Who needs a girl when you have Key?

Let's Get Onew To Moan

The feedback on this fic absolutely threw me off. Like. It slapped me in the face, and left me speechless. The reviews, the subscribers...Someone asked to make this OnTae, so I shall take that into great consideration. Someone mentioned that I should add in another character, so I did just that. In short - MAKE REQUESTS TO INCORPORATE INTO THIS FIC, AND I SHALL ATTEMPT TO DO WHAT YOU ASK =D.

I also mentioned that this isn't . Well, it isn't in the sense that...there will be no...like..I KNOW IT KIND OF SOUNDS LIKE IT IS, BUT IT'S NOT. LIKE. YOU'LL SEE. IT'S JUST CRACK. WHEN TAEMIN MAKES MINHO MOAN IT'S NOT BECAUSE HE-IT'S BECAUSE-gah I don't want to give that away.

This is crack.

For "Shout Out" the manager seems intent on making Onew, the ever esteemed leader of SHINee, moan for the majority of the song. Onew protests, and it's up to SHINee to convince their leader to play the part. Key does what he knows best, seduction - through chicken. Jonghyun does what he knows best - sneaky, underhanded, bribery. Taemin does what he knows best, act cute and adorable, and Minho does what he does best - Minho.

Unsuccessful, SHINee is not discouraged - though Onew's a little flabbergasted at just how insane his roommates are. Also, Onew is a little annoyed at just how all of s see him, not at all with the respect a leader should have. Stronger than ever, Onew stands firm on his grounds. The manager, now frantic for reasons unknown to SHINee, is pushed to the edge of hysteria by a new, interesting development.

Chicken, , , JongKey, 2min, OnTae, TofuHo, and a deranged noona obsessed with Onew - Throw a girl into the mix and what do you have? Irritable Key, dumbfounded Jonghyun, excited Taemin, intrigued Onew, and ...well Minho's just Minho-you can't do much about that.


The four boys stood in front of the manager, heads hung. Onew kept his head up, eyes narrowed at the Manager who paced in front of them.

“So, that’s your final say?”

“Nothing worked!” Taemin cried out, looking up, pouting.

Minho threw a hand over Taemin’s shoulders, and looked up as well, not so much discouraged, but forever solemn.

“I expected more from you guys.” The manager finally said, halting in front of Onew, but looking at the rest of the boys. Taemin continued to pout.

“He wouldn’t moan no matter what we did,” Key added, sighing. Jonghyun nodded. Minho sighed as well.

“He didn’t even moan when I left him alone. I waited at the door and checked, but I don't think he watched the-“

“Thank you, Minho.” Onew said cutting in briskly and shooting Minho a glare, feeling his face get hot.

There was a momentary pause.

“Right, well,” The manager cleared his throat, and looked at Onew with an odd expression, before back to the other boys. “I’m very disappointed in all of you.”

“I’m sorry!” Taemin exclaimed, and Key sighed heavily.

“We don’t need to incorporate this in, do we? Let’s just go with the song or, heck, let Minho do the ! He seems to do that an awful lot...” Key trailed off, throwing Minho a pointed look before looking back at the manager who had an unreadable expression on his face.

“No, it has to be Onew.” The manager said, annoyed.

“Why?” It was Jonghyun who asked this, testily. “We’re just wasting time, we don’t have to-“

“No, we have to!” The manager sounded a little hysterical now. “We can’t take any more measures or it’ll be-“

“Hello there~!” Sung a high pitched voice, and the five boys noted blood drain from the older man’s face.

“Oh no.”

Onew’s POV


Onew had been gradually growing more and more annoyed, especially with how the manager had been acting. Everyone else agreed that this was a stupidly ridiculous-

“Hello there~”

The voice cut in through the thick atmosphere and Onew turned, feeling the other boys behind him shifting as well.

A girl stood in the doorway, long black shimmering hair reaching her waist, sparkling blue eyes, which were probably contacts, and perfect teeth showing a smile on her porcelain flawless skin.

“Who’re you?” Key asked, dully, while Taemin bounced over to the girl.

“Oh wow! You’re so pretty!” Taemin tilted his head to a side, smiling brightly. “You’re almost as pretty as me!”

