Chapter 42 ( a visit)

The Teen C.E.O


Examination day is finally over,the result of the exam will now be posted at the bulletin hallway any minute.sooyoungs friends are already gathered near the hallway bulletin while sooyoung just took a seat in a bench far from where her friends are's been two months since she started to avoid  her friends and it made her friends worried for her. 


changmin:still avoiding you? 

sun and hyo:neh

hyo:we don't see her anymore

chanmi:what happened to unnie? 

jinyoung:she change 360 degree after her party

CAP:maybe she got a problem

gongchan:we need to talk to her

hyoyoung:and asked her what really happened to her

Ljoe:i think we better give her more space 

kwanghaeng:we already give her the space she needs.she needs to tell us what is her problem

everybody was talking about how can they approach sooyoung in a nice way when the principal's secretary posted the result of the exam.students started to run towards the bulletin,when the students saw who got the perfect score they began to chant sooyoungs name.

some students run towards sooyoung who was listening to her ipod,when they are infront of her all of them congratulated her for getting the perfect score.sooyoung stood up from her sit and gave everyone a 90 degree bow.she then walked away from the crowd and started to walk towards her motorbike.

Ljoe saw soyooung walk towards her motorbike,he then run after her.Ljoe want to talk to his noona because it's been a month since their last talk.he got sad when he didn't see his sooyoung noona go to their house.Ljoe quickly grab sooyoungs wrist and spun her to face him

sy:*arch an eyebrow*what's your problem Ljoe?

Ljoe:i missed you noona*smile*

sy:ok then.*pulled away from Ljoe's grip*i have to go somewhere now

sooyoung put on her helmet then hop in her motorbike,but Ljoe was still standing beside her.

sy:go back inside Ljoe. i told you i need to go somewhere.

Ljoe:but i wanna talk to you

sy: no...

without thinking twice Ljoe hoped on sooyoungs motorbike making sooyoung stunned at his action.she just shook her head when Ljoe wouldn't get out of her bike.sooyoung got no choice but to bring Ljoe along to where she is going,he the  engine and in an instant she drove off as quickly as she could.sooyoung didn't realized that changmin followed her.





At Songpa-gu


Himchan's class was already over so he went straight to his bakery shop to watch over his shop,he made his two other employee go home to rest.It's already 2pm so there are only a few customer coming inside himchan's bakery.he was cleaning something when the door opened,he turned around to face the customer and greet them.Himchan's eyes widened when he saw sooyoung infront of him with an annoyed look in her face,his gaze went to the boy who is standing beside her.



himchan's p.o.v



i was cleaning the cabinet across the counter when the door of the shop opened,i turned around so that i can greet the customer.i was completely shock when i saw sooyoung standing infront of me,my face brightened up when i saw her again,it's been a month a half since we first saw her.oh she's wearing her school uniform,the uniform suits her,she looks cute in her uniform .my smile faded away when i saw her annoyed face,then my gaze went to the blonde boy who is standing next to her.

himchan:h-hello.nice to see you again sooyoung-sshi *bow*

sy:hello himchan-sshi *wave*

another customer entered the bakery and he went to the counter making sooyoung back away a couple of steps.i didn't recognize the boy,i think he is not from here.when i look carefully at his uniform,he has the same uniform as the blonde kid with sooyoung.


sooyoung walk to him and she arch her eyebrow at the boy he called changmin.the boy changmin just gave sooyoung a sly smile and rub the back of his neck when he turned around and face sooyoung

sy:ya why are you here?

Ljoe:changmin hyung*smile*

changmin:hello Ljoe...uhhmm...i followed you when you left the campus.

sy:why did you follow me?

Ljoe:noona your not alone.i'm here*pout*

sy:*rolled her eyes*why did you follow US? *looked at Ljoe* now are you happy that i included you?

Ljoe:neh noona...i'm soooo happy*hug sooyoung*


the blonde boy Ljoe hugged sooyoung like a kid.the boy changmin walked towards them and slightly yank him out off sooyoung who is trying to pull away from the hug.

changmin: i forgot to congratulate you for having a perfect score in the test

himchan:jinjja?sooyoung-sshi you got the highest  score?


the blonde boy Ljoe and the other boy changmin looked at me when i got shocked at what changmin said,they give me the weirdest look you could ever see.



end of p.o.v



Ljoe and changmin gave himchan a weird look.himchan just shrugged at the other 2 boys stare.

changmin: do you know her sooyoung?

sy:yeah i know him.

