Chapter 7


The sky was plunged in the mixed hue of cold colours--pink, lilac and a deeper shade of blue, indicating evening had arrived.

I knew that I wasn't allowed to be out by this hour, my parents would be worried sick about me.

The sun was slowing getting consumed by the horizon, leaving me with a small lantern in my hand, wandering through the woods.

The temperature started to drop, leaving me shivering from time to time even with a hoodie on.

My steps were cautious, and I was quiet, my gaze darting from side to side, searching for someone.

"Daehyun!" I called out in my squeaky voice. 

I continued my adventure north, with the only thing in my mind was to find Daehyun. 


Finally I spotted a human like figure from a distance in the midst of the mist-shrouded woods. As long I was with Daehyun, nothing scared me. 

"Daehyun!" I called out once more, the pace of my steps increasing. I was now practically running. 

As I did, I was oblivious to my surroundings, with Daehyun and only Daehyun flickering through my mind.


That was when I plunged onto my downfall. 


My heart thumped so loudly in my chest, as I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, only to met the cold, freezing water that I never noticed due to the heavy fog that reduced my visibility to nearly zero, alongside with the nightfall that had already consumed the formerly brighter skies. 

I choked, water entering my nose and cavity. The water was terrifying. It was as if someone was strangling me. I felt as if my lungs were about to be torn out from my ribs, and I could see nothing but darkness that loomed over me.

The last thought I had was how much I loved Jung Daehyun.



Youngjae's eyelids flickered open. 

The first thing he felt was a slightly damp pillow, stained by his tears and cold sweat that had formed. 

His vision focused and he read off the time.




As Youngjae wanted to twist his body to heave himself up to sit, he had failed to do so, for the force around his waist was rather tight, not choking him though, but tight enough to restrain any major movements.


Youngjae, still slightly drowsy but shaken up from his nightmare, shifted slightly to see what was hindering him from getting up. 

To his surprise, it was Daehyun, still soundly asleep, his breathing erratically calm. 

His arms were around Youngjae's waist. 


While Youngjae was wondering what the hell Daehyun was doing to him, holding him in such a awkward position, he couldn't help but blush madly at the robot's actions, his heart b with such warmth. Youngjae took the few minutes to just to gaze at Daehyun.

His eyes trailed the other's lean figure and tanned arms, then to the chest area, which was teasingly covered by the rather tight black wifebeater Youngjae had given Daehyun for sleepwear, only to realise that it was a bad idea once Daehyun came out of the bathroom after changing--the wifebeater enhancing the sight of his already prominent muscles. 

Youngjae couldn't bear to look at him without his face reddening at such a rapid pace, and thus, sleeping with his back facing Daehyun.


If Daehyun didn't spill the coke all over the couch, Youngjae wouldn't have to deal with such a turn on.






Daehyun vaguely heard panting, and sobbing. Then a huge splash. 

As much as he wanted to move, Daehyun was paralysed, the only thing he could do was stare at the wavering figure that was moving at a rapid pace with what seemed like a swinging light that accompanied him. 

The only thing that plaqued his mind was confusion.


But that feeling of confusion was then mixed with panic when Daehyun heard muffled screams of a child.


A child that sounded so vaguely like Youngjae.


However, before Daehyun could process what was happening, everything around him faded to black.


Even himself.


Youngjae felt Daehyun stir, the arms around him slowly retreating. Youngjae, still slightly drowsy, almost felt a tinge of disappointment when the strong arms left his danity waist.


Wait, what?


Youngjae slapped his cheeks, the pain stinging through his whole face as he winced in pain. He was totally awake now.

Just what the heck was he feeling disappointed for? Well, sure, he was gay but he wanted to keep such emotions away. 

After all, robots couldn't form emotions, which thus would deem Youngjae's feelings invalid in the first place. 

Youngjae reminded himself that it was just being caring for his creation as Professor and Robot, and that his robot was solely for Youngjae's research.


The Professor sat at his desk, noting subtle changes to the hand. He popped open the rubber stopper of the solution, dripping a little bit more onto the hand.


"Master?" Daehyun's voice called out, huskier than usual, making Youngjae blush slightly at such a wonderful husky voice he never heard before.


"Yes?" Youngjae answered, his back still facing Daehyun.

"Ah, you're there", his robot pointed out the obvious. "Did you sleep well?" 

Youngjae got off his chair, taking off his glasses and hooking it on his shirt.

"I did", he lied. "What about you?"

"I did too", Daehyun replied, lying on his stomach. "But I had some strange dream."

"Dream? I didn't know robots could dream", Youngjae teased, however realising the truth in his supposed rhetorical question. 


Robots could dream?


Daehyun smiled sheepishly, before answering back, "I didn't too."

