Special Minho.

Let's Get Onew To Moan


How in hell’s name did I get almost 100 subscribers in 3 chapters? Wow. You guys are like…wow. I love you all. I’ll reply to you guys bit by bit – your reviews made me smile a lot.

I hope this is okay.

So far, Minho tried to watch with Onew, Taemin is going to have a with Onew and Minho, because the new girl that no one likes except for Onew, and Taemin too, but Taemin’s a so who cares what Taemin thinks, needs a place to stay. Key is annoyed, Jonghyun is amused, Onew is smitten, Taemin is cute, and Minho is…still Minho.

Still a crack fic.

’s (Jasmine) POV


Onew’s room was rather clean. It was nice, Jasmine mused, as she sat on the bed that wasn’t her own. She’d been hoping to sleep with Onew, the plan would’ve probably gone much easier had that been the case.

The sooner she finished her business here, the sooner she could go home. Then again, did she really want to go home? Her mom was kind of insane.

She threw herself back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.

She was in a house filled with three hot guys, and two annoying wanna be guys.

Seriously, what was with Key? I thought the divaness was just an act.

Taemin too – he’s acts more girly than I do.

Jasmine smiled a little, remembering Onew’s smile.

Onew was nice. She almost felt bad for playing around with him in this way.

Make him fall for you, make him moan for the song, and then ditch him.

Her mom’s exact words.

Okay, she was getting restless.

Jasmine sat up, feeling irritated.

She was in the same house with 5 other guys, and none of them even bothered to stop by to see her?

She didn’t like being neglected.

She got to her feet, deciding to go find Onew and maybe start bonding with him. As she put her hand on the doorknob, her eyes fell on a couple dvds next to the television.

Frowning, curiosity nudging at her, she made her way to the television set.

She picked up the dvds only to have them slip out of her grip and fall to the floor with a clatter. She gasped, staring at the titles of the dvds with wide eyes.

What the .

Seducing Onew might be a bit harder than she thought.

Onew’s POV


Onew hesitated in the doorway, his pillow under his arm. He stared at the door, twitching a little.

Forget this, I’m going to sleep on the couch.

Onew spun around and started towards the stairs when he heard the door open.

“Onew-hyung!” Taemin’s voice broke through and Onew froze, scrunching up his face. He spun around and shot Taemin a weak smile.


The boy was cute, really cute. Taemin always looked so adorable. His hair was tousled, and there was sleep in those curious wide eyes. Taemin rubbed his eyes, making a cute -AH, what’re you thinking? You have a beautiful girl in your room!

“You’re not sleeping with us?” Taemin asked, looking up at Onew reproachfully.

“Well, uh, you, I-I’m fine on the couch.” Onew finally managed, nodding assertively. Taemin gaped, eyebrows creasing together, looking upset.

“But I was looking forward to wrestling with you and Minho!” Wrestling? “You could learn how to moan from him!”

Onew stared at Taemin, and then glanced over the other boy’s shoulder towards the room where Minho probably was.

Taemin…that’s not wrestling…Onew looked back to Taemin who happily tilted his head to a side.


“Come on, hyung, it’ll be fun!” Taemin grabbed his hand now, pulling him in, and Onew resisted, eyes widening. Minho you-


“Come, come!” Taemin urged, strength from god knew where, pulling him into the very room he’d been promising himself never to enter.

“S-Stop-I-“ Onew struggled, and Taemin pulled hard, Onew finding himself stumbling in.

“Hey Taemin. So Onew decided to show up?” Onew froze at Minho’s voice. He whipped around and saw Minho sitting on the bed, a raised eyebrow.

“No, I just, you guys, I-“ Onew started to wave his hands, the pillow under his arm falling to the ground.

“You can sleep on that bed.” Minho said, calmly, pointing at the bed across the room.

Onew blinked. He looked at the bed, and then at Minho, who blinked at him.

He looked at Taemin, who looked confused, and then back at the bed.

So…he could…sleep alone?

“Oh…okay…that’s…” Onew nodded to himself, and looked down at the pillow. Okay, that’s fine.

“Already hyung?” Taemin piped up, sounding resentful. Onew shot Taemin a smile, trying to hold back the relief rushing into his body.