The girl blinked at him, before looking at the manager and then directly at Onew himself. Onew felt his heart flutter at the beautiful girl, a feeling he hadn’t felt in the longest of times.

“Thank you, Taemin-ah~!” She sung in the most beautiful of voices. “Oh wow, I can’t believe I’m here with all of you! I’m so lucky!”

“What are you doing here.” croaked a dry voice. It wasn’t even a question; the manager sounded in shock.

“Uncle, uncle! Mom told me that you needed me, so I came right over.” She tilted her head to a side and fluttered her eyelashes. “She told me everything.”

“Everything what?” Taemin piped up, playing with the pretty girl’s hair, braiding it a little.

She looked at him, and Onew wondered if he imagined the flash of annoyance that passed her face, but it was quickly masked with the delicate, cute expression from before.

“Please stop touching my hair,” She said sweetly, before pulling away from Taemin, who frowned, and walking over to Onew. “My name is Lee Jasmine. You can call me Jasmine.”

Why did it feel like she was talking directly to him?

“Well, obviously. We weren’t about to go around calling you Lee Jasmine.” Key sounded relatively annoyed now, and Onew couldn’t put to terms why.

She was so beautiful, she seemed like she had the personality of an angel – wait, do you like her Onew?

“My mom told me that since SHINee is so busy getting ready for their comeback, they’d need someone in the house to make sure everything goes under control!” She looked past Onew now, smiling brightly, completely unfazed by Key’s rudeness.

Wait, what? This beautiful girl was going to..what? Who was this girl’s mother?

“Absolutely not. These are 5 male boys living under one house hold, you are my only neice-“

“Mom said that if you said that, bad things will happen to you,” the pretty girl said happily.

An ominous silence took over the room. The manager blanched, mouthing nothing.

“Oh really?” Jonghyun sounded sceptical. “Bad things? Like what?”

“I think I do a pretty god job making sure everything’s under control, don’t I!?” Key half shouted at this point, spinning around and looking at the pale manager incredulously. “What have I done wrong up til this point!?”

“We do need a girl in the house, you know.” Minho suddenly said, sparking up out of the silence. Taemin hopped over to Minho, before grabbing his hand and looking at the two. Onew looked between Taemin and Minho, feeling a little unsettled, before turning back to the girl.

“What do you mean! We’re doing just fine, we don’t need a girl-“

“Actually, I think this is good.” Onew spoke for the first time, still struck by how absolutely gorgeous the girl was. “We could focus on...on...”

“?” Taemin cut in, and Onew felt his ears go red as he turned sharply towards the youngest boy.

“No, I mean-“ Onew turned back to the girl, “He doesn’t mean-we-I-“ Why would Taemin say that?!?!

“Oh, you’re working on a song right? I promise I won’t get in the way!” She smiled at Onew, stepping closer towards him. “I’ll be good, I promise,” She whispered, much in a similar manner Taemin often acted lately around him. Almost seductively.

Except she wasn’t a boy.

So Onew didn’t feel compelled to shove her back and run away. She didn't give him the flutter in his stomach that Taemin did sometimes give him, but that was probably a good thing. Flutters were always a bad thing. He even had flutters when Minho started to take off his shirt. Sometimes he got flutters with Key somehow managed to end up on Jonghyun's lap - which he never really knew how.

But she was beautiful, and she was looking up at him, blinking at him, pouting out her lower lip and Onew didn't feel compelled to leave the room, running and possibly tripping on the way.

Rather, he just felt compelled to shove her back, against the wall, and completely rav-

“We don’t even know you.” Key broke in, soundly surly.

“Key’s right. We know nothing about you.” Jonghyun stated, clearing his throat. 

“But she’s pretty!” Taemin said, brightly.

“She’s also a girl.” Minho stated, and Onew felt a little disconcernted at Minho restating the girl’s gender. If he wasn’t so certain that Minho and Taemin had some twisted, confusing relationship, he would’ve probably thought Minho wanted to watch with her or something.

Onew shuddered at the memory, goosebumps travelling up his arms.

“What about you, Jinki?” The manager sounded weary, and Jinki felt as if the manager waned him to say no.

But she was really pretty.

