Dark Knight


          After walking into class, Mingyu simply took his seat, and began napping. Wonwoo was still outside, frozen in shock. He cleared his throat, and turned around and was greeted by Jun, who was masking his anger and jealousy with a huge fake smile. Seeing Junhui's bright (although fake) smile awoke Wonwoo from his trance. Wonwoo's eyes returned into focus and became a crescent shape of happiness. 

"Yah!" Jun said

Wonwoo's lips curled into a smile of relief.

"Hey!", the Class Pres. replied, and jogged lightly into the class to join his bestfriend.

The two walked in, and incidentally were looking at the same person. Mingyu was sitting in his desk, his head not being supported by his neck and simply lying limp. He was probably napping again, Wonwoo had concluded. Wonwoo was looking at the peaceful latter with eyes of curiosity, and some kind of anticipation. Jun however was staring at Mingyu was eyes of jealousy and hatred. Without noticing eachother's glares, Wonwoo and Jun stayed at Jun's desk for the rest of lunch, which was only about 7 minutes, anyway. Staying at Jun's desk was requested by he, himself, however Wonwoo didn't mind or object. Honestly, he didn't feel like sitting beside Mingyu after what the hell just happened. Jun was sitting comfortably in his seat, while Wonwoo sat on top of a desk beside Jun's, located at the back corner of the class, as it was empty. It was an extra desk that had yet to be filled in their class. The two bestfriends were conversing as they usually did, and they were talking about hanging out today after school. Talking to Jun made Wonwoo forget about the distracting boy who recently entered his life, and made him feel happy and at ease. About 2 minutes before the bell for science rang, the plans were settled. After school, Wonwoo was going to go to Jun's house, and they would just watch anime, eat, and play some video games. The duo was happy about their plans considering it had been awhile since they hung out, due to both of them being in their senior year. Junhui, however had an alternative motive for executing their confirmed plans. After noticing the sudden, and out of place connection between his bestfriend, and some lawless delinquent, the senior decided that today was the day. After lunch was over, their usual science teacher walked in, and by now Mingyu was awake, with his notebook already underneath his left hand that was spinning the pencil between his 2 fingers. Wonwoo returned to the seat beside Mingyu, as everyone returned to their seats. Behind the short little woman, was a boy who followed her to her desk, stopped and faced the class. He was an unfamiliar, unknown person to the class, which started up whispers. He had bubblegum blue hair that covered his forehead, and he had a nice, innocent and cute appearance. 

"Class! This is your new classmate," she said, as she gestured towards the new senior. 

He bowed a full 90 degrees, causing his hair to fall over his face. After straightening himself up, he then flashed a cutesy smile to the class.

"Hello. My name is Xu Minghao.", he introduced himself. A lot of the girls squealed when Minghao winked at the group of girls who were whispering amongst themselves after his introduction. The new student was about to walk to the only seat available in the class, when Mingyu suddenly stood up. Wonwoo looked to his left, and observed the latter as a slightly evil smile spread across his face. 

"Minghao-ah!" Mingyu said with a happy tone

Minghao's eyes widened, and then almost disappeared when he smiled and said

"Mingyu-ah!", and the two did the classic bro handshake into brief hug. 

Wonwoo wondered how the two knew each other, considering he had never seen Mingyu smile that naturally, and let alone have a friend. But, honestly they seemed really close, and that raised the whispers in the class. Minghao walked to his seat, after exchanging a few quick words with Mingyu, and sat down. The teacher was slightly upset that the class was delayed, but was also kind of happy that Minghao already knew someone, and hopefully it wouldn't be so hard for him to fit in. Science class went by quickly, and this time Mingyu didn't leave as soon as the bell rang. Instead, he stayed and left his seat to go to Minghao's desk, who was already crowded with people who had questions. Wonwoo's full attention was on the latter who was making his way further from him. Then his line of sight was completely filled with a face he knew all to well.

