Chapter 5

Can I trust You with My Heart?

   Chanyeol stared at the small black notebook set at his nightstand next to his bed. For the last few days, he had played every single piece written in that notebook. Every song was professionally written but they all had the same theme: pain and sadness. To Chanyeol, Baekhyun was such a mystery. Never in all his 16 years of living had he met anyone like him.

    What is happening with Baekhyun? Is someone hurting him? If so, who? Why doesn’t he tell anyone?

    Why doesn’t he fight back?

Chanyeol flopped back on his bed. These thoughts had kept invading his mind and confused him just as much. He’d never involved himself when Kai was picking on some random nerdy kid, but he had never cared to stop Kai. He just smiled, joked and kept their spirits light. 

    But as he gets to see Baekhyn more, he felt like Baekhyun needed someone. That vulnerability, and fear you can see with every step. He wanted to be that person. He had that feeling.

    Strangely, he liked it.

That’s when his phone dinged, indicating that he had just received a message. Chanyeol groaned. He was really hoping that it was not his mom. She usually calls him to ask him to come help at the hospital his family owns. The hospital was huge, well known, and always busy, so they usually needed a bit more help – despite the other workers – or his mom wanted to brag about how ‘handsome’ Chanyeol was, just to feed her pride.

     He honestly hated both reasons.

Actually some days he would be willing to go when he had pretty much nothing to do, or when he felt like it. But today was not one of those days. He reached over and grabbed his phone. He sighed of relief to find that it wasn’t his family at all, but just Suho and their newly made group chat.

   Suho: Hey Channie.

   Suho: Yah, answer.

Chanyeol was reluctant to answer, Kai was in this chat, and Chanyeol knew that he would still be mad.

   Suho: If you’re worried about Kai, I don’t think he’s on.

The next notification actually made Chanyeol deflate a little, even though he was hoping for it.

   Kai has just left the chat.

Suho: Well, now he’s gone.

Chanyeol: Guess he’s still mad huh?

Sehun: Mad? Dude, ‘mad’ doesn’t even begin to describe how angry Kai is. He is pissed.

Suho: Come on Sehun. Don’t say it like that.

Sehun: It’s true. His eyes were practically burning. Even his Kyungsoo couldn’t calm him down.

D.O: What the . You guys are so ing loud. Seriously you guys are chatting like ing elementary school kids. I’m trying to sleep, and I keep hearing this stupid annoying dinging. Can you guys just shut the up?

Suho: ……

Sehun: O_O

Sehun: You know, it’s really a mystery how you are so calm and nicer when Kai’s around. I mean, if you can barely stand us, why you accepted Kai’s confession is beyond me.

D.O: Well, then just think of how your boyfriend must feel. Putting up with you.

   Chanyeol’s eyes had widened in surprise. Sehun had a boyfriend? When did this happen??

   He knew Sehun had his fair amount of admirers – just like the rest of them – but he always refused them and acted cold to people who he didn’t know too much. So hearing that Sehun had found his special someone was quite surprising.

   Chanyeol: Oh, well congrats Sehun.

Suho: Wait.

Suho: Wait.

Suho: Wait.

Sehun: What hyung?

Suho: You’re dating someone?

Sehun: Um, yeah. Why?

   Chanyeol rolled his eyes. Get ready for mamma Suho to emerge.

Suho: No I will not allow this. Why didn’t you tell us beforehand?

Sehun: Hyung! I don’t need your permission to date someone! You’re only a year older. Also you didn’t tell us anything when you first started dating the student president, Lay!

Suho: ...shut up.

Sehun: Kekekeke. Exactly.

D.O: You guys do know that your conversation is completely pointless, right?

Chanyeol: So what Kyungsoo? Anyway what’s so special about your new boyfriend Sehun?

Sehun: Oh geez, he is practically the most perfect being I’ve seen in my life! He has a beautiful face, huge doe-like eyes that you can melt into, a sweet smile, pretty white skin, and soft blond hair. He is also really smart and talented. ;D

   Chanyeol smiled. He’d never heard Sehun speak so kindly and sincerely about someone else. This person must be really special.

   D.O: What’s the kid’s name?

Sehun: Luhan! ^_^

Chanyeol: Huh?

  Based on Sehun’s description, the person seemed familiar. But Chanyeol never would have thought that the gentle and brainy kid was Sehun’s boyfriend. What a surprise. That explained why Luhan must’ve felt more comfortable around Chanyeol than most random acquaintances.

    Sehun: What? Do you know him?

Chanyeol: Oh no, I was just thinking of someone else. :D

Sehun: All right then. :3

Suho: Speaking of love lives, what’s up with you and that Baekhyun kid, Channie?

Chanyeol: Nothing.