“It is pretty late.” Minho replied, and Onew bent over to pick up his pillow. He straightened up to Minho and Taemin pulling off their shirts.

The pillow fell back on the ground.

“WHY ARE YOU GUYS TAKING OFF YOUR CLOTHES?! Onew cried out, grabbing his hair with his hands.

Taemin and Minho paused in their actions, looking at Onew curiously.

“We’re changing, hyung.” Taemin said, tilting his head to a side.

Onew blinked.

Oh, right. They were still in their…oh.

Onew shook his head and walked over to his bed, ignoring the blush creeping up his neck.

Some composure you have.

“Hey, can we have a ?” Taemin suddenly said, and Onew spun around again, eyes widening.


Minho looked at Onew, and Onew wondered if he was imagining the playful glimmer in those usually intense eyes.

“Only if Onew-hyung is up for it,” he said lightly, ing his pants, and even without the context it gave Onew goosebumps.

“Please hyung!” Taemin asked now, running to Onew, shirt still not on, throwing his arms around Onew’s neck and looking up at him imploringly.

“You-Do you-even-“ Onew leaned away from Taemin’s touch, frantic.

“What, hyung?” Taemin questioned, eyes wide as he let go of Onew’s neck and stepped back, tilting his head to a side.

“Do…do you know what…a…” Onew looked over at Minho, hesitantly now. Minho smirked, but then it was gone, making Onew wonder if he was seeing things.

“What a ..?” Taemin pressed, before starting to take off his own pants. Onew suddenly became aware of the realization that Minho was practically , except for his boxers. And Minho didn’t seem to be making any sort of move to find clothes.

Minho was looking at him, expression unreadable but for the most part, interested.

“Th-thre--“ Onew stuttered out, looking away from Minho and to Taemin, who frowned at him.

“Of course, hyung. It’s when three people sleep together! You didn’t know that, hyung?”

Onew blinked at Taemin. He looked at Minho, who snorted, before covering his lips as if trying to stifle laughter.

Oh, he was so killing Minho one of these days.

Key’s POV


“The absolute nerve!” Key snarled, pulling off his shirt and starting to fold it, hands shaking in anger, and only sufficed to bunch it up in a ball and whip the fabric on the bed. He spun around to Jonghyun, looking at him skeptically.

“I know she’s a bit-“

“She’s obviously hiding something!” Key spat out, stepping towards Jonghyun, eyes flashing.

Jonghyun raised his eyebrows, holding out his hands in an almost defensive stance.

“You have got to calm down,” he said, before turning around to close the door and walking up to Key, putting his arms around him. “Do you want a massage?”

Key relaxed in Jonghyun’s arms, nodding.

Jonghyun always gave the best massages.

Key took off his shirt and lay down in bed, waiting for Jonghyun to get up on top of him, and work his hands.

Jonghyun started working away, and Key let out a moan.

“Hey, Jonghyun,” Key said, half in bliss, half sleepy, as Jonghyun’s fingers met all the right spots, pushing at all the stiff parts.

“Mhm?” Jonghyun grunted, focused.

“Let’s just do this to Onew.”

Jonghyun paused in his ministrations.


“Give him a massage. You’re so good at it.” Key mumbled, arching his back a little, indicating that he wanted Jonghyun to keep going.

“But…these are only for you…” Jonghyun said slowly, sounding confused.

“Onew looked really uncomfortable sleeping with Taemin and Minho,” Key went on, remembering the older boy’s pale face.

“Who wouldn’t be?” Jonghyun asked, not really asking but for the sake of continuing the conversation. Key moaned a little, shifting under Jonghyun’s magic fingers.

“Maybe we should’ve told him to sleep with us…” Key added, accompanied by a soft moan. Jonghyun was amazing.

“Really?” At this, Jonghyun stopped again. Key wondered if Jonghyun had some hidden hateful feelings harboring towards Onew or something.

“I don’t know…” Key whined now, shifting again under Jonghyun’s prodding fingers.

“But then we couldn’t do this…” Jonghyun whispered, leaning forward and putting his lips against Key’s ears.

There was the sound of the door opening, and Key froze, along with Jonghyun on top of him.

“OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!?” Cried out a shrill voice.