"The new kid is kind of cool," Jun said as he took his seat beside Wonwoo. Wonwoo however wasn't listening, and still had his attention on the group surrounding Minghao that Mingyu was a part of. Except. Mingyu was sitting on Minghao's desk, and the two really did seem close. Even from Wonwoo's desk, him and Jun could hear the conversation happening in the crowd. 

"Minghao-ssi, where did you come from?", asked a curious girl. 

"I transferred from Kirin Highschool," Minghao said as he nodded. Then another student got his attention,

"Why did you transfer?", to which Mingyu laughed at the question. Minghao quickly placed a hand on the latter's mouth as he too was trying to control his laughter. The new student cleared his throat, and said,

"I was expelled from my old school for doing..." he looked at Mingyu who had stopped laughing and now had a serious look on his face, "things." Minghao answered. 

"Minghao-ssi, how do you know Mingyu-ssi?" a male student asked carefully as he looked at the duo. 

"His street cred is insane." Minghao said which earned a light hit from the taller sitting on the desk.

"Don't be fooled by his looks.. His credits on the streets is no joke either." Mingyu said, while looking at the crowd that was interrogating the newly transferred student. 

"Wait, Minghao-ssi, you... fight too?" another female student asked.

Minghao laughed briefly, and said "Minghao is fine. And, I guess you could say I do... but, there's a lot that goes on that people don't realize... so, yeah. But, unlike him" he pointed towards Mingyu who had a confused face,

"I don't skip class. I'm also not bottom when it comes to grades," Minghao teased, and Mingyu flicked him on the head.

"Tch, whatever.", said Mingyu as he slipped on his backpack and got off from the desk, and headed out the door.

"Yah! Where are you going?" Minghao yelled at the latter. Mingyu didn't turn around and just waved saying,

"Places!", then left the classroom.

"He's not coming back, is he?" the new student asked, and the whole crowd shook their heads in unison. 

Wonwoo and Jun looked away from the crowd, and starting talking amongst themselves. Both uninterested after Mingyu had left.

"Tch, great. I liked Minghao, but now I know he's all buddy buddy with Mingyu." Jun said, annoyed.

"Yah. Why do you hate Mingyu so much?", Wonwoo asked.

Junhui thought of how to reply, and if he should tell the real reason. But, he just simply replied,

"He started it! He didn't shake my hand, and he never talks to me." Junhui said with a hint of aegyo that made Wonwoo cringe. After that, the rest of the day went by smoothly, and before they knew it, it was the end of the day. Being Class President, Wonwoo had to collect papers from a few students and drop them off at the staff room, and Junhui waited for him at the front entrance. Wonwoo was as quick as he could be, and met up with Jun, and the duo proceeded to walk to Jun's house. When the two got there, Wonwoo greeted Jun's parents who were basically his own after all these years, and the two made their way to Jun's bedroom. Wonwoo dropped his bag on the floor near the door, and jumped on his bed and made himself comfortable. Jun was removing his uniform, and changed into more comfortable clothes, and when he turned around, he saw a shirtless Wonwoo who was asking to borrow his clothes. Jun became a little flustered, but was sure not to let it show. He threw Wonwoo a shirt that fit his bestfriend perfectly. They were the same size, clotheswise, so they often shared clothes. After the duo was changed, they sat on Jun's bed with a box of pizza to the side, and began watching anime. The two were laying comfortably on each other, and the lights were off for a better viewing experience. Plus, Jun knew that Wonwoo liked to watch in the dark and so he turned off the lights as the sun went down. It was about 9PM, and the two were still watching in the bed. In between, they played a few videos games, though. But as they were watching, Wonwoo leaned his head on Jun's shoulder, and just continued watching. Jun stared at his bestfriend that was using his broad shoulders as a pillow. He observed Wonwoo's jetblack hair that framed his jawline, and covered his forehead. His eyes that were usually always curved in crescents due to happiness. His nose that was a nice shape. Then, Jun's eyes trailed their way to Wonwoo's lips. His lips were curved into a smile due to what was showing on the screen. Wonwoo felt the stare, and looked up from Jun's shoulder, and locked eyes with his bestfriend,

"Jun-ah. What's wrong?", he asked his voice low and deep. 

