
Kids 'R' Us

It had been two weeks since Yoongi had first joined Giggles and Chuckles. It wasn't all that bad,he had made quite a handful of friends.

Yoongi really wasn't the all buddy-buddy type,in fact he believed he just needed a few people in his life.

 But all the kids were  far too naïve and young to actually understand the concept of personal space and sarcasm.

He sure did not mind if someone would come up to borrow some of his stuff, because 'his stuff was something red ranger would use', Yoongi sometimes really wondered how it was interesting to watch a bunch of diverse human beings in weirdly shaped helmets and colorful leotards,that fight things that do not even exist,what has the world come to?

And there are those times when he would be so pissed at either Taehyung or Hoseok,mostly Hoseok ,when they would do something stupid and distract him from the world's most interesting activity a.k.a sleeping.

He would firstly groan then slowly lift up his head for an extra scary effect,then he would give a glare and that would be enough to kill anyone or anything that came into his radar,even the teacher.

Once Jimin had tried to wake him up when the day had finished and that was the end of the younger's baby makers.

He had held his 'treasure',nostrils flared as he breathed heavily,mumbling something along the lines of 'sorry kookie',eyes that tried to hold in the tears of pain and agony and suffering,

now there's a sang namja for you,thank you very much.

Yoongi's favourite time of the day would be when he and Jin would go to the backyard and feed the bunnies. The younger actually never really liked the four-legged creature, he would always say that their eyes are filled with violence and terrorism.
But the time spent with the older totally made up for that, it wasn't all that bad,



"what's with the crowd?" Little Yoongi asked as he placed his bag on the table,eyes examining the crowd of his classmates.

"Hyung, Kookie is back!"

"well..who is this 'kookie'?"

The pink head added double inverted commas in the air with his fingers as he watched the extra hyper Jimin who had practically bounced to him.

"Looks like 'kookie' is a big deal" Yoongi mumbled to himself as he sat down,preparing for his after-sleep nap,when a taller figure approached him,making him grin wide at the familiar kid,it was his princess,Jin,of course.

"Hi,is it just me or do you look cute with that flower on?" Yoongi flirted as he stood up,he really didn't want to seem shorter than he actually was,which happened a lot,even if he would be standing..yeah.

A pretty blush covered the older's cheeks,Smooth.

"Taehyung and me were playing.."He mumbled,almost inaudible as he took off  the pink pansy that was tucked neatly behind his ear.

The younger chuckled as he stared at the flustered boy.

"I was wondering if we could have lu-" Yoongi's attempt of another flirt failed which could have worked if not for a flying boy to..fly(?) and glomp the brunette,okay,why do kids keep flying here?

"Jin hyung!!!!!!! I want to tell you all about the trip,It was sooooooo fun!!! I learnt how to catch fwish and appa and me went to this really pwetty place in the jungle were I learned how to climb trees and.."

The said flying boy blabbered on and on about his trip to somewhere Yoongi really did not give a pebble about,he watched as   Jin squirm under the younger boy as he kept smiling and saying,'yes kookie but can you please not press my kidney'.

Yoongi cleared his throat to grab the small boy's attention who was trying to fuse his crush and the floor together.

At this the boy slowly got up,eyes wide as he stared at Yoongi,as if he was a kind of eureka moment.

The elder was smug,he gets that look a lot around here,he would say he was kind of popular, because everyone thinks that he knows where babies come from,it was a wonder to all the kids when he answered them that babies were delivered by pelicans.
'not by storks?' Youngjae had asked.
'no, if I say they are delivered by pelicans ,then they ARE delivered by pelicans '
It was followed by some 'oohs' and 'wows' and a 'then where do storks come from',contributed by Kim Taehyung.

Of course, Yoongi could not tell them where babies actually came from,even if he knew,which he did,he wasn't stupid,he was before though,until the kid had discovered the google chrome icon. Yoongi just didn't wanted to get expelled because he had told the others about 'pee-pees' and 'hoo-haas'.

Now that the kid was standing,Yoongi got a good look at him. He was kind of baby-ish with all the chubbiness in the cheeks, a bit taller that Yoongi (as always) ,and held a stuffed bunny at his side,big doe eyes that could capture anyone's heart and a soft tuft of black hair rested on his head. Nah,Yoongi wasn't interested ,he had already found his life-long mate,wut?

"m-master.." The younger said in a shaky voice as he bent down to bow traditionally at Yoongi and he swore that he would not let kids take him so seriously the next time.


