Chapter 16



The Professor shifted in his sleep a little, his body started to slowly awaken.
He slowly opened his eyes, trying to access the room that wasn't his bedroom for sure.

Youngjae slowly regained his senses, his neck aching slightly from leaning on something as he fell asleep last night.
He shifted his neck to the other side, letting the blood circulate before acknowledging that he woke up with a blanket wrapped around him, insulating him from the morning cold.
Youngjae's eyes slowly opened, after trying his best to further increase the wrap of the blanket around him and giving up after that.

"Daehyun...?" He muttered, once he realised that his lover had gone missing from his spot on the couch.
Panic soon started to settle in, as Youngjae scanned the apartment nervously, only calming down once his gaze settled on his lover at the kitchen counter pulling open the plastic cover of an instant rice packet.

Youngjae sighed in relief, letting his gaze linger on the male for awhile longer, thankful that he was still around.
He then pulled the blanket off himself, a mischievous thought playing through his head.
Smiling playfully, he walked towards the said male quietly as Daehyun inserted the mildly open rice packet into the microwave and setting the timer.
Youngjae then slid his arms around the robot's waist, and rested his chin on the shoulder of his lover's, then kissing his jawline gently.

Daehyun simply smiled pleasantly, already knowing that it was his Master from sensing his body heat.
The robot then shut the microwave door and hit start before turning to his lover, his arms sliding down to the Professor's waist and Youngjae's arms shifted around Daehyun's neck.
Both wore beautiful smiled on their faces as they looked at each other.

Daehyun then leaned in, pressing his lips against Youngjae's ones, letting the kiss linger for more than a second before Youngjae suddenly opened his mouth, letting his tongue swipe over his lover's bottom lip, asking for entrance.
Daehyun groaned in pleasure at the new sensation, parting his lips invitingly as Youngjae's tongue slipped in totally,

Daehyun mimicked his Master's movements, letting his tongue slide over Youngjae's earning a soft moan from him.
Their tongues danced in each other's mouths, their bodies filling up with ecstasy and each other's sensations.

It wasn't until Youngjae then decided to boldly bite down on Daehyun's bottom lip gently, then tugging it lightly, that Daehyun felt like he was going in an overdrive.
He pushed Youngjae against the counter, taking the lead, then slowly slid his hands underneath the white sweater his lover was wearing, his warm fingertips coming contact onto Youngjae's cold and smooth skin, causing the male to shiver under his lover's touch, pulling the robot even closer to him.

Youngjae smiled in the kiss, pressing himself closer to his lover even more. His body and mind felt so light-headed as he allowed himself to melt into the passionate kiss, but still putting up a playful fight between their tongues.

They pulled apart soon after much reluctance, breathing heavily on each other's lips, Youngjae tilting his head up for fresh air.

"You're a playful one, aren't you Master?" Daehyun breathed heavily against Youngjae's swollen lips, his eyes half-lidded.
Youngjae didn't reply him, instead challenging the robot's strength, pushing him a little, causing the robot to push him back against the counter again.

Their lips clashed again, so did their hips and s, until the microwave started beeping loudly, reminding Daehyun about his forgotten rice packet.

Daehyun groaned a little and pulled away reluctantly, averting his attention to the cooked rice packet.

Youngjae simply chuckled, despite the tent formed in his sweat pants.
"You're hungry already?" He asked, thinking if he should cook a packet for himself.

Daehyun nodded, but then answered Youngjae, "Not after having my favorite breakfast", he smiled, his gaze landing on Youngjae's lips.
The Professor blushed, turning away to get a packet of rice for himself.

This time, it was Daehyun's turn to chuckle as he took the curry seasoning packet from the upper cabinet, but not before pressing a soft kiss on the Professor's temple.

"That's so cheesy", the Professor commented, rolling his eyes playfully, earning another chuckle from his lover.
"But you still love it", Daehyun replied, humming as he sprinkled the seasoning over the rice.

Youngjae huffed, getting annoyed at how witty his robot had become.
He shut the microwave door and pressed start.

Daehyun then turned around to get a packet of the curry seasoning, before taking two pairs of chopsticks.

The microwave beeped once more, and Youngjae gingerly yanked the packet rice out after opening the door, and then pulling off the plastic covering altogether.
He then reached to get the utensils, but then Daehyun exclaimed, "I got your chopsticks, Master."
Youngjae turned to face his back, only to be met with his lover's back.
He couldn't help but smile at his robot

Youngjae then walked over, placing the packet rice onto the counter and sitting opposite Daehyun, who was mixing the rice up.

"You like mixing the rice with the curry seasoning too?" Youngjae asked, surprised.
Daehyun shrugged. "The curry seasoning was the only thing there to eat with the rice, Master", he replied.

"You should try with the light soy sauce", Youngjae recommended, leaving his seat to get the bottle of soy sauce.
Daehyun's gaze trailed his Master's, as he observed his Master retrieving the bottle from the cabinet, then returning back to his seat, drizzling the liquid all over the rice before adding in the curry seasoning.
He picked his chopsticks up and started to mix the rice.
Youngjae then picked up a huge pile of rice between his chopsticks, bringing it to Daehyun's lips, with another hand below the rice pile to catch any dropped grains.
"Be careful, it's hot", Youngjae cautioned gently, with a smile on his face.
Daehyun stared intently at his lover, feeling his cheeks burn up slightly.
Bowing quickly and murmuring his eating greetings, he leaned forward to meet the rice pile and devoured it, ignoring the heat that burned his mouth a little.