And then, Junhui couldn't hold back anymore. Jun took his bestfriend's face in his hands and pressed their lips together. Wonwoo didn't kiss back, because he honestly froze. He didn't know what to do at the sudden kiss from his bestfriend. When their lips parted, Wonwoo immediately put his shaking hand over his lips, and shot up from the bed. He ran down that stairs as Jun yelled his name from behind him. Wonwoo didn't even bother to change into his uniform, he left in Jun's clothes. He even ignored Jun's mom who asked him what was wrong as he ran out the door, and didn't bother looking back. After he left, Jun allso ran down the stars, and was repeatedly screaming Wonwoo's name out the front door. Wonwoo ran away from the house that was like a second home to him for 3 years. Tears were streaming down his face, although he wasn't sure of the reason why. Was it anger? Betrayal? Shock? He didn't know, but he just kept running, without any set destination, or aim. The Class President continued running, his mind in disarray. His tears blurred his vision, which resulted in him running into a group of older teenagers. The sudden harsh contact with another body brought Wonwoo back to his senses, and he bowed to apologize. He just wanted to keep on running, and get as far away from that house as possible, but his movement was halted when he felt someone grab on to his arm. It was the man he had just bumped into,

"Well. Why's princess crying?" he said as he moved his face uncomfortably close to Wonwoo's. Wonwoo looked around in panic, and noticed that he was surrounded by the guy's group. The man grabbed Wonwoo's face and said,

"Aw~. Guys, look. He's crying. Shouldn't we cheer him up a bit?", he said as he squished Wonwoo's face and forced his lips into a smile. By now, Wonwoo was crying from fear and panic. He tried to escape from the terrifying man's grasp, but failed, as he was taken by 2 other guys and dragged him into a dark alleyway, that was only illuminated by a street lamp. 

"C'mon, little guy! Let's turn that frown...", the leader of the gang stepped closer to Wonwoo, "upside down!" he exclaimed as he lifted Wonwoo and flipped him, making him land on his back on the ground. Wonwoo groaned in pain, and braced himself as he became surrounded by the gang. 

What followed next was relentless beatings, punches and kicks. Wonwoo could only lay on the ground, grabbing his stomach in pain, as his nose bled, and various cuts opened all over his body. He couldn't defend himself, as he was weak and only spent his time studying. As the punches and kicks continued, he began crying even more, and shut his eyes. All he could think of during that moment was of someone who had always been by his side.


Wonwoo thought as he began to lose consciousness, but before he could he heard a familiar voice from the end of the alleyway, where it was completely pitch black due to the shadow. 

"Yah.", the voice said. 

"Yah what?! Who do you think you are talking to?!", the leader of gang finally took a break from beating Wonwoo. 

"I'll give you 3 seconds.", said the voice, calmly. 

The leader was infuriated, and gestured towards the shadows and one of his men went to deal with the unknown disturbance.

"3." the voice said, as they heard a body fall to the ground. The leader sent another one of his goons,

"2." the same voice said, and another body hit the ground. The leader became a little nervous and decided to walk closer to the shadow, himself.


Out stepped a tall man with both of his hands in his pocket. After closer inspection, the lawless leader's eyes widened as he recognized the figure that emerged from the shadows. Wonwoo lifted his head enough to see what was going on, but due to the blood and tears, he wasn't able to see clearly who the man was. The leader backed up a bit, stumbling on his own feet. He looked behind the tall man standing infront of him and noticed the two men he sent out, on the ground lying lifeless.

"Don't worry, they're not dead." the deep, low voice said. 

"K-Kim Mingyu." the leader said, stuttering in fear.

Wonwoo opened his eyes again at the mention of the familiar name. He was slipping in and out of consciousness. The Class President heard footsteps approaching him, and he tensed up thinking he was about to get beaten again. Instead, he was lifted gently and was now being supported by a tall, muscular body. Mingyu slipped Wonwoo's arm around his neck, and grabbed his waist to support him and was motioning for him to walk. 

