The start of our forever

When tomorrow comes...



"And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever"

"Ahreum! Were you listening to me?!" Somi exclaimed "That was the final line of my favourite book of my favourite saga of all the times!"

"Oh... yeah" I responded vaguely...I guess that final line caught my attention.

"Really sister? I know you're older than me and all that stuff but we're talking about Twilight! And..."  Here she goes again.

She's 14 and I guess she's on the age of loving all this kind of teenagers books. She can get a little irritating when she starts talking about her "vampires&werewolfs platonic-loves" but I can't argue. If she's happy I am happy...

"Have you seen Jacob? Or Edward freaking Cullen? I absol..." She continued.

"I know Somi, you absolutely love them with all your heart but it's getting a little late here and you need to eat" I said "Tonight I will be returning around 1:00am so don't forget to do your homework, remember not to open the door to anyone and get your uniform and backpack ready for school, also..."

"I know Ahreum, I'm not eight anymore" She cut me off "You're worrying too much"

Well, it's true...
She has grown up a lot these last five years, not only physically but mentally... And I blame myself for that.

I blame myself for letting her mature so fast

"Ahreum, are you there?" She said mockingly "Earth calling Ahreum, earth calling Ahreum, earth calling Ah.." 

"I'm here you fool" I said, getting up from the almost-broken chair I was sitting a moment ago. Seeing her laugh gave me an idea...

"Wha-t are you doing Ahreum?" She said, with a terryfied look in her eyes.

"Being an older sister"

And with that, the tickle war number 81425260 started. 



"Mark Tuan, get your here right now!"

"Argh.." I groaned, getting up from my bed. He really wants to get on my nerves.

I put on my shoes and went downstairs where a crowd was gathered. I started to search for a familiar figure as I made my way towards the porch. I found him flirting with a girl two heads shorter than him. 
Well, I guess it's my turn to get on his nerves...

"Wang Jackson, you left your phone in my room!" I said as I approached him. "A girl called you two minutes ago, and Soojung, the one of the cafeteria, sent a text asking where you were"

He looked at me angrily.

"If you excuse us" He said to the girl next to him. He put his arm over my shoulder and took me to the back of the house. When we were far enough he weakened his grip and started to talk.

"Was that really neccesary Tuan?"

"Oh, I don't know, was embarrasing me in front of the council elders really neccesary Wang?" I said "Don't you know that I can hear you miles away? Specially with that voice of yours"

"Don't be like that Mark, there's not fun if you get angry so easily" He teased.

"Anyways, why is everyone here?" I asked, raising my gaze to all the "persons" gathered on my porch.

"I don't know either" He responded "I was just coming to get my phone back when that crowd stopped at your house, that's why I called you" He continued "It's not normal that the council and the distric's "families" get all together in the porch of a "twenty yearling" dumb guy"

"Hey! Watch your words, I'm older than you!"

"Ya! You're just older by one cent..." He abruptly stopped.

Suddenly, the bushes of the forest where we were started making sounds, I could see a shadow getting bigger and bigger as time passed, I was getting ready to attack if one of that mutts had crossed the line, it was midnight though... From the corner of my eyes I could see Jackson tensing up too. I wa...

Wait, that's a familiar smell.

I felt the atmosphere relaxing a little bit and I knew that Jackson had also recognizen that scent.

"Yo! JB! Stop playing games, come here!" Jackson shouted. 
Wang, you really need to work in controlling the volume of your voice.

In just a second JB appeared in front of me.

"Do you know the reason of why the council elders came here?"

Finally Jackson...

You said something intelligent.

"Oh well..." He responded "That's a long story"



"Unnie, stop plea-se, s-top!" Somi said between laughs.

"Do you think that because you remembered how to say unnie to your older sister I'm going to stop?"

"N-o, I think th-at you will stop becau-se" She said, trying to catch her breath "It's al-most 8pm"

Oh oh

I looked at the watch over her wall and... 
I'm so dead. 

"Lee Somi, why didn't you tell me before?" I , trying to put on my most serious face ever.

"I-I, I tried but you, and... I, and..."

