enter: jung j-hope

Kids 'R' Us

The next morning, Yoongi was as sullen as he was yesterday,the only difference was he was wearing the undeniably lolita-styled uniform.

He missed yesterday,being his first day he was exempted to wear the uniform. But today was different,it wasn't his first day anymore.

The harsh reality dawned upon him as he
climbed up on the passenger seat.

Junmyeon always insisted that he sat at the back, on the Booster Seat and of course the answer was a big No Way.

I mean,he was not 2 for god's sake. How do you expect a five year old with dyed hair to sit on a Booster seat? He had questioned Jumyeon to which the elder always replied with 'but it has a cup holder!'.

"Hey bunny boo!! What's with the long face?" Appa Suho (he liked to call himself that) asked,with a face-splitting smile,which totally did not go with the child's vibe,making his nose scrunch cutely.

"oh,I know! You're gonna miss your Appa so much,right?" The short man with never ending excitement exclaimed ruffling the bob of pink hair,which was already tousled enough.

Yoongi rolled his eyes at that comment,that would be the last thing he would do.

"okay,then >< ready with your books? Back to school!!" The smaller wanted to point out that the phrase should be used after the holidays,but being the lethargic five year old he was, he let it be,cringing at the sound of Junmyeon singing Una paloma Blanca.

And it was just the beginning.


"Yoongi hyung!!" A Jimin came running to him with open arms as soon as he stepped inside the classroom,making him contemplate whether to dodge him or to catch him. He decided on the latter.

"owwie.." The brown-head pouted as he rubbed the sore area, normal kids would have cried but Yoongi remembered that Jimin had kept repeating how he was a 'sang namja' for his Kookie and manly men do not cry.

"why would you do that,hyung?" The smaller looked up at him whilst sprawled on the floor.

"well..you launched yourself at me." The elder shrugged as he took off his hat and placed it inside the wooden locker with his name on it.

He raised an eyebrow at the misspelled name, Yungi,huh? He wondered if they gave this job to Taehyung.

As if on cue, the said boy hopped out of nowhere in particular.

"hi!" He said with a smile on his boxy lips.
"hey,Taehyung.."Yoongi sighed as the younger grinned,both of the kids staring at him with eager faced

Yoongi really did not have the energy to handle both of the chatterboxes' .

"Yoongi hyung,this morning I saw a snail,it was this big! " Young Jimin indicated the size with his fingers,as chubby cheeks puffed out.

"And i found some rabbit fur on the way to school..do you want to see it?" Taehyung piped up, looking eagerly at both the males.

"waao! I wanna see!" Jimin threw his arms up in air and both the kids  excitedly fled away to Taehyung's seat. Yoongi just shook his head as he watched the two. He really did not wanted to see anything associated with his abnormal seat partner.

He still gets trauma attacks when flashbacks of the latter's buttocks and bananas cross his mind.

He shivered at the thought.

Shaking the pink head,trying to erase the image of the banana incident. His eyes searched for the large pair of pretty eyes and soft brunette locks,which seemed to be nowhere inside.

Instead, the small eyes met with a scene of a skinny boy with the most face-splitting smile that rivalled his dad's, hula dance while standing on a table.

"Hoseok,get down,nobody's watching,you'll remain lame forever." Jimin retorted with a straight face as he looked up at the kid named, Hoseok.

Hoseok? He wasn't there yesterday,not that Yoongi remembered everybody's names.
He neared the two, curious about this Hoseok guy.

"heyyyy~ I'm Jung J-Hope." The J-Hope guy introduced himself,with that broad smile on his face. It kind of made Yoongi's skin crawl.

Jimin rolled his eyes at that and turned to Yoongi,"it's Hoseok." He answered for the new boy who pouted quiet childishly and stomped his feet.

"can you like not do that.."He heard the youngest groan with palms covering his eyes. True,it was disturbing for Yoongi too,to see a grown child act like that.

"who are you pinkeu head?" 'J-Hope' asked Yoongi, who scoffed at that nickname.

"It's Yoongi hyung for you.." The shorter replied,though he may be shorter he was way more intimidating. A look at the birthday chart and he knew Hoseok was younger than him.

"HOBI HYUNG!!!!!!!!!!!" A boy came,literally flying, and they were not surprised when it turned out to be Taehyung.

Yoongi sighed, wondering whether his seat partner was from Earth. But again,wondering took up so much of energy and he was sure,if he had to move around anymore, he's have to start consuming glucose.
"He's much more excited when he has a sugar high." A soft voice called out,making Yoongi turn to look at the source, his energy level boosting to max when he realized it was none other that,Jin.

"oh,I wouldn't want to see that.."Yoongi chuckled,as he watched Taehyung hold Hoseok's foot close to his face,staring at it with such passion,making him wonder what they were up to? Whilst Hoseok just made sounds similar to a crossbreed of a Kookaburra and Llama.

True,he didn't want to see a sugar high Taehyung.

"I was won-" The shorter started, looking up at Jin only to be cut off when something crashed with his back,more like somebody.

"I'm so sorry hyung." The most annoying kid on earth,Jimin ,giggled crazily as he struggled to get up,Yoongi smashed under  him.

"YAH!!" The older,pushed away the stupid      black-headed boy to the side. While Jimin just fled away,Yoongi charging at him with all the energy he had saved up,nad Taehyung joined the chase happily,with toilet paper stuck in his shoe, Hoseok  joining too,thinking it's some kind of new tag game,SeokJin trying to stop the four.

And that's how most of Yoongi's day went: Energy Draining.


Not the best update,but i tried~
 Hope you like it~><
 Comments,subscribing,viewing,upvotingeverything is loved and appreciated.! Thank you~
-Kkamjjong ;3

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Caramel_lover369 #1
Chapter 4: LOL so cute>_<
Chapter 4: I love it! Jihope, plis~~ (>'-'<)
Blueberrytea #3
Chapter 4: Namjoon.. the god of destruction!! :D Uhh is yoongi having competition *cough*thatwouldbenice*cough*?
Aww yoongi~ you'll have enough private time with your princess in the future! ( *cough*Well.. depends on authornim.*cough*)

I like this chapter and the others, too!! ;)
Blueberrytea #4
Chapter 3: That's so adorable <33
Oooh yoongi's attempt to flirt. AHAHAHAA xDD
Can't wait for namjoon to show up!!!! FIGHTING authornim!!!!!!!!!
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 2: It's too short ><
LMAO kid!bangtan is the BOMB XD.
It's basically HIGH SCHOOL.
KcuLL22 #7
Chapter 1: Omg yoongi...you're a kid not an old man lmao so grumpy. Can't wait to see another story of kid!bangtan uuuh I always loved this au