Chapter 6


The days marched on.


Having another person living in Youngjae's apartment made Youngjae felt weird.

Maybe it was just because he wasn't used to having another tentant living with him.

He had always been staying alone for the past year once he had graduated from collage.

Lonliness was a barricade he already overcame.

But nonetheless, the silence of the apartment could be excruciatingly hard to bear with at times. When it was, Youngjae would immerse himself in reading, spending all his hours at the lab with Junhong or sleeping the lonliness away.

Daehyun wasn't a nuisance.

In fact, all Daehyun did was read all day, giving Youngjae the peace he needed when he was on his work.

While the silence was still the same as always, they weren't awkward.

Daehyun had filled the gaps of lonliness.

Not just in the apartment, but also somewhere else, deep in Youngjae's heart. 


Youngjae paused his writing, took off his glasses, shutting his eyes that he had strained on writing his endless researches. Youngjae was tired but satisfied; his research had made progress. He added in more components to his chemical and had it tested on his self-made robotic arm.

There was a subtle change, to his delight. The synthetic skin started to harden up a little, and the insides became more squisher, despite the fact that the change was very subtle over the past few days. He anticipated for further results.

Youngjae stared at the red liquid that sat on his study table whilst in his own deep thoughts as always.

He had taken into mind that the effect would take a while, typically a span of a few weeks at least.


"Daehyun-ah", Youngjae called out.

Immediately, Daehyun strolled into Youngjae's room with food in his hands.

Youngjae sighed, rolling his eyes upon the sight before him. If this kept up, Youngjae would blow his self-given allowance because Daehyun had been raiding his fridge for food. 

Youngjae doesn't remember creating a robot who was hungry all the damn time.


Daehyun stared at Youngjae, wondering what his Master wanted from, and also why Youngjae was staring at him with such a fed up expression.


"Let's go out and eat", Youngjae suggested. "Come here. I'll give you your clothes."


Daehyun, obdient as always, walked over without any objections.

Youngjae handed Daehyun a navy blue t-shirt and a baggy harem pants. Jeans were much to tight for Daehyun, Youngjae reminded himself.


Upon receiving the clothes, Daehyun immediately started to obliviously strip off the clothes that he was wearing....right in front of Youngjae, giving Youngjae a shock.

"Y-Yah! Daehyun, if you're gonna strip at least tell me beforehand!"Youngjae exclaimed, feeling his cheeks heating up at such a rapid pace. 

"Ah! I'm sorry Master!", apologised Daehyun as he tried to pull up the jeans that were hanging down from his thighs.

Youngjae shook his head, before his eyes accidentally landing on Daehyun's gorgeous thick thighs then slowly falling onto his package. 

Gosh. Youngjae didn't remember creating a robot with such a huge package...

Youngjae swallowed thickly. 

Oh god.



Youngjae snapped out of his trance, his attention averting back to Daehyun's concerned face.

"A-ah, I'll just turn around!" Youngjae cried out, turning his back in the process, hiding his growing crimson cheeks and growing organ between his pale thighs.


Daehyun went ahead to change, taking off his shirt, letting it fall to the bed, which exposed his delicious back muscles that contracted as he stretched his arms back.

Youngjae had to use all his strength to fight back the urge of wanting to turn and just stare at Daehyun stripping.


Youngjae heaved a sigh of relief when he was answered with "I'm done."

"Alright. Wait for me at the living room."

Daehyun did as he was told.


Once Youngjae was sure Daehyun was gone, he rushed to the bathroom to take a quick cold shower to cool off his body and to wash off the impure thoughts flooding his mind.


Youngjae emerged from the bedroom shortly, in a brown shirt and three quarter pants. 

Daehyun was waiting patiently, with a book in hands as usual. Surprisingly, Daehyun didn't seem to take interest in learning about robotics, for he was sure that being a robot himself, he had already acknowledge his own robotic functions in his vessel.

Thus, he went from reading a few books about robotics to reading Youngjae's open collection of romance novels. 

