Chapter 3

Can I trust You with My Heart?

   The warm rays of sunlight shone through Baekhyun’s singular window, causing him to stir in his sleep. Completely exhausted, Baekhyun groaned and slowly rolled to his side, his body still aching from his most recent ‘session’ the other night. Fortunately for Baekhyun, his father had left early for a meeting, but unfortunately his body hurt like hell and his father still expected him to go to school. Baekhyun sighed and his eyes flitted up to his window. It was beautiful, absolutely gorgeous outside, the bright blue sky with barely any clouds, the warm sun and the gentle breeze. But not for Baekhyun, for him, everyday seemed to be a dark, cold and cloudy day. So for they’re to be day like this was a little… disappointing? No, annoying? No. it was insulting.

    Why was Mother Nature so happy when he was in this much pain?

Baekhyun almost let out a laugh. Then again, he had no right to complain. It’s his own fault; he should be going through this pain. He had no right at all.

    Baekhyun pushed himself up and gritted his teeth. It was painful but it was more bearable than yesterday. Baekhyun grabbed his summer uniform, and took off his shirt. He looked in his mirror, his reflection staring back at him. His body was so thin his ribs were visible through his skin. His skin was so pale it was as if he never went out. It was ugly. Baekhyun hated it, why was he so ugly?

   He hated everything.

The only thing Baekhyun thought was decent was his hair. How his bangs covered up most of his eyes. It made him feel strangely safe. That way no one could see the awful emotions mixed in his eyes. But that was what made Baekhyun so afraid of Kai.

   He could see his eyes, all the time.

No matter how much he covered it up, Kai could see, he could see everything. When Kai looks at his eyes, he could see how vulnerable Baekhyun is.

  And that scared him.


    Before Baekhyun had left he put on a long arm coverings to cover up his ugly bruises and cuts his father inflicted on him. Of course it would look weird with a summer uniform but bruises and cut would be even stranger. And Baekhyun didn’t need to be looked at strangely like a fly.

   But then again people barely notice him. No one would even care.


He walked into his classroom earlier than usual. He was really hoping to avoid his bullies, Exo-K. Since he wasn’t at school the other day he knew that they would be itching for someone to hit. As they walked in, thirty seconds before class, all cool, Baekhyun slouched deeper into his chair. Last time was not a pleasant memory for Baekhyun. Kai smirked cruelly at Baekhyun before sitting down. Baekhyun lowered his gaze, but picked it up again when he felt eyes, not cruel or cold ones, looking at him. He looked up tentatively and was surprised to see the Exo-K’s Park Chanyeol staring at him. When Chanyeol saw Baekhyun look at him he tore his gaze immediately away.

    Baekhyun shivered. Why was he staring at me?


Baekhyun hated lunch. He was okay with class because him sitting alone was normal, but at lunch it made him feel even more like an outcast. He looked at everyone chattering and looking around but no one even glanced his way. Of course that was to be expected.

   Baekhyun stood up to leave the lunchroom to go to the restroom where he could be alone. He was almost at the door when something had tripped him.

   “Tsk, what a clumsy loser.” A person sneered. Or someone.

“Ow.” Baekhyun muttered quietly. The impact had caused a stinging pain to blossom on his hands and knees.

   People start to surround them, although none of them bother to help or try to stop Kai from bullying Baekhyun; all they do is watch, watch and do nothing. Baekhyun felt numb. He felt so helpless.

  He balled his small hands into fists, a small bubble of anger formed in his chest.

Kai saw this action and laughed. “Oh~ is our little boy getting angry?”

   This time Baekhyun spoke up, just a bit louder so Kai could hear him. “Yeah, having to listen to your stupid voice can make one pretty pissed off. Don’t know how your ‘friends’ can stand you.”

    For a half-second Kai’s expression changed into shock but quickly changed into anger. Suddenly Baekhyun felt a foot ram hard into his side causing him to flip over on his back.

    Baekhyun gasped for breath, the kick knocked the wind out of him. But before he could even get full breaths into his lungs Kai planted his foot into Baekhyun’s throat, almost completely blocking his airway. 

    “You want to say that again, you little ?” Kai’s eyes flashed with anger. Baekhyun clawed weakly at Kai’s ankle, black spots danced in his vision. It hurt so much to breath, he felt like passing out. “S-stop, g-get off o-of me..” It was a struggle to talk.

     Kai sneered cruelly at him. “Then you should’ve never said those stupid fucking words to me, maybe if you apologize I’ll stop.”

     Baekhyun froze.

No, no, never. Never. I will never apologize to you. I’ll never be that desperate to give up to you.

    “N-never…in m-my…. life will I-I…ever a-apologize…to s-someone like you..” Baekhyun choked out. He’d never felt this confident in his life. Sure he didn’t have the right to say lot of things or to fight back, because that had served as his punishment. He’d even took Kai’s bullying as his punishment, but he now had this burst of anger, he’d take the pain, the sneers and insults, but he’d never ever say ‘sorry’ to someone like Kai.

     Kai eyes seemed have anger but Baekhyun saw the tint of amusement in his eyes as well.


He put slightly more weight on his foot, putting much more pressure and pain on Baekhyun’s throat. Baekhyun gagged in pain. His lungs burned, everything felt like it was on fire. But Kai had left enough so Baekhyun could take in small puffs of air. He wanted to prolong his suffering.

    “You little , you don’t have a right to talk like that to me. You’re just a mistake; you don’t deserve to live. We’d be so much better without you.”