Ljoe:i didn't know you have friends here in songpo-gu

sy:we just met accidentally....changmin-ah is that the only reason why you are here?


sy:ok then you can leave and Ljoe go with him now.bye himchan see you later*wink* 




all Ljoe and changmin could do was shout sooyoungs name when she run out of the bakery shop and run somewhere,she  left changmin and Ljoe standing in the shop with a stunned look in their faces.




sooyoung left her motorbike infront of himchan's bakery shop.she run as fast as she can so that changmin and Ljoe can't follow her,when she was infront of the building she stop running and look from left to right,she wants to see if changmin and Ljoe  didn't follow her.when she didn't see them she quickly run to the blonde boys apartment and knock.  

Zelo didn't go to his school because he was sick,he is with jongup who also didn't go to school just to take care of his dongsaeng zelo.zelo was laying on the couch in the family room while jongup is cooking ramen so that zelo could eat.while cooking ramen a knock was heard in the apartment door.jongup left what he is cooking and went to the front door to open.his jaw drop when he saw a girl standing in a school uniform,he didn't recognize sooyoung because her back was facing him.

jongup: excuse me.may i help you?

sy: *turned around* oh jongup-ah

jongup: *bright smile* noona!

sy: are you happy to see me?

jongup: neh noona.come in.come in

sooyoung went inside while jongup closed the apartment door.jongup ushered sooyoung in the living room,there sooyoung saw zelo who is soundly asleep in the couch. sooyoung quickly went to his side and touched his forehead.

sy: awww...poor zelo-ah...

jongup: he's been sick since yesterday

sy:why are you here?

jongup:i'm here to take care of him.

sy: should have called me

jongup:noona have you forgotten

sy: huh?

jongup: you left your mobile here.

sy:*hit her forehead* o yeah i forgot.mian jongup-ah

jongup: it's nothing noona.i'll be back noona.i will get zelo's ramen

sy: ok

sooyoung took of her blazer and covered it to zelo.sooyoung once again sat infront of zelo and look at his facial features,sooyoung smiled when zelo stir in his sleep.jongup appeared in the living room with the ramen he cook for zelo,he woke up zelo so he could eat it and drink his medicine.zelo slowly woke up and sat at the couch,he smiled when he saw sooyoung sitting infront of him.

zelo: noona your here*weak smile*

sy: *took the bowl of ramen in jongup's hands and started to feed zelo* zelo-ah you better get well soon or else i won't visit you

zelo: ok noona...i'll try to get better tomorrow

sy: *messed zelo's hair* that's good *smile*

while feeding zelo the apartment door opened and himchan entered the apartment followed by changmin and Ljoe.jongup looked at the 2 boys who followed himchan inside their apartment.

hc:i'm home...zelo-ah are you ok now?*sad face*

zelo: *cough* i'm fine hyung.your early today *looked at changmin and Ljoe*


sy: *stopped feeding zelo and turned her body around* you...why are you still here?

changmin: who is he youngie?

Ljoe: noona you have a new dongsaeng *clutched his chest as if he was hurt*

sy: *rolled her eyes,faced zelo and started to feed him again* stop acting hurt Ljoe.

zelo: *looked at sooyoung* noona,is he your brother?

sy: they are my friends *gave the bowl to zelo* here...finish this ramen arrasso?

zelo: *took the bowl* ok noona

sooyoung stood up and walked towards changmin and Ljoe who are standing next to jongup who is still looking at the 2 boys with confused look.

sy: *crossed her arms in her chest and tap her foot on the floor* did i told you to go home?

Ljoe: neh noona.but i wanna go home with you *pout*

zelo: +why would he want to go home with noona?+

jongup:+i thought he is not noona's brother.but why would he like to go home with her?+

sy:i'm already not sleeping in the why would you still wait for me? and you should have went home.

changmin: but Ljoe doesn't want to go home.i tried dragging him to my car but he doesn't want to go yet.

sy: geez...well...we better get going.since his two don't want to go home until i'm not going home myself.

jongup and zelo: your going home already noona?

sy: *walk towards zelo and bend down* i better get going zelo-ah. jongup do you know where is my mobile?

jongup: mian noona i don't know. daehyun hyung kept it somewhere.

himchan:why don't you wait for them sooyoung.