“YOU DUMB , CLOSE THE DOOR!” Key screamed, rolling away from Jonghyun who lost balance and fell on the bed next to him.

There was the sound of the door slamming, but Key kept shouting, feeling his face heat up.

“WHO OPENS SOMEONE’S DOORS WITHOUT KNOCKING!? Key shrieked, sitting up feeling absolutely mortified.

“Hm, that could be bad.” Jonghyun said behind him, sounding bemused. Key looked at him, sharply. “We were in a pretty compromising situation…”

“WHY DID YOU TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF?!” Key shouted now, suddenly aware that the other boy was shirtless too.

Jonghyun shrugged. “It was hot.”

Key covered his face in his hands.

Onew’s POV


Onew wasn’t sure how this ended up the way it did.

Taemin had somehow snuggled under his arm, wrapping his hands around Onew’s waist and burying his face in his chest. Onew had managed to get Taemin to throw on a shirt, but he hadn’t trusted himself to speak to Minho, so Minho was on his other side, only in his boxers, but thankfully not hugging him.

Just lying there.

Next to him.

Their shoulders were touching.

Onew’s mind was focused on the part where their shoulders met.

Onew’s mind was fixated on the rising and falling of the bed that was accompanied by Minho’s breathing.

Onew had the insane notion to burst into tears. He closed his eyes and prayed that morning would come.

There was a slight creaking noise, but Onew paid no attention. It’ll be over, it’ll be over, it’ll be over-

"WHY ARE YOU ALL SLEEPING IN THE SAME BED?" Onew snapped his eyes open and Taemin jerked from his position at the noise. Onew started to sit up, only to have a hand fly into his face, knocking him back onto the bed.

The half second that he’d sat up, his eyes had met with the wide, misunderstanding ones of Jasmine.

And then Minho’s hand.

"H..he..lp...me..." Onew managed, dazed by the sudden attack Minho had given his nose.

Taemin sat up now, eyes wide, and Onew felt hot liquid pouring down his nose.

“He’s bleeding!” Taemin gasped, and Onew pushed away Minho’s hand only to hear Minho make the last noise he was expecting.

Minho moaned.

Teaser. Also, this wasn't edited at all, so I'll do that when I read it over :). 

“So, who wants eggs?”

“You guys are all gay.”

“…So, you don’t want eggs, I’m assuming?”


“What do you mean you want me to get on the bed?”

“It’ll be fine, just let Jonghyun get on top of you and-“



“You moaned.”

“Excuse me?”

“You moaned.”


“After you gave me a nosebleed, you moaned.”

Reviews make me happy <3.

Also, I have Tumblr. :D. www.lynnxalters.tumblr.com <3

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Chapter 5: The only thing I have to say is: AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!! I'm laughing like a retarded seal and I freaking love Key when he ask for eggs and Jas says: you guys are all gay! And Key says: So I'm assuming you don't want eggs? AHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHA please keep writing in really in awe ahhahah
feyluvdragonqueens #2
Chapter 5: awsome plz update! seeing the ual side of shinee is smexy! but woah xD
Totally07Asian13 #3
Chapter 5: Omg what kinda fanfic did I run to? XD This is soooo hilarious to read and my gosh, SHINee is a lot different in their dorms xP so many relationshipstories to be questioned and Onew's confused uality is just so funny! Anyways hope you continue and update soon! :D
Chapter 5: This is so weird! I love it though. Like, WTF is wrong with them? They're all messed up in the head. (I can't really say anything since I am too.)
Well, hopefully you might pick this up again.
Chapter 5: omg minho and taem are killing me~ (((oh im curious yeah~)))
Kairi291 #6
Chapter 1: O.O MINHO!!!! XD let's watch. XDDDD
Kia-ssi #7
Chapter 4: I love the 'mental cinema' so much I always have when Taemin says something funny or when Onew is in panic and can't say anything clearly and just shouts something. It's prizeless. I love your story, please come back!
Kia-ssi #8
Chapter 3: I'm just at chapter 3 but it's so great, the way how you write and how you use the words... it's the best story I've ever read in terms of writing style AND also content. ~Woa I'm so exited to go on reading now `___´
And everything that Taemin says and does is just too funny..
poor Onew *3*