The blank expression on the robot's face turned into a huge smile, nodding at how good the food was.
"It's good right?" Youngjae asked even though from Daehyun's expression, it was evident enough.
Daehyun nodded once more, his eyes formed into crescents.
Youngjae had a proud expression on his face when he knew Daehyun liked his little creation, picking a pile of rice and eating it.

"You should try eating the instant rice with instant ramen", Daehyun suggested, shoving a huge block of rice into his mouth.
"It tastes good?" Youngjae asked the obvious.

"Well, eat a small portion of the rice, then drink the broth at the same time, the taste is amazing. I've tried it."
Youngjae smiled, amazed.
"I'll try that soon. Thanks for the suggestion Daehyunnie."
Daehyun smiled back.

The both of them soon finished their rice, and chucked the empty container into the dustbin before heading over the couch to cuddle, with Youngjae always snuggling in his robot's arms.

"Don't you need to go to the lab today?" Daehyun asked, his voice muffled as he let his lips meet his Professor's soft locks.
"Later in the afternoon, I think", Youngjae replied, letting his fingers trace the details of the robot's fingers.
And Daehyun couldn't stop holding Youngjae close to him, wanting to feel every inch of his body warmth to be registered into his system.

"You're one affectionate robot", Youngjae teased, interlocking his fingers with Daehyun's after finishing exploring his beautiful fingers.
"That's because I have such a beautiful Master", Daehyun smiled, the comment making Youngjae flush in pink.


A silence followed, but not an uncomfortable one as the two stared into space, only drinking in the silence of the room.
Daehyun spared a glance at his Master, who had his eyes closed.

"Are you asleep again?"

Youngjae shook his head, his eyes still closed.
Daehyun managed a smile before turning back to face the black screen of the television.

"Daehyunnie", the Professor suddenly called out after another round of silence.
"Yes Master?"

"Do you want to come to lab with me later on?"

Daehyun's eyes lit up, his lips curling into a smile.
Youngjae nodded with a smile, lifting his head to meet the robot's eyes.

"It's been awhile since you've visited the lab, hasn't it?"
Daehyun nodded, the smile stuck on his face.

"I'll go change up. Follow me."


It had been a long while since I visited Master's lab. I kind of missed the place.

The memories of kissing Master was pretty etched in my memories, and I could feel myself heating up a little.
I could feel myself craving for Master's taste over and over again.

I tailed Master as we headed to his lab.

When I stepped into the lab, a sense of familiarity washed over me. I sighed.

"Is there anything wrong Daehyun?" Master inquired. I shook my head quickly with a smile.
"No. It's just a little nostalgic being here, Master", I answered with a small smile.

"Hyung! Daehyun-ssi!" Junhong-ssi greeted as he emerged from behind us.
The both of us turned to greet Junhong-ssi; Master greeting him brightly, probably as he did always, and I, giving a small nod, not forgetting a small smile on my face.
"I didn't expect Daehyun-ss to be visiting today", Junhong-ssi commented, handing Masted a thick folder of documents.

"Ah, well I decided to bring him because I'm pretty sure having a robot coped up at home must be really boring", Master replied, turning his gaze to me, smiling in the process.

"It's not like that, Junhong-ssi! I wasn't feeling coped up at all! Master, don't spout things like that", I replied, feeling a little flustered.
Master simply chuckled, giving my hair a ruffle.

"I was joking Daehyunnie. But Junhong-ah, you should have seen the look on Daehyun's face when I told him I'd bring him back to lab. His eyes lit up! Literally!" Master teased somemore.

"Oh god", I groaned, feeling myself heating up by the minute.
Master and Junhong-ssi exchanged giggles and though I did feel a little left out, I simply smiled.

As long as Master was happy, I was happy too.

"Himchan hyung and Yongguk hyung are popping by you know?" Junhong-ssi informed, leaning casually against the mental benches.

Master then turned to me.
"Do you remember them?" He asked.

I nodded. "They're the head Professors, aren't they? I haven't seen them in while."

Master smiled, ruffling my hair affectionately.

"Ah!" Master suddenly exclaimed. "I forgot my reports in the office! I'll be back guys!"
And thus, he sped off to his office.

"Geez, this hyung, always flustered and all", Junhong chuckled to himself.
"So how are you putting up Daehyun-ssi?"
"I'm doing fine", I replied smiling.
"That's good to know", Junhong-ssi smiled back. "Did anything interesting happen?"
I was confused for a moment, wondering why he emphasised on the word 'interesting'.
"What do you mean?" I asked, tilting my head questioningly.

"You do know that Youngjae hyung is in love with you right?" He shoots bluntly.
I didn't know what to react, but to just nod in reply, feeling myself heat up a little.
Junhong-ssi merely giggled light-heartedly.
"So are the both of you together now?"
I nodded.

"I figured", he replied with a playful smirk. "I wish you guys the best."

Somehow the last sentence had a weird tone of concern in it. But I waved it off, and thanked him nonetheless.

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haneulnightsky #1
Chapter 18: Authonim PLEASE PLEASE update this story... it's sooo goooood!!!
haneulnightsky #2
Chapter 18: Yjay is a droid!! Asafagshdhjdjdjgshs
zZSleepyHead #4
newera #5
Chapter 18: so youngjae is a droid too
you got me there...
but, thanks for updating this story :D
Chapter 18: Ok.. .wow.. .Youngjae....Wow.. . Like.. .wow....i can't say anythg other than this. This.. .Is like the coolest chap ever.. Like.. .wow....i dont know.. Wow
xsmileyrinx #7
Chapter 17: Omggg what is this twist!!!!! I can't!!!! But the story is so good! Thank you for the amazing chapter!
zZSleepyHead #8

Chapter 17: :O
I'm so shocked rn :O
Omg omg omg omg omg !!!
Please don't let them be sad for too long T_T