“I’m fine. We do need to focus a lot on our album.” Onew looked over at Key, who had his eyes narrowed at Onew. “You need to focus more on the album than on taking care of all of us.”

"You're the one that refuses to-" Key started angrily.

“You can still take care of me, Key umma!” Taemin interrupted happily, giving Key a toothy smile. Onew looked from Taemin to Key, and then at Minho, who was looking past him at the girl, intensely.

Oddly enough, with the same expression Minho had been giving him the day before he decided to corner him in his room and take off his shirt. And pants. And then offered to take off Onew's clothing as well.

You’re never going to rid yourself of that experience, are you?

Onew subconsciously stepped in front of the girl, and looked past Minho to Taemin, and then glanced at where the two boys’ hands met. He looked over at Key, who looked relatively annoyed, and Jonghyun who looked about as deep in thought as Minho, but not as unreadable. He seemed to be contemplating something.

“What do you think?” Jonghyun asked, turning to the manager.


“You do have a say in this,” Key added, raising an eyebrow.

Onew looked back at the girl to give her a reassuring smile when he caught her glaring at the manager, an almost evil glint her eyes. He blinked, and it was gone, and she was looking up at him from underneath her long eyelashes, giving him a small smile.

What the..

“You’ll be the ones to live with her.” The manager finally said, and Onew wondered why the manager had such a torn expression.

He quickly disregarded the thought as the smaller girl took his hand in her soft ones, holding it and smiling at him, a smile so bright he actually wanted to blink.

“I’m so happy! Please take good care of me!”

Key’s POV


Key was relatively annoyed. The entire van ride back, the girl had sat next to Onew, chattering away to him in her high pitched voice, and all he wanted to do was grab her by the throat and shake her. Taemin had fallen asleep on Minho’s shoulder, eventually ending up on the other boy’s lap. He’d sat in the back with Jonghyun, seething quietly.

There was something suspicious about that girl, and he didn’t like it at all.

When they’d reached home, the girl had pointedly hesitated to get off the van, it wasn’t dangerous, it was a ing car, until Onew held out his arms for her to fall into.

Onew seemed absolutely smitten.

Jonghyun rubbed his back, aware of how Key felt. They all stood in the living room now, and Key felt a little smug.

Sleeping arrangements.

“Well, Minho and Jonghyun sleep in the same room, and Taemin and I sleep in the same room so-“

“Well, you usually sleep with Jonghyun and I sleep with Minho,” Taemin cut in, and Key felt his ears heat up. The dedicated sleeping arrangements had been Minho and Jonghyun, and Taemin and himself, but that had changed. Onew had his own room, so-

“So it makes proper sense for me to sleep in the same room with Onew, doesn’t it?” The girl said, and Key bristled at the absolute nerve she had.

“You should just sleep on the couch.” Key said bluntly, and Jonghyun nudged him a little. She looked at him, sharply, and there was a flash of anger, which was quickly smoldered by what seemed like absolutely fake hurt. She dare to glare at him?!

“Oh...that’s right...how silly of me to assume...” She trailed off softly, and Key narrowed his eyes.

“No, no, that’s not right. You deserve a bed-“ Onew started to say, patting her on the back.

“You should’ve thought that out before you so rudely intruded.” Key heard himself say again, still bubbling with anger.

“She’s not replacing you, Key!” Jonghyun whispered, turning to Key.

“No, no, that’s fine, I’ll sleep on the couch.” Onew started to say when Minho cut in with,

“Stop the act, what’re you up to?”

Everyone fell silent at Minho’s quiet but somewhat harsh words.

“Minho-ah! Don’t be mean!” Taemin shouted suddenly, hitting Minho on the arm, and Key looked sharply at Minho. Was he suspicious too? Did he also not trust the girl that-

Wait, Minho was looking at Onew.

“Wh..what?” Onew started, confused.

“You’re obviously just trying to get in her pants.”

Everyone stared at Minho. What…blunt…words…

Key looked over at the girl who looked thoroughly in shock, getting a little red herself.

“No, I-“ Onew spluttered but Minho smoothly cut in again,

“No one needs to sleep on the couch, you can just sleep with Taemin and me.” Minho ended giving Onew a small smile. He looked to everyone else, nodded, and procceded to walk away from the group and up the stairs.

