hazy and dazed, their bodies all hot and tingly.

#29: Dance
Getting together with Seunghyun was like a dance; pushing and pulling - uncertain of where they were - before pulling and pulling and pulling
, because " the world", Jiyong thinks, lips crashing into Seunghyun's.

#24: Strength
Jiyong loves the knowledge that Seunghyun, a man with so much power - he could easily pound into him if he so wished - restrains himself, choosing instead to treat him with gentleness, and make sweet love to him.

#20: Talent
Jiyong has oh-so-many talents: he can rap, sing, dance and he's fashionable; but never did Seunghyun guess he that he would be good at this; he bites back a moan as Jiyong lightly at the tip of his and does things (that he never thought possible), with his talented, talented tongue.

#21: Silence
Because they're stubborn, when they fight, the apartment becomes absolutely silent and Jiyong hates it, hates the silence, hates everything, hates their relatio- no, he just wishes this would stop - and it does; with Seunghyun hugging him from behind, lightly rubbing the back of his hand, and burying his face in his hair, no words - just a silent "I'm sorry. I hate fighting. Let's forgive and move on?"

(then Jiyong turns, tugs his head into the crook of Seunghyun's neck, lightly kisses that spot under his jaw; "I'm sorry too. I forgive you. Forgive me too?")


Okay I know I kinda cheated on that last one

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Chapter 1: All of the sentences were so sweet and I really liked the mask one :)
I hope you will write more!