
When tomorrow comes...


"So, noona... What's your name?" BamBam had approached Ahreum and now he was willing to start a conversation with her. He had taken notice of how nervous she looked a while before and wanted to make this human girl feel less scared with them following her around.

"Lee Ahreum" She said kindly, the corners of her lips were making a small, but perceptible, warm smile. She was starting to like this boy who looked, she had to admit it, a little cute in her eyes.

"Well, my name is Kum... No, forget it... I'm BamBam and the one with the scarf is Youngjae" He said pointing over his hyung's direction "The tallest one is Yugyeom and he..." The oldest vampire had reached them "He is Jinyoung hyung, but you can also call him Junior"

Jinyoung cleared his throat but his voice came out as a hoarsely Hi, an act that caused Ahreum to giggle a little. She raised a hand to return a lock of hair that was cutting her vision when Youngjae, who was a couple of steps behind, saw it: An old bracelet of a silver pearl, similar with the one that each member of his coven had.

However he kept his mouth shut.

He though that it could be some sort of a coincidence and nothing really important: A human as the one of someone of his clan? Simplily impossible... But if he had known what do this girl was going to mean after this first encounter things would have been a lot different.

"How old are you Ahreum?" Junior asked. She was normally a shy type, in her shool she didn't have more than 1 true friend: the rabbit of her science class.

But this only friend of hers was a lot more comfortable to be with than the regular gossip girls of her school, she could talk to him and tell all of her problems knowing that he wouldn't judge her, knowing that he wouldn't talk behind her back, knowing that he wouldn't betray her.

"I'm 19" She responded with a polite smile.

They kept walking and walking until the limits of the forest and the populated street were visible.

As you could see Ahreum didn't like giving long answers, at least not for people who she considered strangersThis could be one of the reasons of why people saw her as a "poor-cold-weirdo" in school but honestly, they hadn't take the time to get to know the girl behind that cold wall, they hadn't take the time to get to know the real Lee Ahreum...

The kind, the warm, the fragile Lee Ahreum.

Junior was keeping his gaze fixed on the forest next to him aware of everything near him "I see... So are you still in school or is it your first year of university?"

"It's my last year of school" She said softly putting a hand in her pocket willing to find the chocolate bar she was sure she had left yesterday in that sweater.

"Mmm... Can I ask where are you going?" BamBam said when he realized that the girl was starting to force the pace.

"I need to take a bus to my work place, I'm already late"

"Oh! Can we accompany you?" BamBam asked.

Ahreum was doubting what do her next words should be. She didn't want to sound rude, she had a lot of that fame in school but also she didn't want to end dead by the end of the night.

She looked at the four boys following her... They didn't look as some sort of serial murders but the fact that their faces weren't clear enough due to the forest's mist made her decision more difficult.

She was bitting her bottom lip when the words came out of without realizing, "Sure..."

BamBam's face lighted up, "Yes! Where do you work noona?"

The boy's excited behavior made Ahreum relaxe smiling a little, "Mmm, you know that old bakery, that one aro..." She hadn't finished what she was saying when Yugyeom appeared in front of her eyes almost instantly.

"Oh my..." She exhaled heavily putting the hand without the chocolate bar in her chest "Hey, don't do that again, you scared m..."

"Noona!!!!! You work in that bakery? Like the one which I'm thinking about? The one in front the orphanage?" Yugyeom asked almost exclaiming without realizing what he had just done.

How could you even blame him?

He was too excited at the mention of a memory of his past...

"Ho-w how did you know that there was an orphanage in front of my place of work?" She asked stunned, not much people knew about the bakery, less knew about that there was an orphanage before. They had closed it 2 years ago and all the kids were left behind, affortunately some sisters welcomed them into their convent and occasionally Ahreum visited them there, she used to give the kids some candys and cookies every time she went. She loved all their innocent smiles when they were playing. Even if she hadn't enough money to pay her own bills, she knew that what these children needed was someone to make them smile, someone to make them happy.