Key looked back at Onew, who looked a little pale. Key turned to Taemin who clapped his hands together.

“Wai-why-wh-“ Onew looked wildly around at Minho, trying to piece his words together.

“Because although Key and Jonghyun sleep in the same bed, they’re pretty loud.” Key blanched, and Jonghyun made a sudden jerking movement with his arm. “Unless you want to sleep with them.” Minho shrugged, looking back at Onew seriously, before continuing up the stairs and disappearing.

“I-“ Key started, turning red, when Jonghyun interrupted,

“What the hell is he talking about! Taemin and he always-“

“Oh my gosh! It can be a ! I’m so excited, Onew-hyung!” Taemin burst out happily, running over to Onew, giving him a thumbs up, and then running up the stairs after Minho.


Key stared after Taemin in pure shock.”He…he…” Key looked around at Jonghyun who blinked, expression blank, and then at Onew, who looked even more pale.

“He…he probably just…doesn’t…know the terminology…” Key trailed, weakly, looking from Onew to Jonghyun.

“So I can get my own room without having you sleep on the couch?” Jasmine said, putting her hands together and tilting her head to the side.


“He did say , right?” Jonghyun finally said, and Key slapped his forehead.

Manger’s POV


“What the hell are you planning?” He hissed into the phone, furious at his older sister.

She’ll be fine.

“I don’t care about your devil spawn daughter, I care about my innocent angelic boys!”

She’ll do well to corrupt those angels, especially my Onew..

“WHAT?!” The man shot up from his couch, hand tightening around the glass of whisky in his hands. “YOU-“

Don’t you worry.

“I had this under control you know! You didn’t even give me enough time!”

You never have anything under control.” His sister smoothly replied, and the man heard a click as she hung up on him.

He listened to the dial tone for some time, trying to come up with all the possible outcomes of the momentary situation.


“You’re not sleeping with us?”

“Well, uh, you, I-I’m fine on the couch.”

“But I was looking forward to wrestling with you and Minho! You could learn how to moan from him!”


“Come on, hyung, it’ll be fun!”


“Come, come!”


“Hey Taemin. So Onew decided to show up?”

“No, I just, you guys, I-“

“You can sleep on that bed.”


“Already hyung?”

“It is pretty late.”


“Onew looked really uncomfortable sleeping with Taemin and Minho.”

“Who wouldn’t be?”

“Maybe we should’ve told him to sleep with us…”


“I don’t know…”

“But then we couldn’t do this…”





Who would you rather sleep with? Jonghyun and Key or Minho and Taemin? (thinks) I wouldn't be able to pick between the two...ANYWHO, REVIEWS MAKE ME HAPPY =)

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Chapter 5: The only thing I have to say is: AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!! I'm laughing like a retarded seal and I freaking love Key when he ask for eggs and Jas says: you guys are all gay! And Key says: So I'm assuming you don't want eggs? AHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHA please keep writing in really in awe ahhahah
feyluvdragonqueens #2
Chapter 5: awsome plz update! seeing the ual side of shinee is smexy! but woah xD
Totally07Asian13 #3
Chapter 5: Omg what kinda fanfic did I run to? XD This is soooo hilarious to read and my gosh, SHINee is a lot different in their dorms xP so many relationshipstories to be questioned and Onew's confused uality is just so funny! Anyways hope you continue and update soon! :D
Chapter 5: This is so weird! I love it though. Like, WTF is wrong with them? They're all messed up in the head. (I can't really say anything since I am too.)
Well, hopefully you might pick this up again.
Chapter 5: omg minho and taem are killing me~ (((oh im curious yeah~)))
Kairi291 #6
Chapter 1: O.O MINHO!!!! XD let's watch. XDDDD
Kia-ssi #7
Chapter 4: I love the 'mental cinema' so much I always have when Taemin says something funny or when Onew is in panic and can't say anything clearly and just shouts something. It's prizeless. I love your story, please come back!
Kia-ssi #8
Chapter 3: I'm just at chapter 3 but it's so great, the way how you write and how you use the words... it's the best story I've ever read in terms of writing style AND also content. ~Woa I'm so exited to go on reading now `___´
And everything that Taemin says and does is just too funny..
poor Onew *3*