"Jungkook,seriously,stop following me around and cut out that look,it's hella creepy."

A frustrated pink-haired boy who went by the name Kim Yoongi, walked speedily with a  frown decorating his cute face.

Kids worshipped him,fine,found him awesome,good,he was their idol,super alrighty.

But Kim JungKook was clearly a different child. The whole day he had been following around Yoongi,pretending to take pictures with his toy plastic camera,and sometimes even getting down on his knees to polish Yoongi's shoes. This kid was impossible.

Hoseok had warned him that Kim Jungkook was a stubborn kid,and if he wanted something he would do anything,ANYTHING with a capital A,to get it. The pinkhead had taken him lightly,and that was a big mistake.

"Jungkook..i can see you behind that flower.." Yoongi sighed as he judgingly watched the small boy who continued to gawk at him from behind a tiny dandelion that grew at the edges of the school walls.

"I really need you to leave.." He said with a tired tone,because he really needed to see Jin, ALONE.

"let me follow you,it will be like I'm not there .."Jungkook pleaded as he looked up at the older with puppy eyes.

"I really wanna learn your ways,I'm your student..i wanna,I wanna.." The cutie's voice lowered to a mere whisper as he frowned and clenched his fists,such pain and struggle on his face.

"are you gonna fart or something?"

The older asked as he cocked his head to the side with a raised brow .

"no! I mean..i don't do it in public..i do it alo-CAN WE NOT TALK ABOUT THIS?!" the kid shook his head with flushed cheeks as realization hit him.

"get to the point!"
"I am! I wanna.."
"say it kid!"
"okay! Calm down hyung"
"the break's almost gonna fin-"

The smaller burst with even redder cheeks as he clutched tightly at his stuffed bunny who seemed to be rolling it's eyes at the drama llama that his owner was.

"that's it?" Yoongi raised a brow with disbelief written all over his face.

"um..yeah?" The other answered as his feet suddenly seemed like the most interesting thing in the galaxies that were owned by Wu Yi Fan wait wut?

"just for that..you followed me around the entire time,even in the bathroom stalls and made everyone assume that we are dating.."

It was like Yoongi's hair was on fire,he wad so mad at that kid who had  managed to screw up his mind ,Taehyung and Hoseok combined,in one day.

"ugh..sorry?" The small boy slowly backed away raising up his arms in defense as he saw the shorter boy who had combusted into flames approach him slowly.

It would have been the death of baby Jungkook if they were not interrupted.

"Yoongi? I was looking for you everywhere..? Baby rabbit took it's first steps.." Jin approached them,surprised to find Jungkook with the deer caught in headlights look and Yoongi in a ....farting position..?

"what are you both doing?" He asked,head tilted to the side,a somewhat judging expression on his face at Yoongi's position,slightly squatted and brows knitted angrily,with a pink face.

It was almost as if the pink head was extinguished,because he was now turning to the oldest to smile at him.

"nevermind that ,let's go see the baby rabbit.."He said as he let the anger wash away as he led the taller,and Jungkook being the smart kid he is,fleeted away with the bunny stuff toy,swaying in air,he was a fast kid,but that wouldn't have stopped Yoongi from slaying the small maknae of the class because the bell had rung,indicating,

break was over.

"KIM JUNGKOOK!" A voice roared,and it would have been a lie if Jungkook said he didn't pee his pants a little.




Sorry for making you guys wait~ I'm such a bad author-nim>< *bricked and slapped and thrown* anyways,I hope you like this chappie~^^

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Caramel_lover369 #1
Chapter 4: LOL so cute>_<
Chapter 4: I love it! Jihope, plis~~ (>'-'<)
Blueberrytea #3
Chapter 4: Namjoon.. the god of destruction!! :D Uhh is yoongi having competition *cough*thatwouldbenice*cough*?
Aww yoongi~ you'll have enough private time with your princess in the future! ( *cough*Well.. depends on authornim.*cough*)

I like this chapter and the others, too!! ;)
Blueberrytea #4
Chapter 3: That's so adorable <33
Oooh yoongi's attempt to flirt. AHAHAHAA xDD
Can't wait for namjoon to show up!!!! FIGHTING authornim!!!!!!!!!
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 2: It's too short ><
LMAO kid!bangtan is the BOMB XD.
It's basically HIGH SCHOOL.
KcuLL22 #7
Chapter 1: Omg yoongi...you're a kid not an old man lmao so grumpy. Can't wait to see another story of kid!bangtan uuuh I always loved this au