First Date

Baby, It's Fact

Pairing: You (Jihyun)/Kwangmin

You bit your lip as you raced down the front stairs at the sound of the doorbell. Your stomach was filled with butterflies and you could barely keep yourself from squealing as you ran down the steps. Today was you were going out with Kwangmin for the first time. Well, you had gone places with him before seeing as you two had been friends for quite a while but today was different. Today was your first date.

You opened the door with a grin and Kwangmin smiled at you, nervously rubbing the back of his neck, "You look really pretty, Jihyun-ah."

You blushed at the compliment and stammered a thank-you before quickly grabbing your bag and walking out with him, "So where are we going?" you asked after a moment of silence.

Kwangmin stuffed his hands in his pockets as he walked alongside you, "I was thinking that we'd go into town and maybe get lunch and walk around a bit, what do you think?" he asked, glancing over at you and biting down on his bottom lip.

You grinned, "That sounds great."

Kwangmin's shoulders relaxed and he smiled to himself in obvious relief, "So...what do you feel like having for lunch?" he asked in an awkward attempt to make small talk. You giggled a bit at his shyness and took the lead, easing him into a comfortable conversation.

Before you even got to the restaurant that you two had decided on, you came across an arcade and the both of you were instantly drawn into it. Kwangmin was in the process of winning you a stuffed pikachu when suddenly you heard someone cry out in pain. You spun around right as the pikachu dropped down into the slot. Kwangmin frowned when you weren't able to witness his winning. He had been hoping that you'd be so happy about the plushie you would hug him or something but no--someone else had to go grab your attention. He turned around with a sigh to find out where the yelp had come from and when he did, his jaw dropped.


You blinked, turning back to face Kwangmin momentarily before turning back around and looking Youngmin over, "Oh, this is awkward..." you murmured, scratching the back of your head before bowing swiftly, "Hello, nice to see you again, Youngmin-ssi."

Youngmin bowed back laughing sheepishly as his twin glared him down, "It's nice to see you too, Jihyun..."

You nodded and peeked around the blonde, "What's your name?" you asked curiously.

Kwangmin looked appalled as Minwoo stumbled out from behind the pinball game with a apologetic smile, "Ah, I'm No Minwoo," he said sweetly.

You smiled back and with a polite bow replied, "Jung Jihyun."

Kwangmin leaned back on the claw game, "Hyungs, get out. I know you're there."

You couldn't help but laugh as three older men appeared with equally nervous smiles as they introduced themselves as Donghyun, Jeongmin, and Hyunseung.

"How long have you been tailing us?" Kwangmin asked in a flat voice. 

"Since you left the dorm," Minwoo answered. Kwangmin's eye twitched and Minwoo quickly added, "It was Youngmin-hyung's idea!"

Kwangmin turned his glare on his brother and was about to say something when you stepped forward, "Well, I don't mind adding to the group, do you, Kwangmin?"

Kwangmin's eyes were wide as were those of the others and though he desperately wanted to say that he did indeed mind he shrugged indifferently, "It's fine with me."

You beamed and motioned to the others, "We're just about to get lunch anyway, c'mon!"

Kwangmin reached into the claw game machine as you walked ahead with the others and pulled out the plushie with a sigh, "She forgot all about you, huh?"

After stuffing the pikachu doll into his bag he hurried after you and the others, a distinct feeling twisting his gut. The feeling only got worse as you all sat down to eat.

You were really easy to get along with and Kwangmin found it no surprise when all of the members took a liking to you. You were able to talk to them like you had known them for years making conversation easy. It honestly wasn't that Kwangmin disliked this either. Part of him was happy you could get along with his friends but a bigger part of him was upset because you were getting along so well you had seemingly forgotten to include him.

"Ah, you've known Kwangminnie and Youngminnie since 5th grade?" Jeongmin asked, eyes wide.

You nodded, "Well, yes I knew them both but I honestly never really spoke to Youngmin..." at Youngmin's hurt expression you quickly added a, "Sorry, oppa," before continuing, "It's not like I disliked Youngmin, I just always seemed to get along with Kwangmin better. After all, we both have the same obsession with Pokemon, ne, oppa?"

Kwangmin shifted uncomfortably at your suddenly bringing him into the conversation and as a result of his discomfort his reply came out as awkward and stiff, "Ne."

You bit down on your bottom lip in worry as Kwangmin turned his head to look out the window. You were about to ask him if he was feeling okay but Youngmin had started telling a story about how you and Kwangmin had dressed up as Pikachu and Ash for Halloween one year.

You laughed along with the others but you couldn't help but worry about Kwangmin's sudden disinterest.

The day progressed and although you and the others seemed to be having the time of your lives--Kwangmin remained distant. 

You weren't sure what you did wrong but you knew it had to be something big, at least to him, because Kwangmin was almost never anything but happy.

Finally deciding that enough was enough, you urged the others to walk on ahead of you as you stopped to wait for Kwangmin who was seriously lagging behind.

"Kwangmin," you murmured as you began walking alongside him. He doesn't make any sign of acknowledgement but you know he heard you so you continue on, "You've been really quiet this whole time, is something bothering you?"

Kwangmin's jaw clenched and though he spoke no words you caught on just fine.

"So you are upset then."

Kwangmin's stuffing his hands further into his pockets was the only sign that he even heard you. 

"Kwangmin,"  you stressed, grabbing onto his sleeve and stopping him from walking onward. Said male turned around and faced you with an exasperated expression on his face, again not speaking a word. The sight of his expression irked you and your next words ended coming out harsher than you originally intended, "Jo Kwangmin, what the hell is wrong with you today?!"

"What's wrong with me?" Kwangmin repeated, his lips curving up bitterly as he ran a hand through his dark hair, "I don't know..."

