


Woohyun grabbed his own thigh, trying to get his leg to stop shaking. He was having a hard time sitting still, too excited to see Sungkyu's surprised face when he finally got here. He checked his watch, nervously biting his lip. He was supposed to be here by now, had something gone wrong? Had Hoya not been able to hold up his part of the bargain? Nah, it was going to be fine, this time he was going to show up for sure. Hoya would never bail on their arrangement, he wanted the dance audition too badly. He could see it in his eyes, they burned for a chance to realize his heart's dream. That kind of passion didn't accept failure. Sungkyu was going to show up. He grinned without meaning to as his heart jumped a little. He adjusted himself in the seat, his insides vibrating with anticipation. He had really gone all out this time, epic was the word that came to mind.

He battled shortly with the recline button on his seat, putting it in the upright position to prepare it for take off, he didn't want to waste any time, he wanted to get going as soon as Sungkyu arrived. The pilot was on stand by, ready to take them on an adventure. A ridiculously romantic one. Sungkyu didn't stand a chance. After tonight he would be his and his alone. He giggled at the thought. Or at least for the night, he reminded himself, not wanting to get ahead of himself.

He heard a sound that dragged him back into the real world, leaving the enchanting realm of fantasies. For now. It was the sound of footsteps! Sungkyu's head popped in through the hatch, his eyes opening as wide as they would go, which wasn't very far. What a cute idiot. The moment their eyes crossed, Sungkyu's demeanor changed drastically.

“You've got to be kidding me!” he blurted out in annoyance. He entered nonchalantly, slamming a coffee cup on the table in front of him. “What kind of an airplane doesn't have coffee?” he muttered under his breath, turning around on the spot, preparing to leave.

“Hang on!” Woohyun exclaimed to stop him. “Have a seat.” he offered, nodding to the seat opposite him.

“What? Why? Do you have to sample the product before you let me go? Don't worry, it's coffee, I guarantee it.” Sungkyu sneered, clearly in a bad mood. He, who every day, without fail, smiled so brightly to every other customer, why did he always get so irritated at him, and only him? Then it hit him, his heart doing a complicated gymnastics routine in his chest as his cheeks heated up. Just like the boys at the playground who pulled the hair of the girls they liked, Sungkyu took it out on him how much he liked him. He giggled to himself. With all that frustration, he must like him a lot. Aigoo, poor guy. Carrying around all those feelings day in day out, and then when he saw him, the sparkling star that he was, it just got too much for him to handle, lashing out at him so he wouldn't get caught. He couldn't blame him, it must have been so hard for him.

“We're going to Italy, to try some authentic Italian pizza.” he announced theatrically, putting his hands up, making a ta-da type movement, eagerly anticipating Sungkyu's expression of surprise and amazement, followed by thankfulness and excitement.

“Huh? Come again?” Sungkyu's eyebrow shot up, he was too stunned to say anything else. Success.

“For our first date, silly.” he chuckled, unable to contain his excited smile. Sungkyu's frozen, expressionless face made his heart skip a beat. He was getting more and more handsome every time he saw him, to the point that he almost found him beautiful. Strange. He had heard of this phenomenon, that if you got to know a person and you really liked them, their outward appearance could change too, and you would start seeing what was inside them on the outside too. He had never really believed it though, never having experienced it. But it was true. He could see that now.

“Uhm, I came here for work, delivering coffee..” he pointed at the cup he had just delivered, before uncomfortably scratching his head, his frustration being replaced by awkwardness. “I can't just jump on a plane and go to Italy at a moment's notice.” he firmly stated, finding his footing again, looking at Woohyun like he was out of his mind.

“Don't sweat it, Hoya gave you a few days off and I took the liberty of preparing some clothes and stuff that you might need.” Woohyun grinned, almost not believing that they were finally really on their way to have their first date. Wooing someone had never taken so long before, but it was worth the wait.

“Paid vacation?” Sungkyu asked skeptically.

“Eee.. no idea.” he shrugged, not seeing what that had to do with anything.

“Definitely not then. Look, ignoring everything else, I just can't afford missing even one day of work, let alone two or three..” he coldly started explaining, his face hard and his eyes distant.

“If money's the issue, I'll just pay you what you lose by missing work.” Woohyun interrupted him, proud of his ingenious solution. That was called thinking on one's feet, he told himself satisfied.

“So you'll pay me to date me? Isn't that called ion...?!” Sungkyu asked incredulously. “Yeah, I'm not for sale.” he clenched his teeth, talking through them, calmly but pointedly.

Woohyun just stared at him, his jaw rolling around somewhere on the floor.

“A cute guy like yourself shouldn't have a problem procuring a free date, but if you are bent on paying for it, then you can find someone else than me. And, while we are on the subject, please don't bother me at work, ever again. It might be a good idea for you to just find yourself a different coffee house, Seoul is crawling with them so it shouldn't be that hard. Especially since at my coffee house it's not considered proper etiquette to cut in line just because you think you're more important than other people.” he told him in an extremely polite tone, but his words had a bite to them. And then he just up and left, not giving Woohyun a chance to explain.


What just happened?, he asked himself dazed, Sungkyu's words echoing inside his head. But, the fact remained, he had said he was cute. Those had been his exact words, 'A cute guy like yourself'. He couldn't contain himself, jumping up and doing a little happy dance. Sungkyu thought he was cute!




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Simran20 #1
Chapter 8: I started reading this fic...but I am in love. Sungyu is really making woohyun frustrated.
Chapter 22: Pls continue
Chapter 10: Yes! Finally
Chapter 5: Omg hoya dongwoo
Chapter 3: Who was that?
Chapter 1: Wow this passive passive flirting is fun XD
Chapter 22: An update for Christmas would be excellent. I'm looking forward to their first kiss. There would be fireworks and a choir singing lol.
Chapter 22: No no no nonono I thought this was finished! Why did I think it was finished ugh the suspense is killing me!
Chapter 22: omg those two idiots! i've become impatient with them but the same time enjoy the slow pace T.T Sunggyu is so damn shy about his feelings T.T
JinsPinkprincess #10
Chapter 22: thank u for updating, i reread the whole thing and fell in love again.