Ljoe: why did you left your mobile here noona?

sy: *looked at Ljoe* none of your business shut it *gave Ljoe a death glare*

jongup:*looked at Ljoe and Changmin* please take a seat first.would you like something to eat or drink?

changmin:tea please

Ljoe:water please  

sy: *shook her head* oh god...why do they have to be here with me

jongup went to the kitchen to get them their drinks,while himchan opened the t.v so that they can play their PS3.sooyoung drag zelo out of the living room and told him that they need to go to his room so zeolo could take a rest,zelo ushered sooyoung to his room.

sooyoung was shocked to see zelo's room was a mess,she just shook her head and started to pick up his clothes that was laying on the floor.  

sy: when did you last clean this room huh zelo?

zelo: last week noona *bit his lower lips*

sy: geez.that's why your sick because your room is a mess. go lay down on your bed and i will finish this.

zelo: *went to his bed and took a sit* noona can i ask you a question?

sy: sure

zelo: uhhmm...who are those two boys?

sy: ah.the blonde boy is Ljoe while the tall guy is changmin.

zelo: why did Ljoe want to go home with you?

sy:his friends are living in my house.but i stopped going there coz i have a condo where i could sleep.and i prefer to sleep in my condo than in the house

zelo: are you avoiding them?

sy: *stop cleaning* a...anio.i'm not *started to clean again*

zelo:is changmin your boyfriend?

sy: ani...he is just my friend... know noona

sy: what?

zelo: i'm so happy that you are here.i'm feeling much better now.

sy: *walked towards zelo and kiss him on his cheek* that's a good news then. well...i'm done cleaning.i hope you will keep this room clean or else

zelo: i won't go here anymore *smile*

sy: good!now...lay down and take a rest

sooyoung was about to leave but zelo grab her wrist.zelo and sooyoungs eyes met when sooyoung looked at zelo,the young boy gave sooyoung a serious look.

sy: what's wrong zelo?

zelo:noona can you stay here?

sy: but i~

zelo: please noona.stay here for a can go when i'm sleep already

sooyoung didn't protest to zelo,she stayed in zelo's room.she grab a chair and put it infront of him.zelo grab sooyoungs hand and put it in his chest,sooyoung could feel zelo's fast heartbeat when her hand was on top of his chest.sooyoung hummed a lullaby song,when zelo was already sleep she tried to pull away her hand from zelo's grip but it didn't work.sooyoung got nothing to do but to wait for zelo to wake up,afraid that the youngboy might wake up if she tried again.





It's already 5pm class is finally over,youngjae and daehyun  went straight home coz they want to check zelo's condition.both of them are very worried when zelo got sick.daehyun thought that he will be the one to take care of zelo the next day so jongup can go to school.

daehyun and youngjae arrived at their apartment and walk towards the living room.they stopped walking when they saw two boys playing with himchan.both daehyun and youngjae don't know the two boys so that are playing with himchan.

yj: himchan hyung  

himchan,changmin and Ljoe stopped playing and looked at the two boys who are standing behind them.himchan stood up and walked towards his dongsaengs and hug them.

himchan: welcome home *smile*

yj: thanks hyung

changmin: *looked at daehyun* +woah who is that weird looking boy?+

Ljoe: *furrowed his eyebrow* +why is that boy wearing a mask?is he also sick like that zelo guy?+

daehyun and youngjae's gaze went to changmin and zelo who are sitting on the floor with a blank expression

yj: who are they *nods his head towards changmin and Ljoe*

himchan: they are changmin and ljoe

yj: new friends?

himchan: ani.they are sooyoung's friends

yj: noona's here?

himchan: neh.she visited us

daehyun's eyes widened and his heart skip a beat when he heard sooyoung was in their apartment to visit them.his eyes starts to examine the room but to his dismay he didn't saw sooyoung. himchan sensed that daehyun was looking for sooyoung when he noticed that daehyun was looking around the room

himchan: *went closer to daehyun and leaned forward to his ear* she's inside zelo's room.go on go to her and greet her. i know you miss her

daehyun's jaw drop and eyes widened at what himchan said to him,but thankfully his mouth was covered so they didn't see his lower face. daehyun slowly walked towards zelo's room to check if sooyoung was really inside zelo's room.daehyun slightly opened the door to take a peek,when he saw a girl with uniform he opened the door wide so he could walk inside.

when he was inside zelo's room he slowly walk to her,sooyoung fell asleep on the chair.his gaze went to zelo's hand,he was holding sooyoungs hands and he rested it in his chest. daehyun turned around and was about to leave zelo's room when sooyoung suddenly felt someone's presence and woke up.

sy: *rub her eyes* dae-daehyun?

daehyun froze when he heard sooyoung called his name,he slowly faced sooyoung.daehyun was greeted by sooyoungs sweet smile when he was facing her. daehyun's heart started to beat fast,he doesn't know what was happening to him.