You shifted your weight to your opposite foot and placed a hand on your hip, raising a single brow and frowning at him. He was so easy to see through. He knew exactly what was bothering him...he just refused to say it out loud.

Kwangmin looked away from you again and you sighed loudly, your patience with him was wearing real thin.  Noticing how close you were to just leaving him Kwangmin mumbled something under his breath, eyes still looking elsewhere.

"What?" you asked, eyebrows furrowing.

Kwangmin turned to you and met your surprised eyes with his desperate ones, "I'm jealous!"

You blinked, standing upright, lips parting without letting out any words, "...what?" you asked a little breathlessly.

"I'm jealous, all right!?" he was practically shouting now, "I hate that the guys are here talking to you and making you smile when that should be me. I like that you can talk to my friends but I just wanted this to be a day for us, just me and you...not me, you, and my band mates."

You softened, biting your bottom lip, "Oh, Kwangmin...why didn't you say something?"

He scoffed, "How was I supposed to?"

You shook your head, "I wanted it to just be us too," you explained, "...but when everyone showed up I thought that it'd make a good impression if I got along with your friends so I just..." Kwangmin looked confused so you quickly cut off and simply said, "I was trying to impress you by getting along with the others."

Kwangmin laughed a bit, running a hand through his already mussed hair, "So...this was basically just a giant misunderstanding then?" he asked.

You laughed lightly, "I guess so..."

Kwangmin smiled at you and you smiled back, you weren't sure when it happened but the next moment you were wrapped in his arms, "...I promise our next date will be better..." he assured.

You peered up at him, "...there's going to be a second date?" you asked curiously.

A look of worry flashed across his face as he stammered, "Y-You don't want there t-to be?"

You laughed and shook your head against his chest, "Pabo, of course I want to go out again..."

He visibly relaxed and rested his chin on your forehead, "Good, he answered. You two stood in comfortable silence for a few more moments before Kwangmin shot up and reached around for his bag, "AH! I almost forgot!"

You pouted slightly, missing the warmth of Kwangmin's embrace but your dissatisfaction disappeared when Kwangmin pulled out a cute, little Pikachu plushie--the same one from the arcade earlier. 

Squealing, you made a grab for the stuffed animal before tackling Kwangmin in a hug with a yell of, "YOU'RE THE BEST!" 

Kwangmin chuckled, "I know, I know~"

After you calmed down enough you suggested catching up with the others since they were headed the same way but Kwangmin simply shook his head and held out his hand to you, "We couldn't be alone this whole time, this is our chance..." you blushed as he laced your fingers together and leaned down to your ear to softly whisper, "...the rest of the night, is just for you and me."

Well, that feels like a slightly awkward place to end but, oh well~~~

Sorry a million times, I have been really lacking in updating this story but don't think I've forgotten about it or anything!!! >.<

First off, I want to say that the updates for ALL my fanfiction will be a little slow during the week, maybe once in a blue moon will there be an update on a weekday. But I'll try to get in the habit of updating the majority of my fanfictions (or at least all the drabbles) on Saturdays/Sundays so look forward to that. Everything will get like a schedule...until summer when I have this habit of updating everyday because I have no life.


I might update again later, but right now I have to go over to my friend's house and get working on my Ancient Civ. project thingymajigger~~ huhu~~

Please comment and request---this story is based fully on requests so to keep it going the requests are needed~~^^

Hope you enjoyed the chappie~~ 

Kwangmin might just be my ultimate bias so I sure enjoyed it~~

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Love Interest: Jo Youngmin

Scenario: Best friends with benefits~~!

Extra Details: Your boyfriend breaks up with you and Youngmin is 'comforts' you... Can you make it like as tory that makes your heart clench?

Thank you~!
kyeoul #2
-has gone mad OTL-

Unnie, update soon?
Don't keep me in madness >D LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.
And the sad thing is that Kwangmin wasn't my bias anymore. And now that I've read this, YOU HONESTLY SCREW UP MY BIAS LIST O^O

Hwaitingggg! <3
pandaapple97 #3
@littlevergreen: Awwww *virtual huggies* Omfg, thanks so much~~ >.< Actually, I'm working on a request right now so this story shall be updated soon!!! But seriously, thank-you so much. Your comments are so sweet TT3TT
Ah...dongsaengie...I was rereading these and it's just....kyaaaaaaa~~~~<br />
Even though i read all of these already, they still make me go into Fangirl mode~ the elevator one (minwoo) especially made my heart clench. I think I started to tear up as well~ <br />
<br />
...I really don't cry easily.... *pouts* dongsaengie, you are really too good.<br />
aw this one seems like it could be longer! awe :(. But still really good!
DeadHearts #6
That was really good! By far the best chapter! Keep it up!! :D
pandaapple97 #7
@afrhxgd: Ahhh, you caught that? >.< Hehe, I kind of freaking love Hellogoodbye and Plain White T's which explains the title of my Gongchan series XDD Dude, now that I think about it, all my stories have titles based on songs EXCEPT for the SHINee drabbles cuz that was my first FF and I was uncreative at the time XD Anyway, thanks for subscribing~!!! :DDD
OwO subscribing :DDD<br />
Your drabble titles are all from Hellogoobye songs it seems :3
pandaapple97 #9
@sendohime: The leader needs moar love~~~!!! I'd want him for an older brother too...for that same reason XDDD Hahaha~ <br />
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@whitelove: Kufufufu~<br />
<br />
@x3minari: YAY~! Yes, you can call me unnie ^^ I got my best friend into k-pop and found one of my closest friends through the power of k-pop. Hehehe~ Omg, how can you hate FT Island?! How!?