
When tomorrow comes...


"Tell me now Choi Young Jae. Why are you all smelling like that?" Mark's eyes were fulled with something that could be easily confused with anger but somehow, it was a completely different feeling. It was more as some sort of desire mixed with confusion and pain, a new experience for the elder male vampire present in that room.

"What are you saying hyung? I'm not smelling strange" Youngjae replied sniffing his body. He made a pucke when the werewolf scent made his way to his improved nose. "See? The mutt-smell is still impregnated in the four of us, why are you saying that we are smelling sweet? I'd love that but man, I need to take a shower" He said chuckling nervousley "I can't even stand myself"

"That's right hyung" BamBam said a little frightened "We were just playing around when the wolves came and then Jinyoung hyung and Youngjae hyung decided to come here... Well, before that we helped a human but it's not import..." His words were cutted when Mark directed his gaze over him.

"BamBam..." He said eerily calm trying not to concentrate on the smell bothering him "For god's sake, you'd better tell me all of what happened in that forest in this damn moment"

"That's not important hyung" He gulped nervously "We just helped a noona after some wolfs scared-ed her, we only accompanied her to the bus stop... That's all, we didn't do anything wrong" BamBam took a look at his hyungs behind him, they looked as confused as he was at that moment.

"No, you didn't" Mark murmured at the time he felt as if someone started stabbing him in the back "Maybe, I don't know... Have-ve you seen a bracelet like mine recen-recentely?" He said touching nervously his silver pearl bitting his lower lip trying not to moan in pain, the strongest he had felt in centuries.

"No... Why are you as..." BamBam tried to reply when Youngjae cleared his throat making his way to his hyung spot.

"Well, you see... I, I think that I saw something like that a while before" Mark's attention was now all in the younger vampire in front of his eyes, "Spit it out Youngjae, what-what did you see...?" He was nervous about what was about to come out from the mouth of his friend. If it was what he was thinking about what he would do now?

Youngjae looked as his feet trying to remember exactly all about minutes ago, every detail seemed to be important but first he needed to know the reason of his older friend's behaviour. "But hyung, why are you being like this? I saw that the elders came here, what did they say? Is it something important?" 

JB went to the center of the living room with his arms crossed over his chest "To make it brief, kiddos and Jinyoung, Mark is soon to find his other pearl and she is going to save us from dead, any questions?"

The four vampires were dumbfounded and their mouths were wide open, their eyes turned to a deep black and some of them looked even paler, thousands of questions were crossing their minds but the information was still being procesed in their old brains meanwhile Mark was trying to hide his actual painful situation.

"Any? So, I think that it makes all easier, continue talking Youn..."

"Wait a minute!" Yugyeom was frowning strongly with his nostrils getting bigger and bigger every second "Why is my existence in the hands of another female vampire I don't even know? Why was Mark smelling us when we don't smell like anything but wolves? Why are you three looking at us in that way?" He asked without breathing. 

Jackson opened his mouth letting out a deep sigh as he smirked wondering what do their reactions would be once his words came out from his mout. 

"Because she is a human idiot"




It was 11 o'clock and Ahreum was still cleaning the old kitchen of her workplace. She didn't hate her job but interacting with people behind a cashier wasn't the best activity in the world for her, apart from the fact that she needed money to survive one of the reasons of why she didn't quit off her job in all this years was the lovable boss she was lucky to have. This wonderful grandma had helped her when her parents dissappeared all off a sudden some years ago, she would use to go to their house 3 times a day to give them some home-made food and check if they were ok.

As time flew away the health of this warm-hearted woman did too, Ahreum realized this and voluntereed to work in the bakery without a salary but the grandma strongly refused to it, she ended up winning and Ahreum started working with enough money paid for a month to cover her and Somi's alimentation and basic neccesities.

"Darling, it's enough for now, you should start packing your things or else you won't be at time for the last bus" A honey like voice said bringing the brown haired girl down to earth.

"Oh!" Ahreum said just realizing that it was late. "Yeah, you are rig..." The door bell rang and a group of guys came into the bakery making Ahreum stop what she was saying. Some of the boys had their hoods up and some of them were wearing masks to cover their faces. Maeri, the 78 sweet-old woman went to the cashier with her walking stick leaving Ahreum getting off of her appron.

"Sweethearts, I'm sorry to say that we are already closed but you can come again on Monday, tomorrow we are not..."

One of the boys yawned stretching his arms exaggerating his boredom. "We didn't came to buy anything grandma" He said coolly "Here works a girl called Lee Ahreum right?, please tell her that we are going to be waiting for her" Mrs. Maeri simply nodded teasingly making her way to the kitchen.

"Ahreum, some boys are waiting for you outside" She said smiling playfully. "You didn't say that you had such a bunch of caring friends my dear, surely they wanted to acompanny you to your house"

"What?" Ahreum's eyes were shining with confussion. "No, no, no. I think that you missheard something. I don't have any..."

"Give me that apron now sweetie, they are waiting for you outside" She started pushing the young girl towards the isolated street, Ahreum's face was still with a little of flour but she didn't mind it, she grabbed her backpack placing it in front of her protectively when the grandma closed the door waving goodbye to her. She started walking to the bus stop when her eyes catched some blurry figures making their way to her direction.

"Not again..." She started forcing her pace but the group behind her did it too, she managed to avoid them some minutes but soon she found herself cornered by 6 unrecognizable boys.

