One year in the Exile

Alpha and Omega (Long)

Tough. I can describe the year that passed as tough. I want to tell you all this in a quick way, but these are just memories and happened so fast to remember the details. I won't step things that hapenned that were important, but i won't remember much things too. I though that you must know that life in the Exile was definetely not easy.

First day in the Exile:

I entered that forest, i could still hear Kris's pained howls, but he didn't knew how i was feeling. I knew why he did that, i knew that i was almost being selfish, but the bond between mates it's not something small. I felt my side of our bond just crack and turn to dust when i heard someone else Kris's name, i felt my heart crumble and die slowly, i felt like he wasn't my mate anymore. If he wasn't anymore, then he was never my true mate, a bond like that would never be torn apart this easily. That tought hurted me to the core, it really hurted me 'till i died inside myself and ran so i could find my living side, but i only found my grave. I got deeper in the forest, my armor was startin to bother me a little even being light, but everything was bothering me, mainly it were the echos of the pained Kris's howls in the forest, the fact that i was totally alone and defenseless in such a dangerous place and the silent darkness of that place. Eventually, i got used to it and got to deep to hear the echos, happilly, i was with my hearing at maximum, i couldn't stay too careless in that place. The first enemy i found was a kind of minotaur, but he had a snake in the place of it's tail and it was a really big coral snake, also fanged bulls aren't cute. He came straight to me, but i just looked at him and, suddently, time stopped. I got so shocked that time came back to normal and he hitted me wih his giant hoofs and totally ruined my amazing armor. I took my armor off and just kept as best as i could with the pieces still remaining. That thing tried to hit me again, but i got away and looked at him, stoping time again. This time i didn't waste the chance and attacked his throat, his black blood was easy to be saw in the slits of my claws, but it didn't bleed. I got away and time got back to normal, his blood spilled to many sides, staining everything around including my fur. The smell was totally disgusting. I left my ruined armor there and stated to search for a river, when i found the water was black so i threw a stick on it and nothing happenned. i assumed i could enter there. Happilly, i was right and the blood was taken away of my fur, but i almost got carried away by the current, it was really strong. I managed to ge off the river by grabbing a long branch from a close tree and pulling myself off, i was shivering from the fear and the cold so i decided to find a place to rest. I found an empty hut close to the river and got to there, there wasn't any fireplace, but at least it would protect me from the wind. 

Two months in the Exile:

I'm walking to the forest calmly, searching for food when i see a creature i never though that even existed: A dragon. He was with his back turned to me, but his scales had the same osher tone that Kris's hair and fur had. I was so fascinated looking at it that he just turned back and noticed me, his eyes were like Kris's yellow's eyes. that dragon was so similar, but so different. It was then that i noticed i still missed my mate, even if he wasn't even my mate anymore (at least on my mind). The dragon howled to scare me, but i saw hat he was even more scared.

-Hey, don't fear me, i'm not here to hurt or disturb you, i was just passing by -I said

He backed away and howled again, but i was so fascinated for the creature that i didn't even care, i got closer, every step further to me was one step back to him. 

"Keep away if you want to live" -It said inside my mind, a extremely beautiful voice that only i would be able to hear on that moment
-Why? You're such an amazing creature and so beautiful -The creature seemed startled and amazed with my words
"I'll totally cook you if you come closer"
-I'm not afraid, i'm amazed -I said

I don't know why, but that dragon amazed me so much and i really didn't fear him. I took a step further and he breathed his fire on me, the fire touched my skin, but didn't burn it and, when the fire died, he looked extremely surprised.

"You are one of Selenia's chosen ones"
-Are you saying that the goddess chose me to do something?
"Go away little wolf, there are great things in you future and they have nothing to do with me now" -He openned his wings, ready to fly
-Wait! Please, tell me your name, you're so beautiful!
"I'm Solarius, king of the days, protector of the sun"
-Queen Selenia's brother
"Yes, i am. Keeping walking your tracks, destinated one. You, who don't fear me, who can see me as a good thing, can only be destined o good things. Your path won't be easy, you face a great pain that you'll have to bear or you're already facing, but it'll all be worth in the end" -He sreched his wings to it's maximum curvature, showning me his magesture- "Son of the moon, the priest chosen ir earth, you have the blessing of the sun. Go further wihout falter, no mater he chalenges and you'll see"

He started to burn and just disappeared in the middle of the flames. Yes, i was suffering, but if he said it would be worth it, then it would. I just got back to home after that encounter, thinking about everything.


Five months in the Exile:

Here i'll just write that i found out one month before that i was pregnant from Kris, i lost my baby while fighting against a griffin today. Now i'm fighting so i won't loose to depression. 


Last day in the Exile:

This year has been really harsh, seriously. Wolves pursue me everyday, most are alphas, but there are some betas too. I can fight then easily on my normal days, i''ve learned to control a little my abilities with time, but there's a moment i would say vulnerable: My heat. During my heat my powers would jus disappear, my hea shouldn't affect other things, but i was far from Kris for too long, so the mark was fading. One more proof that the bound had been broken, happilly this though doesn't hurt me anymore, it just bothers. During my heat i would keep at home, he hut i found was quite good, of course that i had to learn how to survive, but i wasn't stupid and learned quickly. Today my heat will come, so i just stayed inside, my body was burning already and my heat hadn't even got here yet. I heard low growls out my hut and 5 betas were outside, i put on my black cloak to cover my scent, i was huge and heavy, made with the weird minotaur's skin. They came in, i tried to stop the time to be able to escape, but my heat was too close, it last two seconds, enough only to get two seps outsde and they felt my scent and started to follow me. I ran as best as i could, trying to stop time every once in a while, but my heat finally took place and i wasn't able to do that. I knew i couldn't run forever, so i turned back and fought then. I was a hard and long fight, i almost got killed a least 3 times, but i managed to kill one of them. Even being strong and having powers, i was in heat, it left my body sensible and habilities weak, so after they shocked by and omega killing one of them, i started running for my life again.

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Chapter 6: I really like this story
Hermin #2
Chapter 6: But last one is separate story isn't it
eris_0068 #3
That's it? They go lovey dovey again after 1year after they ? I hope there's much more. :)

Anywaayy~ Sooo loving this fic. Thanks for the update, author-nim! Update soooooonnn~
KAI3546 #4
Chapter 4: oh my god poor Tao TT^TT its so unfair for him. Because Tao has been marked does that mean he cant find another mate in this story or will he slowly die without having his mate that marked him, I cant wait to see what happens to him :'/
Chapter 4: continue please! that sounds good
Fizzyizzy #6
Chapter 4: oh noo :((( poor Tao, I wonder what's going to happen to him now, what's Kris going to do? ahh I have so many questions!! this is so good <3
littlefishyyy #7
Chapter 4: - So lucky that Suho can't have babies with Kris, so lucky :))
eris_0068 #8
Chapter 4: Taaaoooo~ :(