"Forget it dumbie" I said as I made my way towards her door "Remember all I'd said to you, you know the police number right?"


"And the firefighters?"


"And mine?"

"From left to right and right to left"

That's my girl.

"Ok, I guess I don't have to worry anymore." I said closing her door.

"Wait unnie!" She stood up from her bed and ran towards me. Before I could realize what she was going to do she put her arms around me gaving me a hug.

"Don't go... Please" She said. 
How can I if you are being like that?

But no... I have to be strong.

"I have to Somi, we need money and you know it" I responded "We have been doing this for years" I said with a small smile, trying to break her embrace but she tightened her grip.

"I-I know" She said


"Sorr-y, I've been feeling a lit-tle weird lately, but I guess it's be-ecause my age" She responded forcing a smile. When she lies or gets nervous she always begans to stutter, that's a tic she hasn't left since she was nine, or well, since the accident.

I smell something fishy here...

"Somi, you know something I don't right?"  I said raising an eyebrow, or well...Trying to raise an eyebrow.

"No..." She said avoiding my eyes.  "I just feel something weird these last days... I'm worried that you could get hurt when you are not in the house..."  
"I'm worried that I could end alone someday..."

That words...
I can't help but to feel sorry for not being with her most of the time, balancing my studies and work issues have left me no time to be with this little girl, this little human who has been the only reason of why I have smiled and pulled myself through this hell called life all this time.

"Little pubert girl, tomorrow we will talk" I said as I kissed her forehead and made my way out of her room.

"I love you" She said almost whispering.

"I love you too dumbie" 

And with that I left the house and started to walk towards the street, which was aproximately a mile away from our so called "sweet, sweet home"




"I recomend you to let everyone inside, the smell will be insupportable in a couple of hours" JB said.

"What's going on here?" I asked. Was this something really important? I didn't break any rule though, and I don't think someone else did it. The rest of our clan are kiddos under one century, too young to get punished. And Jinyoung... he is not that stupid.

"I think it's better if the council tells you personally" He responded coldly "They know things I don't"

"I got it, let's get on..."

"Wahhh JB-shi!" Jackson intervened cutting me off "You are gaving me chills bro!"

"Shut up Wang!" Jaebum said "Or I won't tell you who came to visit..."

"Spit it out dude!... Was it Mi Young? Oh, please no, I know I didn't gave her my adress" He continued "Or maybe Mina? No, she wouldn't dare to go to a forest in the middle of the night"

How many girls does Jackson have?!

"Don't tell me it was Sae..."

"Calm down Wang"  
God bless you JB...

"It stars with M and ends with OM" He added.

"M? OM? Wait a minute..."

Don't tell me it's true Jackson.

"Who could it be? Maer... No she can't" 
"Seol... No, we broke up 4 months ago..." 
"Mi... No, she isn't" 
"M-O-M...M-O-M...M-O-..." He said as he continued his personal conversation for 3 more minutes, thanks lord that at a moment he seemed to realize something. His eyes began to shine with hope and his "breath" started to get heavier.

"Don't tell me it was my mom" He said with a big smile "But wait... I didn't smell her in all the day"

"That's because she has just arrived and is talking with the concil elders genious" JB responded.

"So what are we waiting for?!" Jackson said happily "Let's go!"





So, this is the first chapter of  "When tomorrow comes..."
Ho-w, how was it? -bits nails-

First of all, I want to apologize for all the gramatical errors I could have writing this story... English isn't my native language so, yeah...

Second of all, as you might had noticed, in this story Mark plays the rol of a vampire, but I PROMISE, it's not going to be the typical cliché story of the poor human girl and her vampire love... 
Yupp, I love making things a little different hehehe... The story will turn a lot more complicated in the future.

Please left in the comments (if someone ever read this ㅠㅠ) how was this chapter :)


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Chapter 5: I wonder if you still gonna continue this amazing story?? Because already love everything about this story
Chapter 5: Aaaww I really hope you update soon!
Chapter 5: So cool!Great story,author-nim!
DeeDee_24 #4
looks interesting. update soon! haha
Chapter 4: Really awesome story.. looking forward in reading the rest of it. Keep it up!! :)