Youngjae plastered a smile, brushing off the queer, pushing it at the back of his head. He was sure going to consult Himchan about this later on.


"Daehyun-ah, I'm going off to work already. Take good care of the place alright? The food is all in the fridge. Just heat them up if you're feeling famished" Youngjae instructed, gathering his documents of his new project, plus the hand. 


He bid Daehyun goodbye and bolted out of the door.



Himchan had a mug in his hands, enjoying the bitter aftertaste after each sip he took.

It was then knocks started to echo through his room.

"Come in", he called out. 

Youngjae pushed the door open unsteadily, however, thankfully managing to enter withour breaking anything.

"Ah, Youngjae", Himchan greeted, his eyes twinkling and his lips automatically in a smile.

"Good morning Hyung", Youngjae greeted, settling his documents on the cleaner area of Himchan's messy desk. 


"Where's Junhong?" Himchan asked, finishing his mug of Americano. 

"No work for him today. I gave him a week off work. Through the nine months he really gave it his all in helping me with the project", Youngjae answered, his hands and eyes busy rustling through his pile of mess. 


Himchan nodded in acknowledgement, impressed by Youngjae's somewhat expressed gratitude. 

"So", Himchan spoke again. "What brings you here?"

Youngjae pulled out a document in his thick maroon file and handed it to Himchan, who raised his eyebrows before he received it. 

Himchan read the paper, his head nodding from time to time as his eyes hovered over the papers.

Youngjae looked at his hyung with much nervousness as Himchan continued to read  through. 

"This is some interesting results", commented Himchan. 

Before Himchan could continue, Youngjae rushed back to the desk, picking up the arm that seemed to have fully developed into a human arm.

He presented it to the head Professor, whose eyes widened. 


"Good god! What's that?!" Himchan squeaked in horror, tightening the grip on the documents he was holding.

"The arm I tried testing on", Youngjae replied innocently.

Himchan calmed down a little, nodding his head. He placed the documents cautiously onto his desk, and gingerly took the arm from Youngjae's hands, the squishy flesh making him squirm a little because of the fact that the arm just felt so real. As much as Himchan loved studying molecular genetics, the thought of handling flesh at times made him squirm in displeasure.

Nonetheless, Himchan was impressed. The solution had seemed to work wonders. 


He wondered if it could be used for Jongup. 

Maybe it could turn him fully into human.


"What do you think, hyung?" Youngjae's voice pierced through Himchan's thoughts, pulling him back to the male that stood before him, anticipation twinkling in both of his orbs. 

Himchan nodded again, this time, with a reassuring smile. 

"This is really good. You've done well for the past two weeks. As expected of you", Himchan complimented, patting Youngjae's head. Youngjae blushed.

"How's Daehyun doing?" Himchan asked in the midst of the silence that had started to form between them.


"He's doing well hyung", Youngjae replied. "He seems to be functioning well."

For now at least.

There was a long silence before Himchan spoke again.



"Yes hyung?"

"This may be a selfish request on my behalf",Himchan began, cautiously observing Youngjae's curious eyes staring back at him.

"But could you experiment the subtance on Daehyun? I mean I trust your experiment for it was evidently deemed successful for this, but I want to see it happen on a humanoid."

Youngjae stayed silent, processing what Himchan said.

Will it be worth it? 

Well, the solution did work on the robotic arm more well than Youngjae thought it did.

But that was just an arm, compared to a humanoid of nine months of hardwork put into making Daehyun.

He didn't know if it could work on a full body. 

Doubt and worry started to pollute him.


"Well, if you think this is a little too much.. then scrape the request. I apologise", Himchan spoke, with worry coated in his tone. 


Youngjae still stayed silent. He was still wandering in his own thoughts.

Well, the solution won't do much harm... it's just turning scrap metal into human skin and muscles.. 

However, that demon of worry and doubt constantly bit him.



Youngjae snapped back into reality.

"I can try", Youngjae found himself saying that.

Himchan's eyes widened a little at the acceptance of his request.


"Alright then. Do send me updates from time to time. I promise I'll compensate you if anything happens to Daehyun", Himchan assured.

Youngjae forced a small smile before bidding goodbye to his Professor before taking his chemical tightly with him.


"You're here again?", Yongguk pointed out, his eyes averted to the tall figure that entered the room after a few knocks.

"Hello hyung!" Zelo greeted back with a smile on his face. "Youngjae-hyung gave me a week off work for me to rest."

'That was nice of him', were first few words that entered Yongguk's thoughts.

"But what brings you here?" He asked, as he observed the younger take the seat before him.

"It has turned into a daily routine on visiting you hyung", Zelo replied cheerfully, earning a growing gummy smile from the Professor.

"What are you up to today?"


"More paperwork as usual", was the Professor's reply, sighing at the mountainious amount of work to be done.

