The perfect family

A newly formed family.
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“Are you ready, baby?” Siwon asked, looking at Kyuhyun that was staring at himself in the big mirror of the changing room.

“I am, I think I am…” He muttered, looking away and adjusting his microphone on his head again “You think they’re behaving?”

“I’m sure they are, they’re always comfortable with Minho and Taemin so they will be fine” He smiled, kissing his cheek and taking his hand to walk out of the room.

Super Junior decided to come back with their last album, they announced this was going to be their last albums as a group, but that they were going to pour every single emotion and things they achieved during their break. Of course this unleashed a lot of tears and sadness, but a lot of people agreed with them that it was a great way to close the cycle, as painful as it was.

“Okay guys, this will be our last presentation as a group at least, we know we will still be the same family we were before and nothing will change that” Leeteuk said once everyone was around him, smiling softly “Let’s give everything as always, thank everyone for being with us for more than ten years.”

Kyuhyun saw some of his friends tearing up, but nodding at his words, he too had a lump on his throat that made him believe he wasn’t going to be capable of singing and his voice was present in a large part of the song, as always “Let’s have this talk later okay? I won’t say sorry if I can’t sing out there.” He said, seeking comfort in Siwon’s arms.

“Kyu is right, let’s go now.” Leeteuk smiled, guiding his group out.

Kyuhyun and Siwon couldn’t remember they had such an emotional presentation before, they could almost swear there was much more people looking at them in the, he always thought, it was a small studio. Electric blue filled every single corner in there, the fans carried large banners with the names group and others with each one of their names, almost everybody was crying, even they started to cry after the song ended. The producers let them spend more time with their fans and in general do whatever they wanted with them since it was the last time they were going to record a song in there.

The producers said some things were going to be aired so the people that couldn’t be there could hear what they said and share a little what the ones there had, leaving the group happy and satisfied with their last day in there.

Returning to the room, the group sat down where they could and stayed in silence, looking at someone or something, having the mind completely lost in their own thoughts, anyone that could have walked in could say their spirits wasn’t there, only their bodies.

“So this is our last day in here…” Donghae was the one who broke it, whispering softly and looking up at his friends, rubbing his eyes that were teary once more.

“It is, Hae, it’s been a long way.” Leeteuk said, smiling softly at him.

Kyuhyun felt for a moment that they were in the middle of burying someone, which was true in theory, they were putting to rest more than ten years of career, closing a cycle, but still he didn’t like the atmosphere. Leaning to whisper something in Siwon’s ear, he stood up and walked to the centre of the room, gaining the attention “Since you all look like someone had died… Would you like to come to our house? I’m sure the twins will love to see their uncles.”

“I think we need their happiness” Sungmin smiled brightly.

“Would love to see them” Henry agreed.

“Then move, come on.” Kyuhyun groaned, taking Siwon’s hand and pulling him out of the room, the others following him close while whining about Kyuhyun’s grumpy personality even in moments like this one.

The drive back home was more noisy than the time in the change room, all of them talked about what the fans said to them, what they showed and every other memory they made in that afternoon. Siwon smiled while he reached to squeeze Kyuhyun’s hand “I’m so proud of you Kyu.”

“Be proud of Hyun Su or Sun Hee, not me” He said with a faint pout, making Siwon internally squeal at just how adorable his husband is when he’s hiding something.


The band reached the couple’s house when the clock marks 5pm and they all scramble out of the room and moved to the door, waiting almost impatiently for Kyuhyun or Siwon to open the door. Siwon is the one who opens it, letting everyone enter before he takes Kyuhyun’s hand and guides him inside, kissing his cheek because he looks so ready to stab someone.

“Appa Won, appa Kyu!” The twins yell in enthusiasm, jumping around when they saw all their uncles in there “Uncles!”

Kyuhyun crouches to kiss their foreheads before moving to Minho and Taemin who are smiling at seeing the two kids receiving everyone so excitedly “How did they behave?” He asked, ignoring his bandmates that are all over their babies

“We were good appa!” Hyun Su said while Sun Hee nodded.

“I’ll let your uncles judge that baby, not you” He teased, looking back at the other two who are laughing for the kid’s words.

“He’s not lying, they behaved really well” Taemin smiled, walking to pat the boy’s head and smiling brightly.

“See appa?” The girl pouted, almost sending Hyukjae to the ground because dear god, that girl really looked like Kyuhyun.

“Okay, I’ll believe more in you from now on” He laughed, walking to the kitchen to get some water.

“You’re staying, Minho, Taemin?” Leeteuk asks, glancing at the others.

“No, we need to return, tomorrow we’re going to Thailand” Minho smiled, also he knew this time was emotional and considered they should spend time with them alone “Thank you so much hyung.”

“We thank you for taking care of them, wish you all the best for your concert.” Siwon smiled, ruffling Taemin’s hair.

“It was nothing, we love taking care of them” Taemin grinned, returning to hold Minho’s hand.

“Congratulations with your last album, Kibum was crying while listening to it” Minho said, making them laugh “We all loved it.”

“I’ll thank him later” Heechul smirked.

The SHINee members left after sometime of talking to them and saying goodbye to the twins, leaving the house so they could have the time they were looking for since they finished their presentation.

Kyuhyun sat next to Siwon, resting his head on his shoulder while the twins brought their videogames to play while they talked, saying now and then all the things they done since last time they were all together, the evil maknae smiled while seeing them, ignoring almost complete

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AngelFelicia #1
Chapter 15: What a beautiful story, the twins are so cute and loving that the will to squeeze.
Siwon and Kyu as always made a real love for their children.
Thank you for sharing your feelings and affection for this wonderful dupline. (= ^.^=)
mykyunie #2
Chapter 15: Realmente una historia buenisima, ame cada capitulo. Gracias por compartirla y espero poder leer la siguiente
Chapter 3: Woh twins, well I guess they can jump into the deep immediately xD Newborns and two of them, that's going be a great chaos. I can't wait so see them fawning over their little ones
Chapter 2: C2: dawh Hae is super adorable <3 Poor kyu was so stressed but they can adopt! Haha I cant wait to see them with a bundle of kids and babies that's going to be so precious
Chapter 1: C1: Naaawh this is going to be a sweet ride into fluff town. I always love parenting fics, its siper adorable to read. I was honestly surprised by the teukchul, I don't see the pairing that often, so that was nice even if it might be just a light cameo xD The only minor thing of this chapter was that it might have been nice if you put a double enter or something when you switched over to Siwon. I was confused for a second because of that. I'll looking forward to read the next chapters ^^
Chapter 15: I read the whole story in one go. And it was amazing! I teared up by the end, seeing them happy in their lives. They tears of happiness! The bonding between all of them was perfect!
Thanks for such a wonderful story!
kyuwon1013 #7
Chapter 15: such an amazing story,thanks for sharing it to us!
Chapter 15: Thankyu sooooooo mucj for this beautiful wonkyu story for sharing here.❤❤❤
Jihad_G #9
Pleeeeeaaaaasssseeeee update sooooooo on :(
AngelFelicia #10
Chapter 14: Aaaaaa is coming to an end, I love the fic it's very cute. Baby kyu as always so sweet with their babies S2. They are a beautiful family Won is very passionately in love with them.

Kissussss .....: 3: 3: 3