My Boyfriend: Patient

My Boyfriend

Hongbin was always surprised at how patient his boyfrined was with him. There were a couple times he was positive that the elder would yell at him or snap, but he just sat there and let Hongbin do what ever it was he was doing. Even if it meant letting the other rest comfortably on his back, his arms wrapped tightly against the broad shoulders to keep himself from falling. Not that it mattered really, Taekwoon's hands were holding his thighs tightly and kept him stable as the taller walked towards their car.

They had been hanging out with friends that day and decided to go to the mall, browsing the stores and buying a couple games or workout clothes for each respective member of their gang. And he spent that time bugging Taekwoon a bit more than usual. He poked his sides, tickled him, prodded his slightly chubby cheeks, even showed blatent skinship in public. But Taekwoon kept a blank face with the occasional turn of his lips indicating he was smiling. But the silent male stayed just that unless an extremely pressing question came up and he couldn't refuse to answer.

Rubbing his nose into the nape of the other's neck, Hongbin was pleased to feel the shiver run up the other's spine. "Taekwoonie-ah, your back is so comfy~ I feel like I could fall asleep here." Okay, yes, he was overdoing the sweet talk, even going to far to perform some aegyo even though the other couldn't see it. He became even more pleased when he saw the bright red tinge on Taekwoon's ears, meaning the blush was already deep on his cheeks. "...shut up." The harsh words were anything but, the soft voice warping them just enough to know that he really didn't mean it.

Snuggling into his back once more, Hongbin swore he could fall asleep on it, the soft breathing and rhythmic beating of the other's heart a sweet lullaby.  As they reached the car, he could feel the other's grip loosening and he ad to say goodbye to his comfortable ride. Before Taekwoon got into the car, Hongbin grabbed his wrist and turned him around to peck his lips, a sweet smile on his face. "Thank you for the ride~" He sang in a sickeningly sweet voice and was pleased to see the flustered smile on Taekwoon's face, a tinge of pink on his cheeks. "Whatever." A soft chuckle broke the silence and Hongbin was extremely grateful that Taekwoon was patient with him as he was the only one to see this side of his boyfriend.


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Chapter 4: Ok so this is pure FLUFF <3 and I would like to see fanboy bin cheering for Leo while he plays football coz that's so cute to imagine ;;
Chapter 4: soooo cute <3 more please chingu T^T <3 :)
yeojayeoja #3
Chapter 4: More,please....i would like to see hongbin blushing version
Chapter 4: thi§ is cute
aeoliar #5
Chapter 4: This is perfect ;;
Chapter 2: you can write a business man taek nd his so spoiled boyfriend hongbin
aeoliar #7
Chapter 3: Can you write one sbout taekkie being sick and get super clingy and childidh and just utterly adorable? ;;
And then of course beanie would be all handsome and caring and all that stuff
Kyattchan #8
Chapter 3: Aww I love this... all the chapters so far were super sweet.. can't wait to read more! :)
Caprilove #9
This is so sweet! ♡ >< I love your work author-nim you're amazing
Momoleee #10
This is so cute asdfKlBao