"Don't come near me you stupid animals" Ahreum grabbed a broken bottle near her feets as she started walking backwards. She stopped when the cold of the metallic fence that separated the forest from the city made her shiver.

"Look at who we found again dudes" One of the boys said mockingly "Aw, is the little savior scared of us? Don't make me laugh" He took the bottle off Ahreum's hands and broke it into thousands of pieces hitting it with the metallic fence behind the scared girl's back.

"Saviour of what? Look here, I-I don't even know you!" Ahreum exclaimed trembling with fear the second time of this day "How much did they paid you or was I the "dare" of your childish bets this time?" The boys just looked at each other playfully: she didn't knew anything.

And it made it all much easier...

"Jungook, quickly, grab her arms, we need to do this as soon as possible. And you Suga, keep that mouth close if you want to survive this night" The one who seemed to be the leader started approaching Ahreum with one strange object she couldn't recognize, the rest were just watching the escene mockingly and soon, the brown haired girl found herself trapped in that dark, autumn night.

"Don't worry, we won't kill you this night, we just need a little bit of proof..." Ahreum was too scared to even scream for help.

"Sweet dreams bloodless pearl"




"And that's all you need to know and all of what we know for now, as hard as it seems we need to work as a team to pull it off and to help Mark in proctecting this girl, we don't know for what do we need to do this but I'm suspecting that it has something to do with the mutts" JB directed his brown-gold eyes over BamBam "And since you said that some of them were around the girl a while ago let's asumme that for now, at least untill the council says something more"

Two hours had already passed since Mark opened his door for the 4 youngest members of his coven. He had gone upstairs to clear his mind up and in that time JB and Jackson had taken control of the situation in their hyung's living room, they told all off what the council had said and together they were tying ropes in order to help Mark with this problematic destiny.

An awkard silence was made downstairs, everyone was looking at different directions when BamBam started talking aware of the fact that Mark could listen all his words from his bedroom. "Hyungs, I know that this has nothing to do with the real problem but let me tell you... " He smirked playfully "Mark's pearl is really, really, really pretty. And you know that when I say really is because it's really!"

Meanwhile on the second floor a frustrated vampire was resting with his eyes closed on a pale-blue bed, he didn't need it but since his convertion he had never been on a bedroom without one, he believed that removing it meant a loss of a part of his humanity and with it he was much more comfortable at nights when he was alone, normally listening to music or when he was in situations like the one of today, when he needed to think deeply about his future.  

He had heard BamBam's words and was planning to wreck the neck of that kiddo, he was trying not to think about his other half to erase the pain that was hurting him but thanks to this punk all of his efforts were thrown away.

"I just need to keep calm" He thought scratching his neck "Who said that I needed to be in love with that girl? I just need to protect her as JB and Calev said. She's a human, rules won't apply for my case..."

"Arghh" He moaned wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

"I'm-I'm sure of that"

Vampire's rules said that once one of the predestineds met his other half he didn't need to fall in love inmediately with her, he could be her friend or protector but as time passed the thread that linked the two of them together would get so strong that being apart from each other would get hurtful for the two soon to be lovers. Denying their feelings would only cause their hearts to ache even more causing what Mark was experiencing now.

Falling in love was called a rule in that world because if years passed and the two or one of the members of the pair refused to listen to their hearts taking different paths both were going to die. Eventually they were going to lose their vampire abilities and soon it was going to be difficult even to breath but until now it had never happened before. 

The reason? Fate had never been wrong.

Mark knew all this but he refused to accept it so easily, he had said that he would let it be but now, realizing how this girl was going to have the control of his life frightened him making him to look for a way to solve his problem alone believing that the solution he had found was the best for his future.

"If only the scence of that unknown girl makes me like this how will I end up?" He let out a deep sigh as he opened his door making his way downstairs. He hadn't take notice but his actions weren't following his initial plan, without knowing he was going down at the simple mention of something associated with his other pearl. "She will surely be a headache"

The rest of the coven and Jackson's mom had heard the eldest last words and were trying to keep on their serious faces of a while ago: BamBam's plan had worked.

"Oh hyung! Are you feeling well now? Your expression is a lot better than compared to before"

"Oh ye-yeah, I'm feeling better" He took a seat in the empty space beside Youngjae.

"Dude! We are going to stay here tonight, you will see our handsome faces every day of the rest of the eternity starting from now so get used to us" Jackson said teasingly in his attempt to brighten up Mark's behaviour "Today we are moving to your place!"

"What are you talking about Jackson?" He said a little shocked getting up from the brown sofa he was sat at a second ago "Who allowed you to do that?" He appeared instantly at his white-wooden door. 

"Now, all you, except Mama Wang, would better get your asses off of my house in this moment" He started pushing the 6 boys through his threshold trying to contain the teasing smile that his lips were making when nauseous odors were perceived by the Silver Pearl coven.

"They have crossed the line..." 





I'm so sorry for not updating in this long period of time, I was a little busy lately but this week there will be a new chapter out! Please forgive me, I will update more starting from now!

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Chapter 5: I wonder if you still gonna continue this amazing story?? Because already love everything about this story
Chapter 5: Aaaww I really hope you update soon!
Chapter 5: So cool!Great story,author-nim!
DeeDee_24 #4
looks interesting. update soon! haha
Chapter 4: Really awesome story.. looking forward in reading the rest of it. Keep it up!! :)