sy: your home

dh: *nods*

sy: that's good...*smile* nice to see you again dae-ah

dh: *gave sooyoung a bow and looked at zelo*

sy: oh.he wanted me to stay here with him *looked at zelo*  can't get his hands off of me,that's why our hands is stuck with each other *pointed a finger to their hands*

daehyun walked towards zelo's bed and sat.he was about to wake zelo but sooyoungs stop her

sy:'s's fine with don't worry  

daehyun looked at sooyoung and shook his head in protest.daehyun wake zelo up,in minutes zelo opened his eyes and a smile crept in his face when he saw zelo sitting on his bed.

zelo: hyung your here

dh: *eye smiled*

zelo: did youngjae hyung asked my teacher about our homework?

dh: *nods*

zelo: thank you hyung. noona is here *looked at sooyoung*she visited us. 

daehyun nods in response,he then pointed a finger at zelo's hands.when zelo saw where daehyun was pointing zelo released sooyoungs hand and blushed in embarrassment.sooyoung patted zelo's head when she saw that he is blushing.

dh: *put his hand in zelo's forehead*

zelo: i'm feeling ok hyung.thanks to noona *smile*

sy: shall we go in the living room?i need to check my friends

zelo: ok.

daehyun,sooyoung and zelo stood up and went outside, outside the hallway daehyun stop walking.zelo notice that daehyun stop,he looked at daehyun and gave him a cirous look,zelo continued walking when he saw daehyun went to his room.outside the living room sooyoung saw changmin and ljoe are having a great time with himchan.

sy: oh come on...your kidding me *hit her forehead* why are you two still here?

ljoe: *walked beside sooyoung*  but noona i don't wanna go home not until your here with them *looked at the blonde boys*

zelo: +if only killing people is not a crime.arrghh+

himchan: it's ok sooyoung.if they don't want to go home yet then let them be.

sy: *gave ljoe a death glare* thank himchan for letting me not kick your ljoe.

daehyun and youngjae appeared in the living room,when youngjae saw sooyoung he quickly went to her side and smiled at her brightly.

yj: sooyoung-sshi! long time no see

sy: oh younjae-sshi.glad to see you *smile*

yj:you can just call me jae sooyoung-sshi

sy: can also call me soo or youngie *smile*  

dh: *also went closer to sooyoung and gave her mobile phone*

sy: *looked at daehyun* thank you daehyun

dh: *gave sooyoung eye smile*

yj: *looked at chanmin and ljoe* are you two sooyoungs classmate?

ljoe: ani.i'm still a junior in high school while noona and chanmin hyung are seniors.

himchan:oh before i forget *grab a paper bag and walk infron of sooyoung to give it to her* take this

sy: *tilted her head* huh? what's this?

himchan: it's a cake.

sy: but why?

himchan: it's a gift for being top in your exams *wink*

sy: gomowo himchan-oppa *kissed himchan on his cheeks*

yj and zelo: congrats!!

changmin and ljoe: OPPA?!

sy: weyo?do you have a problem with that?

changmin: a-ani *shook his head*

ljoe: you just met him but your calling him oppa? pfft *mumbled*

sy: did you say something ljoe?

dh: +this kid got a problem.what an +

yj: +i don't like him being posessive over sooyoung+

zelo: +this boy is already getting into my nerves+  

ljoe: nothing noona *weak smile*

sy: good

jong up appeared in living room,he told them that dinner is already cooked and by one they all went to the dining room to take a sit on the table and eat their dinner.




after dinner sooyoung thanked the blonde boys for keeping her mobile and for their dinner.the blonde boys walked them to where their car and motorbike was parked. daehyun,youngjae,jongup and zelo's jaw drop when they saw sooyoungs motorbike. zelo even hop in sooyoungs motorbike and hug it,jongup and youngjae touched sooyoungs motorbike  and gave sooyoung a look.

jongup: is this yours noona?

sy: neh.

zelo: so coooooool noona.

yj:i hope we can ride in your motorbike.

sy: don't worry when i have time i will drop by and one by one you all can have a ride with me

himchan: yah zelo-ah get out of there right now.they need to get home all ready.

zelo:*got out of sooyoungs motorbike* mianhe noona

sy: it's ok zelo-ah. oh himchan oppa can you please put your number in my mobile? *gave sooyoung her mobile to himchan*

himchan: *took sooyoungs mobile and input his number* here...i also put youngjae,daehyun and yongguk's number.

