first day jitters

Kids 'R' Us

"Class, be quiet" The teacher exclaimed as she tried to simmer down the hustle in the classroom.

'Giggles and Chuckles', said the board outside,when Yoongi had first set foot inside the kindergarten, he had scoffed at the name.

The small boy of five was totally against going to a school like this,let alone get admitted. Yoongi had hated this place since the first time his appa had said that he had to change schools since they were shifting to a new society.

"But, what if kids there hate me?" The toddler had said,crossing his arms over his chest.
"That's not gonna happen,Yoongi-ah,everybody there is nice and friendly,they'll love you~"

Said,Junmyeon appa,as he wiped the stains off of Yoongi's craft apron,which he had agreed to wear,after Joonmyeon had gone through a lot of trouble to make him do so,like trying to extinguish the fire burning down the drapes with a hose,yep.

"what if I don't like them?" Yoongi replied, monotonous .

Appa Junmyeon sighed,"for the last time,Yoongi..we are not shifting back..and if you don't like them ,then it's your problem, young man."

Appa said,as he grabbed a bunch of paper towels to continue taking off the    oil paint that had been so messily spread.

"I can't believe you decided to shift to a whole new society and had a whole new mansion built just because you had the hots for a Chinese gay who looked like his IQ would be no more than 5 who lived here an-."


And the little male had fled away with colours still painting his chubby cheeks.

"I'm Yoongi and I like to sleep." He said monotonously,as the class stared at the new kid in amazement.

Yoongi just tried a small smile at the stares he got,probably because his hair was pink.

 Which he got done some few months back, Junmyeon being totally against it,but the rebellious Yoongi just had to do it, and don't let me get started on it because it's a long story, which consisted of the house cat's tail being burnt down to ashes.

Speaking of Junmyeon, the small pink head judgingly watched his dad as he peeked from the window taking pictures which were surely to be labelled in his scrapbook as Yoongi's first day of kindergarten. Why was he so embarrassing?

"okay..Yoongi,why don't you go sit over there with Taehyung,he's a really friendly boy~" The teacher said as she smiled so big at the little one,he thought her face would split on half.

What's so exciting about being a teacher anyway ? I mean,deal with all kinds of snotty brats all day? That was totally not Yoongi's forte.

He made his way to the black-headed boy who gave him a boxy grin.

"hi,I'm Yoongi." He introduced himself,trying hard to sound interested.

"I'm Taehyung, I can peel a banana with my buttcheeks"

Okay,he was.... friendly.


The pink head turned around to look at everyone during lunch.

Kindergarten was no less that high school. Small cliques spread about on the playground,there were some girls talking about the new Barbie ,' colour and style',some kids playing tag at one corner while one group of kids just sat at the other corner,noses in the books. And the rest of them spread about here and there.

He wandered around,watching the kids play with enthusiasm, enthusiasm that never seemed to strike him.

"Yoongi hyung!! Over here!" A far too familiar voice that annoyed the hell out of him called for him.

"come on,let's play!" The excited younger (though still taller) pulled at him and Yoongi just let himself be dragged he was too tired to be reluctant,sometimes he diubted that he was 5 years old.

"hi hyung~" Jimin,the kid who was the only one shorter than Yoongi (WOOHOO) waved at him. He just hummed in response,they had met during craft class when Jimin's glue ran out and he had to ask Yoongi for some.

Yoongi decided that he was annoying too because he couldn't stop talking about this Jungkook kid who was probably on leave.

"Hyung could you please tie my laces?" Jimin asked,staring at something behind Yoongi ,that totally disturbed the pink-headed,so he turned to look at the source of Jimin's distraction.

His eyes met with a pair of chocolate brown irises which stared at him with amazement.

"This is Jin hyung~" Taehyung interrupted the trance between the two earning him the title of a blocker."he has awesome food~" Jimin perked up at the sight of the eldest.

"Hi,I'm Yoongi." He said,the umpteenth time that day,but this time,with a small smile.

"Hello,I'm Jin~" The pretty boy smiled lightly at the pink-head,he really seemed to like that hair ,one could tell by the way his eyes glimmered at the sight of that colour.

"Today Yoongi hyung is gonna play with us~"Taehyung announced as he lazily latched onto Jin's shoulder,he seemed quite fond of the pretty brunette.

"that's nice,tae~" The taller smiled as he at Yoongi.

Yoongi decided, Jin was the only person whom he liked in this dreadful place so far.

"Yoongi-ah,do you like sushi?"

He's gonna love Jin.

Yoongi was bored to hell,his sleepy eyes staring at the blackboard ,his head nodding often.
Well,what the heck? He certainly did not want to learn how to count cookies right now,because he really just wanted to put his head down and doze off to sleep.

