
Poison Doll

He was given a white button up shirt buttoned only half way up revealing part of his chest and tight black pants. He was sitting on the bed fiddling with the fabric and nervously biting his lip. He was told the person who would come into the room would be the one he had to kill. That thought was enough to make him nervous. He had surprisingly survived all these years despite his wish of not surviving the daily doses they were given. It felt like a curse. Tonight was his first time and he hoped to die instead.
All he knew about the person is that it was a woman. His fingers gripped the fabric tighter as he tried to swallow the lump forming in his throat. The door opened, startling him and making his heart beat even faster. The woman in front of him was young, graceful and beautiful. Unknowingly a wimper escapes his lips. Immediately he bites his lips again and lower his head, unable to look at the woman in front of him. The woman shuts the door quietly and stares at the young man on the bed in front of her.
He shyly looks up but snapps his head to the side noticing her stare. He sinks his teeth harder into his lips, indenting the soft flesh. She walks to the bed and stops in front of him.

"Look at me."
The young man stares straight ahead, ignoring the request.
"Do I need to remind you that you are here to please me for the night ?"
The young man snaps his head looking at her, eyes wide open and watery, parting his abused lips. He lets out a quivering no and stares at the floor fiddling with the bedsheets.
The woman sighs.
"I am not going to hurt you."

Wonsik wimpers again and blinks to chase away his tears. The woman sits on the bed besides him and he shrinks on his spot. She notices the trembling of his lips and wraps an arm around his shoulders, pulling Wonsik in an embrace. The sob that follows echoes in the room and the woman starts his soft hair. The poison boy bite his lips trying to stop tears rolling down his cheek but a loud sob rakes his chest and the woman starts rocking him. Her hand lowers to his neck and he wimpers trying to wiggle away from her embrace. She keeps her hand firmly on him and Wonsik slumps against her, giving up. He let his tears fall freely and allows himself to sob against her chest.
The woman feels the tears wet her dress and carefully pulls him away, keeping two firm hands on his shoulders. Wonsik sniffles and look at his hands sitting on his lap too scared to look at the woman.
"Look at me."

Wonsik shake his head and she grabs his chin forcing him to face her. Tears are still rolling down his cheek. Her other hand gently wipe his tears and she softly kiss his eyelids.
"I won't hurt you I promise. Please stop crying."
Wonsik cries more.
"But I'm hurting you."
She gently kiss his cheeks.
"You're not."
"P-please stop."
"I will kiss you until you stop crying. Don't be afraid."
He answers with a wimper and bite his lips again.
"Your lips will bleed if you don't stop."

The poison boy wordlessly burries his head in her chest and as he feel her arms fall uselessly to her side he controls himself, swallowing back his tears.
"I'm feeling weak tonight I wouldn't be able to hurt you even if I wanted to."
She flashes a small smile and Wonsik gently pushes her on the bed, tucking a stray strand behing her ear. He notices the tremor of her hands and the tears he was holding back fall down, gliding on her soft skin. The droplet rolls down to the corner of her lips and she instinctively it, tasting the liquid.
"It's sweet. You have sweet tears."
Wonsik nods
"Yes. I know. We all have sweet tears."
The young man lower his head to meet her lips, his very first kiss tasting bittersweet.

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Those oneshots are really good! Do you have some more?
Muneunim #2
Chapter 5: Wow, the different between Jaehwan and Hongbin though xDD
Muneunim #3
This is quite interesting. The concept of a 'poison boy'.