The Council

When tomorrow comes...


It was the safest and most ridiculous scenario you could ever see: A nineteen year old girl walking alone in the middle of the forest with her headphones on at night.

But for some reason, it was one of my favourite times in all the day...

I don't have to give forced smiles for strangers, I don't have to be with persons and "friends" at school who have pity on me, I don't have to pretend that I'm strong... I just have to be myself.

As I was lost on my thoughts I kept walking until something catched my attention. I could hear some noices coming up from behind me even though my music was still playing hard. I turned my head to the source of the sounds when the scariest shadow I had seen in my life appeared in front of my eyes, I couldn't move... I was too startled to even scream for help.

One second...
Two seconds...
Three seconds...

"Run Ahreum run!!!"  The voice of my sister appeared on my mind...

It's funny how do this little human always appears on my head at dangerous situations. I guess it is the way of my brain to tell me to keep myself safe. It knows I have to be alive for her, it knows I can't left her alone. You could say she was my biggest debility but also my biggest strenght...




"Good night Tuan, isn't it a lovely full-moon?" One of the council's elders said, he was wearing a hood so I couldn't see his face clearly, but his voice made me realize that he had been in this world for a long time.

"Good night" I said respectfully "What brings you here at this time of the day?"

"You don't have to worry Mark" Maylie, the council's eldest woman said "You didn't do anything wrong and your coven has also respected the rules" She looked over JB and Jackson's direction "We came here to tell you something really important Tuan, where is the rest?"

"I'm sorry to say that I don't know where they are" I responded glancing over JB looking for help.

"They're playing at the forest Maylie" JB intervened, coming with Jackson and his mom from the corner where they were a moment ago "They wanted to provoke the mutts practicing their skills at the limits of the line"

"Did Jinyoung come with them?" Asked one of the mans with hoods.

"Yes and no" He responded "He wanted to make sure that they wouldn't do something dangerous so he tagged along"

"I see..."

"Anyways Tuan" Intervened Calev, the council's eldest who had came from Rome three decades ago "Could you please let us to your place?" He said bitterly wrinkling his pale nose "The smell is getting nauseous here"




"Ya! Kiddos! You better come here before I get angry!" Said Jinyoung, the "big brother" of the three younger vampires playing in the forest that night.

But they didn't hear him, they were laughing so hard that they even didn't hear the sounds coming from the other side of the territory line. Affortunately Jinyoung did.

He started to climb, with the speed of the light, the tree where his younger friends were, "Choi Youngjae, get off of that tree right know. I'm serious"

In a second the three minors went down to the ground, they'd though that Jinyoung wanted to chase after them so they ran away. However, the older coldie was faster and after some seconds they were finally face to face.

"Who arrives last is a..."

"Kim Yugyeom! Keep that mouth close, they are nearer than you think" Said a frustrated Junior.

"Who?" Asked a playful BamBam, who didn't know what was going on at that moment.

"Who do you think it is ?" Youngjae said mockingly, he had just taken notice of their situation "It's full moon idiot, they are at the maxim of their senses tonight"

The fear could be seen in Yugyeom's eyes, "What do we do now?" He asked, knowing that if the pack of mutts had come looking for a fight, the clan of the indiceplinated vampires would lost.

"For now, let's keep together" Junior suggested "Let's go to Mark's house, it's just some miles away, we will be there in a minute"

BamBam bit his lower lip knowing that his next words would get on the nerves of his beloved "hyung", "Heheh-e funny story, I left my things near the line"

"Yah! You idiot! You love making things difficult, uh?!" Jinyoung was irritated at that moment, in any second he would lose control "Let's go... NOW!" If looks could kill, BamBam would be more dead he had ever been.

They run faster they had ever done, well, the three afraid youngsters did. They arrived in a minute but with werewolfs around them every second was like a eternity. They were now in the line that separated both territories and also, the one that separated them from humans.

They went down of a tree when the four of them found the spot where were the things that BamBam had forgotten, but they didn't notice the presence of a terrifyed girl who was some meters away.




"Mark Yi En Tuan, you have been living in Seoul since 1816, is that right?"

What are they up to now?

"Yes, I have" I took a look into Calev's eyes, wondering why did all of them had came here "But my 'birth' was 3 centuries ago, I used to live in America at that time"

"Interesting..." He said touching his chin "So have you got to meet your parents recently? They made such a beautiful couple!"

"Unfortunately no" I responded, knowing that the "people" outside the door were listening to us "I hadn't been in contact with them recently" All of their eyes were on me now.

"Oh, that's a shame!" Calev said "I wanted to meet them soon, I hadn't seen them since 1936"

I could sense that a lie was making its way through his cold lips, but saying that was useless at this situation.

"Anyways, we should start telling you the reason of our visit..."




I was trembling with fear, I couldn't speak or move.

I shut my eyes when a huge wolf appeared in front of me. I wanted to scream but my voice didn't came out of my throat.

