Welcome To The Underworld

What Happens At Night

This one is gonna be short, but I'll work my best to update as soon as possible, which is not really easy as I will be so busy these days, so I'm writing in my limited free time.

Thank you for reading.

Chapter I

Minwoo didn't know what happened exactly. All he remembered was opening the closet and walking in, and as soon as he had done that, a bright light appeared and swallowed him. He kept falling and falling, losing his consciousness bit by bit...

He opened his eyes slowly, and the first thing he noticed was how dark it was around him. He tried to stand up, but his legs hurt so much. The fall must have been hard, thought he. He rubbed his eyes and sat up with difficulty, taking one more look around. He was definitely not somewhere he knew. There were no buildings, no roads, nothing except for a big mansion far away. He couldn't see it clearly, but it was a building, it had lights, pretty much enough to give away the outlines. 

What puzzled him was the environment around him. The grass was blue, the sky was black with lots of stars in sight, the trees were black and blue. It was just plain strange and unfamiliar.

"What is this...?" He asked, not expecting an answer. He got to his feet with a bit of difficulty, dusting himself off. His eyes traveled to the mansion, or what he thought to be one. "Maybe I can find someone there that can help me..." He started walking towards the giant building. Moving closer, he noticed it was not some normal mansion. It was enormous, like a private school. The gates were giant, and the whole building was surrounded by a giant wall. It was big enough to be seen clearly halfway to the building. Minwoo wanted to go on, but he was tired. His whole body hurt.

"A little bit of rest won't hurt..." he sat at the base of a tree and leaned against it, looking around him again and again. It was so dark. He was sure that if it wasn't for the starlight, he wouldn't have seen a thing. Closing his eyes, he wondered what would his band mates be doing at that moment. Lost in thought, he slowly fell asleep, failing to notice the creatures creeping towards him slowly.

Next time he opened his eyes, he noticed he was not alone. Two persons held his arms, and three were standing in front of him. His vision was blurry, he couldn't quite see them, moreover, it was dark. Perfect, isn't it? 

"Oh, sleeping beauty is awake, ne?" a sinister voice reached his ears, followed by a lot of snickers and dark chuckles. He whipped his head around frantically.

"W-who are you?!" he asked in a scared tone. He didn't know why, but he got a vibe of discomfort. He didn't like the fact they were making him unable to move. Something was up. And the tone...he didn't like it on bit...

"Chill... My treat..." the same voice from before said, but this time, it was closer. A cold hand cupped his chin, tilting his head up harshly. "We will not hurt you.. We will just... have some fun..." the creatures cold hand touched his warm neck. He flinched a little as that hand caressed his skin ever so lightly. "...I wonder what you taste like...human..." the creature leaned in, almost biting his neck.

"Halt!" a rough voice echoed. The five creatures all stopped what they were doing, and their leader grit his teeth.

"Damn it... Let's take him and leave before-" He never finished that sentence. In an instant, a tall, cloaked figure stood in between him and Minwoo, who was too terrified to do anything. He breathed with difficulty, staring at the people around him with horror. 

"This human belongs to one of my students. You aren't allowed to touch him." The figure said. "Now, go back to your classes." the five grunted and in a flash, they disappeared. The figure turned to Minwoo and crouched down, reaching out to touch him. Minwoo backed away, slapping the stranger's hand. 

"...g-get a-a-away from me..." he stuttered, hugging his knees. The stranger forcefully took Minwoo's hand and removed his cloak. His face was pale, his black hair was combed backwards, his eyes were of a deep crimson color, and his fangs were visible. Minwoo stared at him for a while. "...D-dracula...?" the stranger blinked then chuckled gently, shaking his head.

"Not exactly," he said in a tone definitely gentler than the one he used with the five creatures that left earlier. "It's something similar, but my name is not Dracula..." he took back his hand and got to his feet. "I'm Yusa, your very humble vampire saviour." he smiled, bowing. Minwoo stared at him in shock.

"...V-vampire..?!" he asked in pure shock. His head was spinning, he couldn't take it. In a matter of seconds, he fell to the side, losing his consciousness once again.