He was reading the classic, titled "The Notebook" by Nicholas Sparks. 

Youngjae of course, was as oblivious about what type of books Daehyun had began reading just as how Daehyun was oblivious that the huge stash of romance novels were not supposed to be founded out.


Daehyun's interest for romance novels never faltered; as a matter of fact, he found the feeling of love interesting, for he had never felt  it before.


Youngjae noticed Daehyun engrossed in the book that was huddled within his arms. 


"Daehyun, let's go", Youngjae called out to him, taking his wallet and keys from the dining table.

Daehyun stood up, closed the book and placed it on the glass coffee table, the cover facing down, and he tagged along with Youngjae, closing the gap between them.


Youngjae didn't feel like going too far for dinner. He wanted to finish dinner and to get back to his research. Thus, he decided to settle for a nearby diner that was just a stone's throw away from his apartment.


Once they had found a seat as was comfortable, they browsed through the menus, Youngjae already knowing what he wanted for he had been there for his meals multiple times. He eyed Daehyun, wondering what he would order.





The cheeseburger looked delicious. I could feel my mouth salivating at the picture of the cheeseburger. 

"What are you ordering, Master?" I asked, my gaze shifting to Master, who was staring at me picking out something to eat since just now. 


Master took a moment to collect his words, before replying, "Chicken chop. You?"

I pursed my lips for a moment, then answering him.

"Cheese burger."


Master called the waiter over with a wave of his hand. The waiter hurriedly came over, with a smile plastered on his face. 

He asked us for our orders and Master produced his orders clearly.



"Two iced2 cola."

"Alright. May I take the menus?"

"Yeah, sure."


With swift movements, the waiter took the menus off from the table and hurried away back to the kitchen.


The iced cola came quickly, and was placed infront of us.

I reached for my glass, the coldness biting onto my fingertips. It didn't hurt. If anything, it felt rather soothing.

The liquid was of a brownish liquid that was fizzling with what seemed like air bubbles.

My A.I twitched, detecting carbonic acid mixed with the drink. However, it didn't seem harmful when I glanced up to Master, who took a few mouthfuls of the drink before settling the glass back to the table, and showing no signs of discomfort whatsoever.


I lifted the glass off the table, the water stained the table with a circle from the condensed water vapour that had collected onto the bottom rim of the glass. 

I tilted the glass to allow the liquid to flow to my lips.

Immediately, the fizz tickled my lips and bit my tongue. I grimaced at such gassiness that filled my system. The taste of cola was so sickenly sweet. 


"What's the matter, Daehyun? You don't like it? If you don't, I'll call for the change of drinks-"

"It's alright Master. It's just my first time tasting such a drink. So it surprised me. Don't need to go such lengths. I'm sorry for worrying you."

The tensed expression Master had softened a little. I must have had shown an expression of displeasure which made him react like that.

"Aigo. I'm really sorry Daehyun-ah. I sometimes forget that you're not human."

I shook my head, not minding that was accompanied with a smile.


After a few more sips, I got used to the taste. It didn't bother me anymore. 

The main course arrived after a few more minutes of waiting. The smell of the burger hit me, and I realised that I was practically drooling. Ah, I couldn't wait to dig in.

"Please eat well, Master", I greeted, pleasantly being ree as well.


I took the burger in between my fingers and bit down on the layers. I felt my eyes lit up.

The flavour of the burger exploded in my tastebuds. The cheese gave the beef patty such a great enhancement of taste. Salty, juicy and fresh.

Ah, so delicious.


"How is it?" Master asked, his gaze fixated on me while he sliced the chicken chop with the knife. 

I nodded, my free hand hovered over my busily chewing mouth. 

Once I had swallowed, I replied excitedly. 

"This is really good!" 


Master had already finished chewing his first portion of the chop that he had sliced.

"You think so?" He asked with a smile.

I nodded, going in for another bite.