"How can I not?!" He said happily "All the food there was delicious, I remember how one day, this friend of mine stole like 50 chocolate cookies, and then, in 19..."

Junior knew that Yugyeom was going to ruin everything, he had let them be but not for this type of 'dangerous' situations. "Oh yeah, then your friend stole 19 brownies right Yugyeom?" He asked raising both of his eyebrows nervously "Hahaha-ha funny story kiddo"

"No hyung, what I was..." Junior shot Yugyeom with a dead glare "Ohhh, yep, then he stole 19 brownies, hahaha"

Ahreum was watching both of the boys awkardly, but what confused her more was another thing. It didn't matter for her asking twice, that place meant a lot for her, "Ehm, excuse me Yugyeo-Yugyeom but how did you know that there was an orphanage before?"

"Before? What happened? Did they close?" He asked confused.

"The administrator... Well... Uhm... He ran away with all the money left from charity, but-but the kids are fine now" She said with a small smile trying to look as calm as she could but the look in her eyes said another completely different thing.

Yugyeom couldn't believe what his ears had just heard, "What?!"

That orphanage meant a lot for Yugyeom too. That place had all of his memories, all of his human memories and now it was gone. Before his conversion he was an orphan, but he didn't ever feel sad about that fact, no when he had lots of friends in that warm, almost like home, place.

"You didn't know abo... Oh, I'm sorry" Ahreum apologized looking at her feet with her head down. Although she didn't know the reason of why she was apologizing to the stranger in front of her the look in that boy was enough to make her feel a little guilty.

"Why are you always so dumb Lee Ahreum?" She asked herself eating the last bite of her chocolate bar, the last meal she would have for the rest of the night.

"Oh, no, you don't n..."

"Yugyeom-ah, don't stole her, noona is mine!" BamBam, who was watching silently all this time, said.

They kept walking to the bus station when Youngjae abrupptly stopped, in his head appeared the image of his 3 older "hyungs" gathered with the council elders and other covens. It all appeared like a flashback but it confused Youngjae a lot, he hadn't asked to see that.

Normally, when he made use of his ability he was in control of what do he wanted to see about other people's past but in this case he wasn't even thinking about them.

He came closer to Junior whispering what had just happened. The elder vampire looked surprised, "Let's leave the girl after her bus arrives. Don't tell the other two"

"Ok..." Youngjae shot a glance over Ahreum's direction, she seemed to not notice anything strange about them, she was smiling and laughning with all of what the younger vampires were saying.

Minutes passed and the group of five was now waiting for the girl's bus to come. Ahreum was feeling a lot more comfortable with them around: a lot more comfortable she had ever been with someone who wasn't her precious little sister. Also, she didn't spect to found herself a little sad when the moment of the "Goodbyes" came, she thought that she wasn't going to meet these boys never again.

How wrong she was...




"Mark, honey, are you ok?" Sofia, Jackson's mother, asked. Ever since their first meet she had always been loving and caring to all the members of his son's coven, especially with the eldest with who she was the most grateful. She knew that Mark was the first true friend his son had ever had, he had helped him with all of his up and downs in his two centuries of existence.

"Yeah, I think so..." He responded scratching the back of his neck "I'm planning to let fate be, well, if it really exists. I don't think that anything hurtful can come with this right?"

"If you don't kill that girl in the first place..." Jackson murmured looking at his feet with a smirk plastered in his perfect face.

Jackson's mother was watching his son irritated, "Kahyee, I didn't waste 198 of my 'life' to raise you to be like that, be more respectful towards Mark"

Jackson's smirk progressevily dissappeared when an embarrased look replaced the previous gesture, JB and Mark's laughs could be loudly heard, especially by the four vampires waiting outside the elder's door.

"Yah! Mark! Open the door quickly, Youngjae has something to tell you!" Jinyoung shouted.

"Low your voice Junior, you are being like Jackson" Mark said opening the door for his younger friends with a teasing smile still plastered on his face but suddenly the elder vampire froze, closing his eyes, on his house's threshold.

