Chapter 8

Can I trust You with My Heart?

   Chanyeol travelled fast on his motorcycle, the police! Remembering the directions that Kai had given him, Chanyeol pulled up to a beige three floored house. The lights were still on at this hour so Chanyeol was sure that this was the place where Luhan lived. After hastily jumping off his motorcycle, not caring about it as he threw it to the ground; he sprinted to the door.

     “Yah! Kai I’m here! Open the door!” Chanyeol called while banging on the door. The door opened right after revealing a small familiar boy. Luhan looked at Chanyeol with surprise. “Chanyeol? What are you doing here?”

      “Where’s Baekhyun!”

Realization appeared on Luhan’s face. “Ah, yes!” Luhan pointed to a room with the door open at the end of the hallway. “He’s over in that-“ Before Luhan could finish his sentence Chanyeol practically bolted to the room that Luhan pointed at. Luhan sighed and smiled softly.

      Chanyeol had been in Luhan’s same math class since sophomore years, but had never acted so frantic, for another person. It reminded Luhan about of how he was before he met Sehun. Now he was constantly worrying and taking care of the maknae.

    Love really can change a person.


Before Chanyeol actually entered the room a different voice caught his attention.



     Kai shifted uncomfortably but forced a smile. “You came here pretty quick.”

“Of course, I needed to see how Baekhyun was. How is he?”

     Kai pursed his lips. “He’s fine, you don’t need to worry too much. We cleaned his wounds and even managed to feed him a painkiller.”

    Chanyeol sighed of relief. “Good.”

Then Chanyeol looked at Kai. “Why did you help him? I thought you would be the one to gang up on him.”

    “You know, I’m not going to even feel offended because I understand why you’d think that. But I don’t know myself, I think it’s because...”

    I saw what you saw.

“I just got tired of hurting him, and all that mushy stuff.” Kai concluded.


   Chanyeol tried to contain his surprise. Kai was, most of the time, a very stubborn person who always stood by his personal opinions and barely ever budged. But something had made him willingly change himself from his stubbornness, even if it was just for this one time...What had caused this to happen? Unfortunately he didn’t get to much time to think about that when he heard the bathroom door open next to them.

    “Wow, that felt real nice. I need to compliment Luhan on his shower picking skills. Kai, you should go take-“ Sehun walked out of the steamy washroom with only a thin towel wrapped around his waist. There was another towel on his shoulders to keep the droplets on his hair fall onto his shoulders. His voice faltered when he saw Chanyeol. His eyes were wide as if he was not expecting Chanyeol to see him half in his boyfriend’s home. To be fair, Chanyeol wouldn’t have expected that either.

     “WAH! Chanyeol, what are you doing here?” Sehun screamed. He looks over from Chanyeol, to Kai, and one look from Kai sends Sehun into realization. “Oh, I get it now. I’ll just go get changed then.” Sehun left the room, but the two boys heard him call out to Luhan, asking for spare clothes.

     Kai shook his head. “Anyway, you were here to see Baekhyun right? Well, then go right ahead, I just wanted to talk to you for a bit.”

    Chanyeol nods and leaves the room to venture to the next. The door was closed, so Chanyeol guessed that Baekhyun was most likely sleeping. Opening the door slowly, just in case; he didn’t wake up the sleeping boy.

    He peeked through the door and felt the corners of his mouth tilt upward. He saw Baekhyun sleeping peacefully underneath a soft white sheet. Slipping through quietly he made his way next to Baekhyun. He knelt down by the side of the bed. Chanyeol watched as the blanket rose up and down with every delicate breath Baekhyun took.

    Scanning Baekhyun; Chanyeol saw lots of white bandages. But it seemed that they didn’t really bother Baekhyun as he slept. The painkiller seemed to really help. Chanyeol then felt his eyes set on Baekhyun’s hands. Instinctively, he moved his hand to place it on top of Baekhyun’s.