Master cut another slice of chicken from the large piece, dipped it in some sauce and reached out his arm towards me.

I stared at him in wonder.

"Try this. This isn't bad too."

I leaned it, biting onto the chicken piece, removing it from the fork. The juiciness flooded my tastebuds. The sauce of course, enhanced the flavour. 

I nodded my head, unable to say anything but smiling at Master, who took it as sign that his food was delicious too.


Dinner went relatively well. The both of us cleaned our plates, stomachs full from the goodness.


We walked home at an usually slower pace. I guess that I was just simply following Master's footsteps. He seemed to want to enjoy the early night more.

It was already nearing eight. 


The silence between us was normal as always, the both of us taking in the streets around us slowly lighting up to life to greet the growingly dark skies.


"We should go to a ramen shop next", Master said, breaking the silence. "Japanese style noodles", he clarified, after seeing a slightly confused look I gave. 

"That would be pleasant, Master."

A grin grew on Master's face.


"So what are you up to for the past few days, Master?" I asked, deciding to initiate the conversation.

"More research. I still have a lot to cover, even after creating you." 


"More chemicals testing", he replied. I didn't press on on asking.

It was probably confidential. Aish. Master was always conservative about his myriad researches, always keeping things to himself.

"How about you, my Daehyun-ah?" He teased, giggling.

Being called as Master's somehow made the plasmic subtance flow more quicker in my thinner vessels. I felt my cheeks flush a little, which was a surprise. 

I also felt the presence in my own abdomen. It was as if butteflies had suddenly flew in. I read about in the novels Master kept, and this was described as "butterflies in stomach". Was it some kind of weird sickness?

Why was I reacting like this?


"Reading", I replied, averting my gaze away from Master's twinkling orbs. 

He nodded in reply. 

"I really should spend more time with you, Daehyun-ah. Don't you feel lonely?"

I shrugged.

"I guess I have books to accompany me. After all, the genre of them is something I'm enjoying to learn about. 

But of course, I would be very delighted to have Master to willingly spend time with me."

Master smiled, slight shades of pink staining his face. 


"I see. I guess reading more about yourself is rather interesting, isn't it?"

"Ah, no. I'm already intelligent enough to understand my own systems. What I'm referring to is the romance genre that I have taken interest in recently."

Master furrowed his eyebrows at first, confused at my words. His confusion then turned into a face of horror, shown by the widening of his eyes.

I raised an eyebrow. Was this man alright?

By then, we had suddenly stopped walking out of nowhere at the middle of street.

"You read my novels?!" His voice slightly louder and higher by just an octave.

I nodded calmly, unable to process why Master was acting like this. "I found them on one of your shelves and picked one to read out of curiosity."

Master's face was now flushed absolutely crimson. My A.I picked up the increase in heartbeat.

"Master... was I not suppose to read those?"

He inhaled and exhaled, trying to catch his breath. He looked like he was going to burst into flames.

I sure would not want that.


I patted his shoulder gently, in attempt to calm him down.

"Yes.." He replied, the back of his hand covering his lips, his gaze averted to one that was not at me.

"Ah I see. Those books are really good though, even though I've recently just started reading a few novels", I replied.


"Don't you find it weird?" Master suddenly asked. 

My head tilted to the side a little, indicating curiosity at his question.

"Isn't it weird that a guy like me, enjoys reading romance novels?"

My eyes flickered up to the dark skies for a second, then returning to the sight of Master, still flushing red.

"No", I replied. "Then I would be counted as one of those 'weird' guys who like reading romance novels too."


This time, the flushed expression Master had was replaced by amazement. "That's true."

I smiled. My point was proven.

"Love must be such a wonderful thing though", I added, my gaze now turned towards the endless streets that stretched before me.

"Yeah. It is."


As we continued to stroll, a question popped into my head and rolled off my tongue before I could do anything.

"Has Master ever been in love?" 

Master didn't reply immediately though, his expression blank. 

Did I say something wrong?

"Yes. I have." 