The members of the Silver Pearl coven looked at their hyung strangely... Any werewolf was visible to their improved eyes. What could cause Mark to stop everything he was doing like that? Even his "breath" was getting irregular.

But the elder vampire had smelled something, or better said... He had smelled someone. "Jinyoung, Youngjae, BamBam, Yugyeom... Where were you minutes ago?" Mark's gaze was strongly fixed on his wooden white door.

"Oh yeah, that... We were just playing in the forest, nothing really important" Yugyeom said scratching his neck.

"So, why aren't you smelling like mutts?" Mark turned his eyes to the youngest vampire. "Why are you smelling so... sweet?" His eyes were getting dilated and his heart, if that was possible, was starting to feel like beating for the first time in all his existence.

"Hyung, that's not important... We just..." Mark looked into Youngjae's eyes...He had just started making use of his ability when all of what was in the head of the younger vampire came, like a flashback, into his mind.

5 werewolves... 
A full moon... 
A pearl bracelet... 
And the most beautiful girl he had ever seen... 




I put my headphones back looking for a seat in the empty bus I was when one song started playing from my old, almost broken, phone. I let out a deep sigh when the first notes started playing on my head...

When tomorrow comes
I'll be on my own
Feeling frightened of
The things that I don't know
When tomorrow comes
Tomorrow comes
Tomorrow comes... 

And though the road is long
I look up to the sky
And In the dark I found, I stop and I won’t fly
And I sing along, I sing along, then I sing along

It was one of my favourite songs but somehow, it always made me feel kind of nostalgic everytime I heard it... It gave me hope and strenght but at the same time I knew that my life was never going to be happy ever again. 

I got all I need when I got you and I
I look around me, and see sweet life
I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight
You're gettin’ me, gettin’ me through the night
Can’t stop my heart when you shinin’ in my eyes
I can’t lie, it’s a sweet life
I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight
You're gettin’ me, gettin’ me through the night
Cause you're my flash light
You're my flash light, you're my flash light


I closed my eyes letting the tiredness of this night consume the all of me, it was better if I slept here than in the middle of the street once I came out of work. Even if it were just 30 minutes it was enough to made me forget all my problems and worries.  It was enough to set me apart from this sad and bittersweet world.

I see the shadows long beneath the mountain top
I'm not the afraid when the rain won't stop
Cause you light the way
You light the way, you light the way

I got all I need when I got you and I
I look around me, and see sweet life
I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight
You're gettin’ me, gettin’ me through the night
Can’t stop my heart when you shinin’ in my eyes
Can’t lie, it’s a sweet life
I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight

You're gettin’ me, gettin’ me through the night...


I dreamed about two rabbits, and as much rare this could sound, those little animals had a friend: a kid that seemed around five years old. At the middle of my dream one of the rabbits got killed by a hunter but what confused me was that the little boy didn't return where his rabbit friend. He stayed in his house looking strangelguilty.

I started to wake up when I felt someone tapping my shoulder, it was a little girl with big brown eyes. She was pointing over the bus' floor, I turned my gaze over that spot and I saw a big lollipop laying near my feets.

"Oh, hey... So, this is yours?" I picked the candy from the floor and gave it to the cute kid in front of me "Here you have pretty" I said getting up from my seat lazily, I streched my arms and gave a last look to the little girl who was now in her mom's lap looking inoccently happy.

The next stop was mine. 




Hi! I just wanted to thank all the people subscribing to this strory, this is my first fanfic so maybe I'm lacking a lot and my grammar isn't the best but I will keep writing with all the effort and love for you all.  

P.S: (It's the link of the song that Ahreum was listening at the bus)

Besos, Nicole♥

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Chapter 5: I wonder if you still gonna continue this amazing story?? Because already love everything about this story
Chapter 5: Aaaww I really hope you update soon!
Chapter 5: So cool!Great story,author-nim!
DeeDee_24 #4
looks interesting. update soon! haha
Chapter 4: Really awesome story.. looking forward in reading the rest of it. Keep it up!! :)