"Take a break hyung. I'll go make you some coffee", Zelo insisted, heading over to the coffee machine.


It didn't take long before Yongguk was served coffee that sat on his desk before him. He took a sip, heaving a sigh of relief at the comforting taste the mug of coffee that given him. 

He thanked Zelo and apologised for the trouble, and Zelo smiled back, mentioning that he was used to doing these sort of things as Youngjae's assistant.

"Ah, speaking of Youngjae," Yongguk began. "How is he doing?"

"He's doing well", Zelo replied. "He's been working on a project for the past few weeks though."

"What kind of project?" Yongguk asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

"If I'm not wrong, it's something about turning robotic organs like skin into a human's." 

Yongguk raised and eyebrow. That was something new. Let alone he never thought that that would be something possible to do. 


"Did Youngjae tell you this?" 

Zelo shook his head, then hanging it in guilt. "Youngjae always has his papers all over the place, so I tend to sort it out for him. So at times I'd accidentally read off his documents."

Yongguk nodded in acknowledgement, processing Zelo's words.


Yongguk took another sip of coffee, a smile forming across his lips.


"You make good coffee", he commented with a smile.



Youngjae stepped into his apartment, greeted with the sight of an awkwardly empty living room because of the missing couch. It was already evening by then. Youngjae had spent his afternoon in his lab, doing more analysing.


He headed to his room, this time greeted by Daehyun wearing Youngjae's glasses, engrossed in another romance novel. 

"Good evening Daehyun", Youngjae greeted, wondering if he got the robot's attention. 

Daehyun shifted his gaze to the man's voice, greeting him back cheerfully. 


"What novel this time?" Youngjae asked, emptying his loaded hands onto his desk.

Daehyun flipped the book to the cover and flipped back the page he paused at. 

"Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green", he replied.

"Ah! That is one of my favorite books by that author", Youngjae commented with a smile. "Enjoy the book."


Daehyun nodded, flipping it to the next page.

The atmopshere became silent again, with Daehyun engrossed with his book and Youngjae back to his work. 


Youngjae stole a glance at Daehyun, whilst thinking about what Himchan had requested. He bit his lip as his gaze tore away to the floor.


Youngjae had already the syringe filled with the red subtance, and now he was just contemplating whether to insert the syringe into Daehyun. He knew it would be painless for Daehyun but he was just worried that it wouldn't work.


In the end, Youngjae left the syringe on the table as it was and sat beside Daehyun, the sheets beneath him weighing down. 

However, Youngjae was detached from his reality, lost in his own worries. 


It wouldn't cause damage would it? It's just turning a robot similar to a human. The crucial part was that it wouldn't implement any human emotions into Daehyun. It wouldn't cause harm. The myriad amount of research he did prove his theories.


Youngjae sighed, the stressful weight on his shoulders pinning his mental state.

"Are you alright Master?", Daehyun asked, placing a concerned hand onto the Professor's shoulder. Youngjae turned to Daehyun and smiled reassuringly. 

Daehyun gave a gentle squeeze on Youngjae's stiff shoulder. 

He then placed his book open and page down onto the sheets and got behind Youngjae.

Youngjae was surprised.

"What are you doing, Daehyun-ah?" Youngjae asked, his body stiff.

"Relax Master. I'm gonna give you a massage. I hope this would relieve at least a bit of your stress."

Youngjae's heart fluttered at Daehyun's actions. Despite being a emotionless vessel, Daehyun seemed more caring than he thought. Youngjae couldn't help but smile to himself.


The massage was wonderful and Youngjae felt more light-hearted. A slight percentage of his stress had seeped away slowly. 

His eyes slowly shut, feeling the pleasure of the massage coursing through his veins.


"Master," Daehyun called out, causing Youngjae to hum in reply.



"How does a kiss feel like?"


Youngjae's eyelids fluttered open.

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haneulnightsky #1
Chapter 18: Authonim PLEASE PLEASE update this story... it's sooo goooood!!!
haneulnightsky #2
Chapter 18: Yjay is a droid!! Asafagshdhjdjdjgshs
zZSleepyHead #4
newera #5
Chapter 18: so youngjae is a droid too
you got me there...
but, thanks for updating this story :D
Chapter 18: Ok.. .wow.. .Youngjae....Wow.. . Like.. .wow....i can't say anythg other than this. This.. .Is like the coolest chap ever.. Like.. .wow....i dont know.. Wow
xsmileyrinx #7
Chapter 17: Omggg what is this twist!!!!! I can't!!!! But the story is so good! Thank you for the amazing chapter!
zZSleepyHead #8

Chapter 17: :O
I'm so shocked rn :O
Omg omg omg omg omg !!!
Please don't let them be sad for too long T_T