    It felt so right. Baekhyun’s small hands engulfed underneath Chanyeol’s larger hand felt so right. But Baekhyun’s hands felt so cold. Chanyeol gripped Baekhyun’s hand gently, in hopes to warm it up.

   Suddenly Baekhyun started to twitch slightly. Chanyeol let go of Baekhyun’s small hand. He didn’t want to wake the smaller male up, Baekhyun just looked too peaceful. Although Chanyeol though that, he couldn’t help feel the urge to capture Baekhyun’s hand again. Why? He wasn’t supposed to feel this way. He never felt this way when he performed skin ship with his friends. He was making the same gesture, so why? What made it so different?

   Chanyeol rested his chin on top of his hands as he stared at Baekhyun’s face. He was mesmerized at how peaceful Baekhyun looked. In fact, he looked like a whole different person. Baekhyun’s face didn’t look strained from anxiousness or anything, he reminded Chanyeol of an angel. Chanyeol reached out his arm and gently brushed the bangs from Baekhyun’s forehead, he always covered his eyes, and Chanyeol yearned to see his eyes again.

    Before Chanyeol’s hand left Baekhyun’s face, Baekhyun reached up and grabbed the younger’s hand. Chanyeol almost yelped, but stopped himself when he saw that Baekhyun was still asleep. He must’ve done it unconsciously.

    “No…” Baekhyun mumbled softly in his sleep. “Don’t go.”

Chanyeol smiled softly, he did what Baekhyun wanted.

    He stayed right there. He stayed right by Baekhyun’s side.

I’m not going anywhere Baekhyun. I’ll stay right here, as long as you want.


OMYGAWD GUYS I AM SO SORRY FOR THE DAY LATE UPDATE! OMO! I AM SO SORRY! ON SATURDAY I HAD A STUPID SCHOOL TESTING THINGY AND ON SUNDAY I HAD A CHEER COMPETITION! And if you're curious, yes I failed on both XD. But seriously guys I'm sorry for being late, and it's not even long (or that great, sorry) agh, sorry again.

    Personal stuff up ahead! And on the testing it was weird it was at that night when I was feeling the anxiety after the test, so I was up til 1 am freaking out about it, but luckily Chanbaek helped me calm down :P and on Sunday, my mom was still ragging to me about my ship Chanbaek, she was like "you know they're only friends and they will never get together, and they only act that way because korean people just have that culture *naggy mom voice*" so I just nodded like a good girl cuz I didn't want to get nagged anymore XD but on the inside I was internally sobbing and thinking "Mom! I know alright? You don't need to remind me!" T^T

     But anyway on a more serious note, thanks to those who subscribe, comment (love you guy's comments!) and read my stuff, you make me so happy! >3< please subscribe if you haven't already, and comment (comments are greatly loved :3) too! Maybe even upvote if you're feeling generous! Also see you soon!


(°◡°♡).:。Chanbaek moment at the ACC kpop group concert thingy <3 I will forever love this ship! (°◡°♡).:。

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My cover seems to have dies XD sorry guys for a coverless story T^T


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Chapter 12: Please.. Please.. Update, this is so good. I hope that Chanyeol will help him. And Mr Byun is so evil. Really really a bad person. I hate him. It's 2019 already. Please update auhornim.. I really love thia fic.. So much love for u authornim.. FIGHTING.
Chapter 12: Update please this is so beautiful
Chapter 12: Please update
ssneul #4
Wow ive been waiting for an update since 2015 lol ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
BOI u be leaving ur fans hanging! As ur editor I am ashamed! Lol!
marieexoluv13 #6
Chapter 12: OMG update plzzzzzzz. I needs to know!
thelovelylam #7
Chapter 12: I have enjoyed reading this!
Likkkkeeeee ittt
Sooshi_luvs #9
Chapter 12: oh em geeeeeeee this fic is greattttt also, I cant believe that the next chapter might be the last one. you should continue it with their relationship and stuff... and then baek gets kidnapped or something and.... sorry lol
LuCandy #10
Chapter 12: Next chapter is the last one??
I Was thought this just the beginning o.o
Mmmmm .. :D