When he woke up that time, he was in a warm bed, tucked in, with a wet cloth on his forehead. He heard the crackling of fire, which was the source of illumination in the room. He carefully sat up, rubbing his head a couple of times. He noticed he was dressed in a different attire; a knee-length plain night gown. His clothes where no where in sight. The room was quite organized, and the warmth made by the fire made Minwoo smile.

"You woke up. Great." Yusa, the vampire from before, walked in, carrying a tray with one hand, Minwoo's clothes with the other. "I thought you might be hungry." he smiled, setting the tray on Minwoo's lap. "I made you some chicken soup. Eat up." he said, reclining to a chair in the corner of the room. Minwoo thanked him quietly and tasted the soup, then started eating it. Yusa glanced at him and smiled a little then turned to the slightly torn clothes in his hands. Minwoo would occasionally glance up at him, and turn back to his food at sonic speed if he notices the older man- er, vampire, looking up.

"Hey...uh...Thank you..." Minwoo said, trying to break the silence. "for helping me...you know..." Yusa looked up and him with a gentle smile gracing his features.

"It's nothing... Some students can be quite nasty..." he said, not taking his eyes away from the clothes he was fixing. "...You are really lucky I was there... Something terrible would have happened." he paused. "But let's not talk about that... Finish your food and get some real sleep. I'll tell you everything when you wake up, deal?" Minwoo nodded, setting the empty bowl and the try on the table beside the bed. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. He had so many questions running though his head, but the man- er, vampire was right. Minwoo needed some sleep.

"What the heck has happened to him?!" Meanwhile, back at the dorms, Donghyun was furious. Hyunseong couldn't keep the secret much, but he, like the other's had no idea where their youngest rapper has gone off to.

"I don't know!" Hyunseong shouted back. "Don't go blaming me! It's not my fault I couldn't find him!" As much angry as he was, Hyunseong was right. He went to look for Minwoo, but he didn't find him. It wouldn't be his fault at all. The remaining three were just sitting silently, worried, but not interfering. Donghyun was really angry. He has been shouting for a whole hour, with Hyunseong arguing back.

"...You are right..." the leader sat down at last, rubbing his temple. "I...I shouldn't have blamed you...Hyunseong..."

"....I'm sorry too, hyung... I have been rude..." the other apologized.

"But what now..?" Jeongmin put the pillow he was hugging aside."How do we know where he is...?" Hyunseong shook his head.

"I have no idea..." 

"I tred calling him a while ago, but there was no answer..." Kwangmin sighed. Donghyun got up from his seat.

"Let's go to sleep now..." he said. "He will be back tomorrow... I hope...." They all nodded and headed each to their beds, all worried, unable to take of the possible thoughts of what could have happened to the rapper. And most of them were not nice. 

'Minwoo... Just where are you...?' Donghyun, who, in the end, blamed himself over the all thing, sighed deeply, turning on his side and facing the wall, closing his tired eyes and falling into a dreamless sleep. In the other room, Hyunseong, who found himself unable to sleep, remembered the note Minwoo left.

'Haruka's apartment, eh?' he mused.'I wonder...what was Minwoo doing there...?'

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Chapter 5: You know, you didn't keep the name consistent so I think I'm reading spoilers :3
Ahhhhh but Minwoo, Donghyun's going crazy finding you ;~~~~;
How can you have the leisure to wonder which vampire you're gonna be with /facepalms/
Chapter 4: Why, Minwoo, why indeed.
Why are you flirting with all the men in your lives /facepalm/
Ahh, Minwoo why are you sick ;~~~;
Don't cry yourself to sleep :((
Chapter 3: Dun dun dunnnnn
I might know who the human he claimed is...
Minwoo don't go begging another man when yours is worried sick about you /bricked/
How will the four overcome this though, they don't even have a clue :(
Chapter 2: the name Yusa reminds me of a girl but I think this is a boy right.
Masquerade sounds fishy...:3
I'm surprised Minwoo's not whining for home yet >_< don't you miss Donghyun!!!
Chapter 1: ?____?
This took a great turn from what I was expecting but Minwoooooo!
He just awakens the protective instincts of everyone, doesn't he /laughs/