    Then memories, and images, flashed in front of his eyes. Of her, lying dead on the ground. His father’s sorrow-filled screams rang in his ears:

   You’re a disgrace! A mistake! You have no right to even walk on this earth, after what you did! If you weren’t born she’d still be here!”


   Coldness and malice filled Baekhyun. He was right; they were all right. What right did he have to fight back? He really did deserve this. Baekhyun’s hand slowly fell from Kai’s leg. He saw the black spots getting bigger.

    That’s when he felt the pressure lift from his throat. He coughed with his body shaking. Why? Why did he stop?

   Then Baekhyun realized that Kai hadn’t got off on his own, he was forced off. He had clarified that when he heard a thud and a yell.

   But who would help me?

Suddenly a figure took up his line of sight. The person was familiar, tall, dark hair, a baby face with big brown eyes, and elf-like ears. The person looked angry. It made his baby face look more mature and harsh.

    P…Park Chanyeol?

Then nausea took over and he out.




Before entering the lunchroom with his friends, Chanyeol had needed to go to the restroom. When he exited the stall after doing his business he stared at himself in the mirror. He had seen Baekhyun at class, and that made Chanyeol a bit more relived, he was still so confused about Baekhyun, what family did he come from, why was he always so weak and having faded or fresh bruises on his face. It could easily be from bumping into walls… or because of Kai.

     He scowled. That idiot.

Yes, of course they were close and very good friends but would it kill him to just leave the smaller ones alone? There was also the incident that happened days ago, where Baekhyun’s dark school uniform was drenched with a liquid very similar to blood. Was it a wound?

      He shook his head to pull himself together.

Stop. He has absolutely nothing to do with you. Stop worrying about him.

    Even so, then why was he always on his mind?


Chanyeol exited the bathroom after cleaning up and proceeding to the door of the cafeteria. When he was right in front of it, he heard people sneering and laughing. He was intrigued by the sounds. There was no chattering just laughter. It sounded even cold.

   Are Kai and Kyungsoo making out again?

He shook his head at the possibility, no they’d be cooing instead of sneering at them. After thinking for a bit he opened the door only to be greeted with an awful scene. Baekhyun was on the ground with his foot planted on Baekhyun’s throat, practically choking him, with an angry snarl etched into his face. Baekhyun’s face was twisted with pain.

    “You little , you don’t have a right to talk like that to me. You’re just a mistake, you don’t deserve to life. We’d be so much better without you.” Kai.

     Hell no.

As if his body was under another’s control he charged at Kai with his hands balled into fists. Then his fists connected with Kai’s jaw, literally sending him to the floor.

   He had just punched his friend.

Kai looked at him with shock, his expression then changed into anger. “What the , Chanyeol?!” Kai snarled at him, this was definitely a first for Kai.

   “I told you to leave him alone.” Chanyeol was actually internally shocked with himself. The words just tumbled out, but he just felt a strong urge to protect Baekhyun.

    He bent down to pick up the unconscious Baekhyun, bridal-style. He almost gaped at the feather like lightness that Baekhyun possessed. He had always known that Baekhyun was really thin, but this was unbelievable. He looked back at the rage-filled Kai and glared at him. “Don’t you dare touch him again.” Then he quickly ran out of the cafeteria.

  He could still feel Kai’s angry gaze burning into his back. He cursed himself.

Then he looked at Baekhyun unconscious, yet pain-filled face.

    Why am I caring about you so much? Why is it you that’s making me feel this way?


Woo~ 3rd chapter, woah, I was not planning for this to like be on a Sunday.

   B-but I have a reason! I had lost my notebook with all my notes and so I had to do it from scratch! *sigh* I miss my notebook....

Wahh, poor Baekie....and I am sad that I'm making Kai mean ;A; don't get me wrong, I love that tan hottie but you know stuff happens. (*Sob* I love you KAIIII!!!)

   I hope this chappie was good enough for you, I'd be happy if it was! Cause I was looking at the featured fanfics, and I was like "Dangg, how cool would it be to be featured." Whoops! Sorry of topic...anyway plz subscribe, upvote and comment cuz I love you guys's comments, they make me smile so much! Please comment any suggestions to make this fanfic better!

   Love you guys! Thanks for the support! Anyway see you soon! 


Neko Baek~ Cute.

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My cover seems to have dies XD sorry guys for a coverless story T^T


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Chapter 12: Please.. Please.. Update, this is so good. I hope that Chanyeol will help him. And Mr Byun is so evil. Really really a bad person. I hate him. It's 2019 already. Please update auhornim.. I really love thia fic.. So much love for u authornim.. FIGHTING.
Chapter 12: Update please this is so beautiful
Chapter 12: Please update
ssneul #4
Wow ive been waiting for an update since 2015 lol ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
BOI u be leaving ur fans hanging! As ur editor I am ashamed! Lol!
marieexoluv13 #6
Chapter 12: OMG update plzzzzzzz. I needs to know!
thelovelylam #7
Chapter 12: I have enjoyed reading this!
Likkkkeeeee ittt
Sooshi_luvs #9
Chapter 12: oh em geeeeeeee this fic is greattttt also, I cant believe that the next chapter might be the last one. you should continue it with their relationship and stuff... and then baek gets kidnapped or something and.... sorry lol
LuCandy #10
Chapter 12: Next chapter is the last one??
I Was thought this just the beginning o.o
Mmmmm .. :D