My eyebrows were raised, intriuged at his reply.

"That person must be very lucky", I commented, not forgetting to smile.

He seemed to hesitate for a second there, nodding in acknowledgement, this time, he was one with the warm smile.

We reached to the apartment soon after.


Night had fallen by then. The blanket of stars coating the night sky, hanging with beautiful twinkling fire balls.

I was back on the couch curling up, engrossed in reading. My arms reached out to the glass of cola sitting on the coffee table. 

As I took small sips from the class delicately, engrossed with the story, my hearing sensors had blocked out muffled calls directed at me.

I had stopped drinking the cola, but I still had the glass in my hand, absorbed in reading, for the plot had already hit the . 




I jolted upwards in reflex to Master's exclaim, yelping in the process. To my horror, the glass of liquid that was in my hands hit the cushion beside me, the rim on the glass touching the surface of the couch, the cola pouring all over the pretty couch, staining the maroon couch in a deeper shade of red, with a mix of brown. 


I jumped out the couch quickly, grabbing the now nearingly emptied glass from the couch, my other occupied hand still gripping tightly onto the novel.


"Yah! Daehyun-ah! I've calling you for the past five min-"


Master's eyes widened to the size of saucers in horror, upon setting his sight on his beautiful couch that was now horribly stained with cola.


"M-Master.. I'm so sorry! I was reading, and drinking cola. I didn't hear you calling me until you shouted... and when you did, I jumped and....the cola spilled... I'm so sorry!" I apologised, absolutely flustered.


I was expecting Master to shout at me. But he just stared at me wide-eyed. His palm covered his face in frustration. 

"Did you get cola anywhere on yourself?"

I shook my head.

"Alright. That's good to know", he replied. It sounded like a sigh instead.


Master rushed to the landline, dialing a number. 

I stared at Master, wondering if he was upset at me. However, I still listened to his conversation on the line.


"Hello? Yes, is this the Furniture Cleaning Agency? Yes. I'm going to send my couch for cleaning.... it's stained with coke that I accidentally spilled..."

His eyes were towards my direction, however, not at me, but at the couch instead.

Master continued to mention his details, nodding simultaneously. 


Once he was done with the phone call, he placed the phone down, his gaze averting to mine. 

"I've called for the dry cleaning agency for the furniture to wash the couch. They'll be coming to pick up the couch within half an hour, so there's nothing to worry about."

I bowed, still feeling the immense guilt swarming over me. 


"Don't sweat it, Daehyun. It was also on my fault for shocking you", he comforted. "But really though, was the book that interesting that your hearing senses were blocked?"

Master let out a small chuckle at the sarcasm.


I broke into a smile, a huge, strange sense of what I believe was to be relief, before walking over to the sink to put the glass.

I was still holding onto the book though, forgetting that it was still within my clutch for the past ten minutes.


I paused at the sink, a thought suddenly surfacing. 

I whipped my head to Master, who had seemed to notice the sudden movement of mine, and our gazes met.

Master raised his eyebrow.

"But Master", I began. 


Where do I sleep at now?" 

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haneulnightsky #1
Chapter 18: Authonim PLEASE PLEASE update this story... it's sooo goooood!!!
haneulnightsky #2
Chapter 18: Yjay is a droid!! Asafagshdhjdjdjgshs
zZSleepyHead #4
newera #5
Chapter 18: so youngjae is a droid too
you got me there...
but, thanks for updating this story :D
Chapter 18: Ok.. .wow.. .Youngjae....Wow.. . Like.. .wow....i can't say anythg other than this. This.. .Is like the coolest chap ever.. Like.. .wow....i dont know.. Wow
xsmileyrinx #7
Chapter 17: Omggg what is this twist!!!!! I can't!!!! But the story is so good! Thank you for the amazing chapter!
zZSleepyHead #8

Chapter 17: :O
I'm so shocked rn :O
Omg omg omg omg omg !!!
Please don't let them be sad for too long T_T