A powerful touch

Poison Doll
Sanghyuk was always tall for his age and easily passed off as older than he actually is. His face was soft but his strength proved otherwise. His body was strong and he was given more potent doses of poison to see if he could survive. He survived every time, eventually making him more poisonous than everyone else.

He always wondered if it would ever be useful until he accidentally killed a kid in the street. That accident sealed his fate. He was out in the streets buying himself some food and a kid tripped in frobt of him and out of reflexes he held out a hand to stop his fall. He had removed one of his glove because his hands were sweating in the summer heat and used this very hand to help the young girl. The touch was fatal and she fell lifeless to the ground mere minutes after thanking Sanghuyk. He came back home shaken and was strongly scolded for the incident.
That deemed him fit for his first mission as infiltration, the strenght of his poisonous touch making him unfit for anything else. At the tender age of sixteen he was sent out to his first kill. The person he had to kill was the wife of a politician. He had no time frame besides doing it in a timely manner, in other words not too early but not too late.

He was introduced as the younger cousin of one of the cook at the house and quickly became a kitchen helper, rarely seeing anyone besides the staff of the house. When innocently inquiring about the masters of the house he was met with laughs and teasing. How could a simple kitchen helper hope see the masters of the house ?
After two months Sanghyuk asked to do the 
service during the meals and was put on a trial. 

He did his best trying to look and act appropriately. His first try was deemed passable but still required some training. He went under the training of the main waiter for a few days before giving another try during lunch which was a much more casual service and meal than souper. He was then able to get a glimpse of the target during his second trial and committed the face in his memory.

He tried to find ways to do it without being caught and poisonning the good was certainly out of question. The only other option he could see was a direct skin to skin contact. It shouldn't be too difficult during meal time but the timing has to be perfect. In a perfect situation no one would see the contact but it would be impossible so we has to make the contact innocent.

He had never been able to see what his effect is. Most of the others caused shaking in the hands, paralysis and then uncontrollable coughing just before death. He had no time to find out, he would have know it when he does it. He didn't sleep well that night and he started paying a lot of attention to the usual staff, their routine, their habits and of course paying even more attention to the target. At first he was not allowed to do much, just passing dishes from the kitchen to a waiter. He had patience knowing that with time he would be able to do more and if not , he could push fate a little, he had no qualms about killing someone in order to carry on his mission.
He waited a few weeks, observing like an animal waiting to pounce on a prey. The man supervising him was surprised by his dedication and started allowing him to serve a few plates during lunch. It went well and Sanghyuk continued to serve plates, getting a wordless okay from everyone. He saw an opportunity arise when the woman choked on a small bone during dinner one day but someone was quicker than him and he couldn't touch her.
He cursed himself for not being quick enough and started posting himself as close as protocol permitted, earning a few inquiring glares at first but his lack of visible action or intent stopped most rumors going around him wanting to do something to the wife. He paid extra attention to rumors considering them at the same time useful and harmful.

Most people were wary of him when he first started, he never talked of himself or family and didn't like people to be physically close to him and insisited on wearing pants and long sleeves evem in the middle of summer. Rumors where going around ever since then, about him having large scars and scary tattoos. Sanghuyk didn't care if it meant people weren't going to dig too much about him. Being a character with a dark past wasn't too far off in a sense anyway.

He continued serving plates and trying to make himself as useful as possible while watching closely for any kind of opening. It took two more long months for the perfect opportunity.
He woman fell badly from a horse and hurt her legs. She was fine byt wound was bad and ugly. It became infected and weakened her. She couldn't move from her room and needed her meals to be brought to her. She requested Sanghuyk to be the one to bring her meals, much to his surprise.

She never seemed to have noticed him but she gave out the explanation he was good and always polite. The young man readily agreed. It was the perfect occasion. He would wait a few days before killing her, not wanting to raise any suspicions. After a few days of bringing her three meals a day, he waited for souper so that he could go during the night. He had no reason to stay any longer after doing his job. 
He knocked on the door annoucing his arrival, pushing a small wheeled cart in front of him. He closed the door behind him, preparing himself for the moment. He takes out the plater while the woman sits in bed. He delicately places the tray on her lap and laids out her meal. He steps out, allowing her some privacy while she eats. He tries to look like usual, not nervous and in a sense it is such a small simple gesture, holding her hand or arm, just a simple touch. He steps in when she starts gathering her empty dishes for him.

"Don't it's my job ma'm."
She stills hold her glass and the young man sees the opportunity. 
"Let me take this."
He holds out his hand and wraps his hand around the glass,  overlapping his fingers over hers.
He puts on his most sheepish face.
"I'm sorry."
She lets go of the glass and he takes it, puting it on a plate. He discreetly looks at the woman and sees color drain from her face at an alarming pace.
"I-I suddenly don't feel well."
Her lips are turning an unhealthy shade of bluish purple white her face is now as white as ice. Sanghyuk walks to her side of the bed and soothingly puts his palm against her forehead.
"You will feel better soon, I promise."
Her eyes become unfocused as he gets up and wheels the cart through the door. She exhale her last breath as the door clicks.
He finishes his night duty as usual and thinks back about the effects his fleeting touch had. A simple handshaking would be deadly. He grins, it is a blessing in a sense, making it easy to kill strangers. His grin fades as he thinks the he will always have to be careful to not touch anyone he cares about or simply those he shouldn't kill. He tosses on his bed excited to go home soon and not having to be careful about every single one of his movements. 


This one took a while to post it was almost done last week but things took a hellish turn so I couldn't finish it. Sorry >.<

I still want to write couple fics based on the same idea. They wil probably be longer and the updates will be more spaced out but hopefully I can still write them fast ^^

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Those oneshots are really good! Do you have some more?
Muneunim #2
Chapter 5: Wow, the different between Jaehwan and Hongbin though xDD
Muneunim #3
This is quite interesting. The concept of a 'poison boy'.