"I-I'm sorry.. I didn't know you knew him. H-he's so weak and-and," the leader stuttered.

Mingyu just glared the man in the eyes, and walked away without saying anything. 

The two exited the alley, most of Wonwoo's weight being supported by Mingyu. Mingyu was guiding him, and the two ended up on a slightly busy sidewalk. The latter grabbed Wonwoo's face, and moved it around, inspecting it. He noticed the tears that pooled around the eyes that were beginning to bruise, and by impulse, he wiped them away. Mingyu's hands were rough, from all the fights, but were gentle as he used his thumbs to brush off the tears. Wonwoo looked into the latter's eyes, that was focused and darting around different parts of Wonwoo's face, looking at the cuts and bruises. After inspecting his face, Mingyu moved on to Wonwoo's body. Looking at his scraped legs and arms.

"Why the hell are you wearing a t-shirt, and shorts in the middle of the night?", Mingyu asked, kind of angry at the shorter's attire.

"It's Jun's." Wonwoo said in a low voice, and looked away. 

Mingyu sighed, "Can you walk?" he asked.

Wonwoo tried to, and winced everytime he put weight on his left ankle. Mingyu exhaled deeply, and removed the jacket he had on, and placed it around Wonwoo. Unlike Jun's clothes, Mingyu's jacket was loose and big on the Class Pres. 

"It's cold, .", Mingyu said, and then he crouched down infront of Wonwoo. Wonwoo was confused and just stood there, looking at him. Mingyu then turned to look at him,

"Aren't you going to get on?" he said.

"Huh?" Wonwoo asked, surprised.

"You can't walk. So, just get on, and lead me to your house." Mingyu said.

Wonwoo hesitated, and Mingyu pretended to get up saying,

"Fine, have a safe trip cripple."

But, before Mingyu could fully straighten up, he felt two arms wrap around his neck, and a weight leaning on his back. 

"Let's go~" Wonwoo said, laughing a bit.

Mingyu laughed at the childish tone, and got up from his crouching position, and began giving Wonwoo a piggy back. 

As they were walking, they were just talking, nothing serious, and at one point, Wonwoo became a bit tired, and nestled his chin on Mingyu's shoulder.

When they arrived at Wonwoo's house, Mingyu set him down carefully, and walked him to his door. 

"Aren't your parents going to freak?" Mingyu asked as he inspected the shorter, head to toe. 

"They're really understanding, so I'm sure if I just tell them what happened, everything will be fine.", Wonwoo assured the latter. Mingyu looked around at the various houses in Wonwoo's neighbourhood, and said

"Oh yeah. What were you doing out so late? I thought all the President did was study after school." Mingyu mocked.

Wonwoo contemplated whether or not he should tell Mingyu. And right before he was going to speak, the front door to his house opened, revealing his mother. She gasped after seeing her son's beat up body, and grabbed him and dragged Wonwoo into the house. Mingyu bowed respectively, and smiled awkwardly and waved goodbye at the president who was trying to calm his mother down. He waved and Mingyu and said a quick

"I'll see you tomorrow!"

When Wonwoo got inside, he was attacked by his concerned mother who immediately started asking what happened. Wonwoo told the whole entire truth, and the exact same to his dad who came down the stairs, worried. The Class Pres. made sure to leave out the part involving Jun, and simply said he was going to the convenience store, and Mingyu happened to save him. After dealing with his parents, Wonwoo showered, and went to his room. On his bed was a large leather jacket, that didn't belong to him, but a special mysterious someone. Wonwoo fell asleep almost as soon as his head made contact with the pillow, after the harsh day he had been through. 

The next day, Wonwoo walked into class, avoiding Jun as best as possible, but he couldn't avoid him when he was attacked asking what the hell happened to his face. Wonwoo didn't really want to talk to him, considering the awkward situation yesterday, but he told him that a gang got a hold of him, and not to worry since he was fine now. Jun started to calm down a bit, but things got intense when Mingyu entered the classroom, with his hands bandaged up. 