Weren't they supposed to have a nap time? When it suddenly clicked in his mind that nap time was only for pre-schoolers and oh ,how he hated kindergarten.

He turned his head to look out the window,small eyes watching dry leaves blowing off into a light breeze...


"Yoongi-hyung..wake up,wake up..",The rabbit said,Yoongi stared at it in confusion,it sounded like his weirdo seat partner,Taehyung, as it shook his shoulder ,"what the ,bunny?" He exclaimed,his eyelids fluttering open .

The small boy lifted his head whilst wiping off some drool at the corner of his lips.

His eyes met with Taehyung's,who stared at him with a rectangular smile on his face.

"what is it,kid?"Yoongi grumbled,a yawn coming soon after.

"school's out.."He just said,packing the last of his things,before picking up his bag and running out screaming,something along the lines, of 'COOKIE' 'MINE'. Yoongi couldn't care less.

He slowly packed his pencil case and maths workbook,somewhat in a daze,at least he got to sleep,Yoongi smiled at the thought,as he picked up his bag,hauling it over his shoulder and onto his back,he slowly headed out.


"what the heck..he's late.." Small Yoongi said,glancing down at his watch,"like always.." He added,remembering the time when  Junmyeon had told him that he had once left him at the frozen foods section when they were out shopping for groceries, ....

and Yoongi was just 5 months old.

Now  it's up to you readers to imagine how he managed to do so.
The brunette sighed. He'll just hang out at the swings.

"Jin?" The small boy said,surprised to find the older boy there,so late,swinging lightly,skinny legs hanging down the seat.

"Y-yoongi?" The other looked up,startled. "hi?" He added,tilting his head a little to the side,which Yoongi found incredibly cute.

" doin ?"He asked,as he occupied the swing beside the taller male.

"I.." hesitated,looking down at his worn out sneakers,"I'm fine I guess.."
The older mumbled.

"you?" He added.

" see ,the old man's late like always,and I urgently need to go home and get sleep,but he never shows at times when I need him to,he's so screwed. But generally,I'm cool." The small guy gave a gummy smile at the taller who seemed to just stare at him,somewhat looking confused.

"ugh..i'm fine too~" Yoongi simply replied.
"why are you here so late ?" The smaller asked,running a hand down his dyed pink hair.

That action seemed to catch Jin's attention,as ge turned to look at the pink hair.

Yoongi chuckled slightly at that, Him was really attracted to his hair.

"hey,you can touch it you know~" The small male said as he leaned a bit forward to offer the hair.

"i-I, m-me? R-really?" The older asked,with glimmering eyes,hand reaching out then withdrawing.

"yeah sure,here let me help you.."The younger said as he took the other's hand,noticing how soft they were. But before Jin could get a chance to feel those soft boy locks under his lithe fingers,they heard a voice.

"Yoongi!!!!! Appa is here!!" Yoongi groaned and mentally facepalmed at that voice,what good timng.

"you should go,your appa is here." Jin said as he got off the swing.

"okay..i'll see you around?" Yoongi asked,more like a question.

"unh~" Jin made this cute noise as an agreement.

"and d-"
"Yoongi! I got your bunny stuffed too!" Jumyeon announced,Yoongi cringed.

"okay,I should probably leave.." The shorter said as he waved at Jin with an awkward smile,to which he got a melodious giggle.


Yoongi ran straight to the car,before Junmyeon could get another chance to embarrass him.

"who's that?" Junmyeon asked as he helped his son with buckling up the seat belt.

"Kim SeokJin."


The first chapter,finally~*^* So..i hope they don't sound too mature,except Yoongi, of course ,because well..a yoongu as a kid would sound like that,believe me~

Anyway,tell me what you think~ I'd love to know,comments are loved,subscribers are loved and appreciated, thanks to everyone who read~^^ Till then.


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Caramel_lover369 #1
Chapter 4: LOL so cute>_<
Chapter 4: I love it! Jihope, plis~~ (>'-'<)
Blueberrytea #3
Chapter 4: Namjoon.. the god of destruction!! :D Uhh is yoongi having competition *cough*thatwouldbenice*cough*?
Aww yoongi~ you'll have enough private time with your princess in the future! ( *cough*Well.. depends on authornim.*cough*)

I like this chapter and the others, too!! ;)
Blueberrytea #4
Chapter 3: That's so adorable <33
Oooh yoongi's attempt to flirt. AHAHAHAA xDD
Can't wait for namjoon to show up!!!! FIGHTING authornim!!!!!!!!!
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 2: It's too short ><
LMAO kid!bangtan is the BOMB XD.
It's basically HIGH SCHOOL.
KcuLL22 #7
Chapter 1: Omg're a kid not an old man lmao so grumpy. Can't wait to see another story of kid!bangtan uuuh I always loved this au