   Chanyeol felt strange as he typed that in. For some reason just that word made him feel like his heart was being squeezed, in an uncomfortable way. He hated lying, and this was a big one.

     Sehun: Kekekeke~ Sure~

Suho: Sehun, I advise you to shut up now. We’re going to have a little talk when I see you tomorrow.

Sehun: Aww, come on hyung! Welp, then I’m out. See ya guys! ( ゚▽゚)/

     Sehun has just left the chat.

Suho: What the hell? That little brat!

     Suho has just left the chat.

D.O: Idiots.

Chanyeol: I agree. I’m speechless.

D.O: I actually need to go now too. And Chan?

Chanyeol: Yeah?

D.O: Just be honest with yourself, all right? It actually helps.

       D.O has just left the chat.

Chanyeol dropped his phone on his bed and leaned back on his pillow.

     Be true to myself? He frowned.

How can I when I don’t even understand these feelings myself?





Pain had erupted on the place his father had just struck him. Baekhyun lost the strength in his legs and fell to the ground. He couldn’t breathe. His throat still felt crushed, even when that had happened few days ago. His body aching, he peered up at father with the corner of his eye. The smile on his father’s face was awful. How could one be so happy at another person’s pain?

     “You should be grateful,” his father mused. “You’re lucky that I’m not doing anything worse. Not giving you what you deserve.”

    Baekhyun stayed quiet.

His father rammed his boot into Baekhyun’s ribs. Baekhyun hissed in pain.

    “You’re not going to say anything, you worthless child. You should’ve never been born!” His father yelled.

   Those words were already carved into Baekhyun’s mind. What good did it do to fight the truth? He was prepared for his father’s next strike when his father let out a deep breath.

   “What a beautiful color on the moon, blood red.” His father stepped away, and headed towards the door without even a word.

     The stars.

Baekhyun crawled to the window. The stars seemed so dim. He recalled her words as a memory.


    ‘You know, Baekkie. When you die you actually get reborn as stars!’

‘Really?’ Little Baekhyun’s eyes sparkled. ‘That’s awesome!’

    His mother smiled. ‘Yes, one day when we pass, we’ll get evaluated with a judgment of how we lived our life. The good will live on the stars, while the bad, fall.’

    ‘Like shooting stars?’

She smiled and fluffed up Baekhyun’s hair. ‘Yes, you are absolutely right!’

   ‘I don’t want to be a fallen star, mom.’

She kissed the top of his head. ‘No, I’m sure you will never be; because you are an angel, Baekkie, my little angel.


    Baekhyun didn’t even care about the tears streaming down his face. Staring up at the stars, he wondered if his mother was up there.

    Would she ever forgive him? After what he had done, he knew: that his mother is living in the stars right now.

    And Baekhyun?

He was no angel. He was a star meant to crash on to the Earth.

   He was meant to be a fallen star.


You guys, I'm sorry if you guys are getting a bit bored, I'm sorry if  I'm making Chan and Baek too OC, I'm sorry if I'm a bad author, but just understand that I'm trying my hardest and I think it's bad for me to have to stress over if you guys are liking it or no. So I deeply apologize. (Kkaep song~)

  I made the text messages colorful for you! Also plz plz plz bear with me, k? Plz subscribe, and upvote if you're enjoying, and comment your thoughts, I'm really scared, do you guys think this is NG? If it is I'm sorry (again).

   Anyway, almost 100 subs! Yay. Thanks to those who subscribe and comment you really make my day. Also see you soon!


Baekyeol for youuuuuu~ this ship is killing me with feels, I swear.

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My cover seems to have dies XD sorry guys for a coverless story T^T


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Chapter 12: Please.. Please.. Update, this is so good. I hope that Chanyeol will help him. And Mr Byun is so evil. Really really a bad person. I hate him. It's 2019 already. Please update auhornim.. I really love thia fic.. So much love for u authornim.. FIGHTING.
Chapter 12: Update please this is so beautiful
Chapter 12: Please update
ssneul #4
Wow ive been waiting for an update since 2015 lol ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
BOI u be leaving ur fans hanging! As ur editor I am ashamed! Lol!
marieexoluv13 #6
Chapter 12: OMG update plzzzzzzz. I needs to know!
thelovelylam #7
Chapter 12: I have enjoyed reading this!
Likkkkeeeee ittt
Sooshi_luvs #9
Chapter 12: oh em geeeeeeee this fic is greattttt also, I cant believe that the next chapter might be the last one. you should continue it with their relationship and stuff... and then baek gets kidnapped or something and.... sorry lol
LuCandy #10
Chapter 12: Next chapter is the last one??
I Was thought this just the beginning o.o
Mmmmm .. :D