sy: thanks oppa.zelo-ah

zelo: neh noona?

sy: i hope when i call to check up on you tomorrow, your not sick anymore.

zelo: neh noona.i promise you that tomorrow i'm feeling much better

sy: good *walk infront of zelo and gave him a kiss on his cheeks*

changmin: +did she just give that kid a kiss?what is going on here?am i dreaming or something?+

ljoe:+she gave him a kiss!!!the !she gave this stranger a kiss!+

sy: we better go home.bye *wave*

yj: bye youngie. hope you come back again *wave*

jongup and zelo: bye noona *wave*

himchan: bye soo *wave*

sy: bye dae-ah *wave*

dh: *wave her hands to sooyoung*

sooyoung walked towards her motorbike,she then gave ljoe a helmet.she then hop in her motorbike,then ljoe also hop before he put on the helmet.ljoe hug sooyoungs waist tightly then gave the blonde boys a smirk.the blonde boys saw ljoe's smirk,they all gave ljoe a death glare,but ljoe just shrugged it.changmin thanked himchan for being nice to them,he then bid his farewell.changmin was the first one to drove off,sooyoung wave to the blonde boys for the last time then she sped off also.




sooyoung and ljoe arrive at sooyoungs other house.sooyoung got off of her motorbike first followed by ljoe.ljoe put the helmet in sooyoungs motorbike. sooyoung was about to walk when ljoe quickly grab her wrist and turned her to face him. sooyoungs eyes widened at ljoe action

sy: le-let me go

ljoe: no i won't *talked with a serious tone*

sy:*tried to pull away from his grip* i said let me go

when sooyoung tried to take off ljoe's hold on her wrist ljoe pulled her closer to him.their faces are only inches away from each other

ljoe: i didn't like it when you kissed that boy and himchan hyung.

sy: i don't care if you didn't like it

ljoe: i'm jealous sooyoung.can't you even tell

sy: are you crazy...why would you be jealous huh?

ljoe: coz i love you

sy: *eyes widened* y-you love me?

ljoe: yes.have you already forgotten the day we kissed?do you know that it was the most memorable day of my life.i kissed the girl that i like.

sy: your only saying that.your feelings is just playing tricks on don't really love me you better let me go now.

without thinking ljoe leaned forward and kissed sooyoung on the lips,sooyoung hit ljoe on his chest but she got  tired.unknowingly sooyoung kissed back,ljoe bit her lower lips.when sooyoung lips slightly parted he slid his tongue and explore soyoungs mouth. sooyoung can't believe that she was kissing ljoe,as seconds pass sooyoungs heart was beating faster and she was enjoying ljoe's kiss.

ljoe pulled away from the kiss,he smirk when he saw sooyoungs eyes are closed.sooyoung slowly opened her eyes when she didn't feel ljoe's lips on hers.sooyoung blushed when she saw that ljoe was looking at her

ljoe: now you know that i'm not kidding when i told you that i love you.

sy: *looked away* 

ljoe: * grab her chin and make her look at him* i really do love you sooyoung. i hope you consider my feeling for you

sy: i-i don't know ljoe

ljoe: don't worry i'm not in a hurry.i'll just wait for you. *kissed sooyoung on the lips once more then pulled away* you better get's getting late.

sy: *looked at ljoe*  ok.bye *weak smile*

sooyoung hop on her motorbike.ljoe went closer and kissed sooyoungs cheeks,ljoe grab the helmet on sooyoungs hand and he put it on himself.sooyoung wave goodbye to ljoe then she sped off and went home to her condo.









sorry for the late update


enjoy reading!


thank you! 





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Fangirlforlife #1
Chapter 29: Author nim please make sooyoung end up with L/Myungsoo....Please
SooSoo please ! >< and when will you update ? :(
jstfyi #4
kyaaaa l.joe kiss sooyoung! More l.joe-sooyoung and l-sooyoung moment please... Update soon
i'll think about your suggestion^^

thanks for suggesting^^
sunny89 #6
Can you make sunny end up with kikwang or someone else not in the same company with her?
@ sunny89
for hyoyeon
it's either hoya or eunhyuk

for sunny
it's either gikwang or sungmin

there will be another 3rd guy for hyoyeon and sunny...but it will not yet be revealed...the story will be a long long one...

eunhyuk and hyoyeon/sunny and sungmin date will come on soon...
sunny89 #8
Who's sunny and hyoyeon partner in this story? I mean end up with..
wow! a ChangSoo fic!!! this is really interesting! I'm gonna subscribe now!