I started taking steps backwards when I felt more presences coming up from behind me. I opened my eyes when a loud growl scaped from the biggest creature out of the 5 gathered that night. I looked up to the sky thinking that the stars would save me but then, like a miracle, the pack of wolves began to ran into the forest.

My sweaty hands were a shaky mess, my legs weren't working correctly and my mind was gone. I thought that I would collapse any time soon when 4 more shadows came from the trees. I couldn't hear anything but for some reason, I felt much safer now.




"Hyung, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be such a burden" BamBam, who had been apologizing all their way throught the initial point, said.

Jinyoung was a lot calmer at that minute compared to before. Well, he was the best at controlling emotions... It was his power though. However, he didn't use it unless it was really neccesary, something that hadn't taken place in decades.

"Don't worry kiddo, I overreacted earlier" He said "I guess you guys need to let your energy out sometimes. Now that I remember, I used to be like that too on my first century"

"Really hyung?" Asked Yugyeom.

"Yeah, at that time Mark was the one who looked after JB, Jackson and me" The four of them were now walking in the forest, they didn't mind time now because they were too amazed and curious about what Junior was telling, all the funny stories of the four elders of the clan amuzed the three youngsters.

They kept walking and walking without any direction, they were too concentrated in Jinyoung's words to even realize that it was a dangerous move for them, their appearences could blow up minds: golden brown eyes, perfect features and a pale, cold skin.

"And then JB was fig..." Junior stopped all of a sudden, he had smelled something.

Well, better said,
he had smelled someone...

"Kiddos, don't breath, there's a human around us"

As soon as he said that Youngjae, BamBam and Yugyeom covered up their noses with their clothes: a scarf, a beanie and a mask.

"Stay calm, remember that you had once been one of them, we don't eat what we were at the past, do we?"

Youngjae, BamBam and Yugyeom looked at each other "No-o..."

"We had been controlling ourselves since a long time, when was the...?"

Junior stopped abruptly when the trembling voice of a girl could be heard by their improved ears "Help me please.."

"Listen to me, at the count of three we are going to..." He tried to continue, he didn't want a disaster to happen that night but the voice of the girl cut him off again.


"Hyung, I think that she needs help" Yugyeom said "Can't you smell that some mutts had been here recently?"

"I can smell it Yugyeom, they were the ones who were here before you idiots started to run away, but remember... Always that we try to help someone they see us just as monsters" Jinyoung responded "Tell me, what color do your eyes are right now?"

Yugyeom was looking at the ground, "Golden brown..." He said almost whispering.

"Kiddo, I know that you have good intentions but you are new to this type of situations" Junior was just looking for the safety of his clan, he knew that once someone have broken the rules they had with the mutts "he" would be lost for eternity "Right BamBam and Youngjae?"

"..." Only the silence of the trees could be heard.

"Jinyoung mentally cursed "Where are those idiots?"

As he had read his thoughts, Yugyeom responded hurriedly pointing at one direction, "Hyung! I can see them! They're approaching the girl!"

"Once we arrive home they will be more dead they had ever been before" Junior thought "Let's go Yugyeom"

In one second the four guys were together again, but it was too late for Junior to say anything... The trembling girl had seen them.




"Tuan, I am going to make it brief" The eldest vampire of the visitor coven said "Recently MiAh had a vision about you and a not so pale human girl, and well... It could be said that the two of you looked lovely together"

Did I heard correctly? What did just come from Calev's mouth?

"I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about Calev"

"You will see Tuan, there is a profecy regarding this century" He continued "It says that there will be a breaking point in our history, and we guess that the time has come"

"I-I don't understand"

"Don't worry" Maylie said "You will know in the future"

What they were trying to do with me? Was this a prank?

"Tuan, we know that this could be a little shocking for you but there is nothing to be afraid about"

"Sorry Calev, but I think that MiAh is wrong" I said "I'm not in contact with humans and..."

"I guess that we weren't clear enough" He cut me off, he put one of his pale hands over my shoulder fixing his gaze on my eyes.

"Mark, the future of our lives is in your hands" 




How was this chapter? Well, I wanted to clarify some points: 
-As you can see, the boys aren't living together at the moment but soon they will. 
-Second, this story has some similarities with Twilight: the golden brown eyes and the 'vegetarian vampires' stuff, also, the 'if you eat a human you are dead' rule.
-Third, this story wil have a lot of chapters so please, wait patiently.
-Last but not least, if you are reading this all I have to say is 'I love you💕' and 'Thank you' :,)


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Chapter 5: I wonder if you still gonna continue this amazing story?? Because already love everything about this story
Chapter 5: Aaaww I really hope you update soon!
Chapter 5: So cool!Great story,author-nim!
DeeDee_24 #4
looks interesting. update soon! haha
Chapter 4: Really awesome story.. looking forward in reading the rest of it. Keep it up!! :)