"How badly did he beat those guys?" Wonwoo thought to himself.

And instantly, Junhui made a wrong assumption. He ran to Mingyu and grabbed him by his shirt's collar,

"What?! So you are the one who did that to Wonwoo?" Jun yelled in Mingyu's face. Mingyu looked at him confused, then at Wonwoo, and back at Jun.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Mingyu replied, calmly and tried to loosen Jun's grip on his shirt.

"Don't even try and bull your way out of this." Jun replied, furious. "Then explain how Wonwoo's face is all beat up, and your knuckles are bruised? Huh?"

"Jun, that has nothing to do-", Wonwoo tried to clarify,

"Stay out of this Wonwoo." Mingyu replied to avoid angering Jun even more, but it had the opposite effect.

"Oh so now you're controlling him, so that he doesn't say a word about you? And why are you here first period, huh? To make sure you and Wonwoo had your stories straight?" Junhui was sounding crazy, and even Wonwoo was surprised at how his bestfriend was acting.  

Jun couldn't take his anger out in words anymore, and he swung, landing a blow on Mingyu's face. Mingyu rolled his eyes, and wiped his jaw. The experienced fighter then swung back, and at that moment was caught by a teacher. Mingyu still landed the punch, which sent Jun to the side, into some desks. The class was watching in disbelief, and whispers were wondering if Mingyu had really beat up Wonwoo.

"That is it, Kim Mingyu!" said the voice of their Math teacher, "You are suspended for 1 week!", he said furious.

Mingyu scoffed, and took his bag and roughly slung it around his shoulder. He then stormed out of the class, and slammed the door on his way out.

Wonwoo's eyes started darting around the room, not believing what just happened. He felt responsible, if he didn't run away from Jun this wouldn't have happened. If he could've defended himself, Mingyu wouldn't have had to save him. Feeling that Mingyu was suspended because of him, Wonwoo simply cursed under his breath,








YO. lmao okay, so yes. I update again, because today I didn't have much homework. I like reading your comments xD For ideas of what I should do next, or just for improvement pointers. Uh yeah! I'll try to update soon, but I hope you guys stay subscribed, and enjoyed reading this chapter. ^_^ - Zen.








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Hi guys. It's Zen! (: Just wanted to let you guys know that this story will be ending soon! :D Hope you guys follow till the very end. Love you


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Skdjcjsjeb #1
wonwoo_wife #2
Chapter 36: WOW thank you authornim. i really love this story. .. ❤️
Chapter 36: Hai Zen! I spent a few days to finish this story. And I realllyyyyy love this!!! How the story goes sweetly, then comes the problem that makes me a little scared when Mingyu fights. I like the portrayal of Wonwoo's character. It doesn't feel forced, just flows naturally. And I'm reading this in 2022 which made it easy for me to match their young and current images. Lastly, thank you for presenting a beautiful story!!
And, I was wondering where is Seungkwan? I didn't find him in every chapter. Just curious.
waee09 #4
Chapter 35: Omgggggg whoever you end up marrying is going to be soooo lucky. The vows and the entire freaking ceremony feeels like a dream and something I didn't think I'd need in life. So bladdyyy beautifulllll I cannottt. Thank you sooo much!!
Chapter 11: Dsshssdgdss this chapter was soooo cute!! Mingyu is so sweet towards Wonwoo!!
Chapter 21: This fic is so GREAT and FLUFFY and ENJOYABLE to read!! Thank you for writing thissss!
MysteryW #7
Chapter 10: After 2years I finally realized this. The story said wonwoo left his phone at home but at the end he had his phone and texted mingyu haha
Chapter 1: now this is my shhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiii
Chapter 35: This was such a sweet loving and beautiful storyyy. I love the couples, I love everyone oh my god I am tearing up because of happiness. Love ya authornim <3