
What Really Happened

The following morning a brick hit his head as he opened his eyes. The sunlight was like a beam of radiation, searing his eyesight and leaving a pounding afterimage like that of an X-ray. Just the sight of white light sent a shock of pain through his optic nerve. This only attributed to his heavy head drowning in a hangover.


He squinted at his surroundings.


He was in a white room. The bed sheets were white. The walls were white. Everything was a pasty, pale shade of doom. Had he died? Was he at a mental asylum? Did they finally have enough of him that they sent him away? Why Chunnie why?


Dejected he stared down at the bland bed sheets and thought to himself. Yoochun abandoned me. I thought he loved me.


Then he recalled the sunlight. There's a window. Asylums shouldn't have windows. He got off of the bed, that was actually too firm for his liking, and dragged himself over to the window. Peaking outside, he saw cars and traffic. He was still alive in metropolitan Seoul, but where exactly was he?


On the white desk, next to the window was a black wooden picture frame that contrasted with the yang of the rest of the room. His hands clutched the picture frame, staring intently at the content of the photo.


Is that....? No why would I be here? His mind was a flurry.


In the picture, was a group of twenty people, all of whom he was familiar with.


This white room. Teuk.


He heard the sound of the door knob being turned and took a hurdle onto the bed. Eyes closed, feigning sleep, Jaejoong propped his head in a position so that his ears were void of any obstacles.


Light, dainty footsteps were followed by a set of heavier and rougher ones.


“He’s still asleep,” an all too familiar voice stated.


That damn flower.


“Yoochun looked desperate to dump him on us last night,” the owner of the room stated.


“It was their anniversary yesterday.”


“He needs to move on. We all know Yunho has. I mean I’ve lost count of the amount of people he’s dated since they broke up.”


The words cut Jaejoong’s poor and fragile heart like an ax. Of course he had. With all the dating rumors flying around, he must have dated at least one if not all.


“Jaejoong… He is a dweller of the past. Yunho is still his one and only.”


Yes. Yes. He is.


“I honestly don’t know how we can help him,” Teuk heaves a heavy sigh as he paces the room. Heechul, now silent, entered a deep state of pensiveness. The folds of his forehead creased in and out as he eliminated and considered possible schemes.


That’s it, he thought.


Teuk glances at Heechul who looks like he just had an epiphany. Heechul looks up at Teuk with bright, childlike eyes.


Heechul’s plans were never the least bit normal. They always required some sort of extravagant plan. Sometimes they were just ridiculous and highly unachievable. Leeteuk just stared at him, waiting for him to open his rosy lips and blow him away with that extraordinarily imaginative mind of his.


“Jaejoong has always been a bit feminine,” Heechul pauses for a second.

“And?” Leeteuk squinted skeptically.


Jaejoong’s attention perks up like the ears of an alert chihuahua. I am not at all feminine.


“Why don’t we just dress Jaejoong up as a girl? He can audition at the upcoming Star Search as a girl.”


What? How does this have anything to do with anything?


“What? How does this have anything to do with anything?” Leeteuk voiced out Jaejoong’s exact thoughts.


“You buffoon! To get into the company. How else is he gonna be able to see Yunho?”


Okay, that actually makes a bit of sense.


“What? Are you crazy? You don’t think anyone will notice his bobbing adam’s apple?”


“Psh. Just say he had abnormal hormone activity when he was younger. It’s the only way to keep this away from the press anyways and do you honestly think Yunho would willingly come and meet him?”


“He wouldn’t,” Jaejoong’s nasally voice cut through the conversation.


The talkative leader and the flamboyant diva turned to look at the disheveled mess that was Kim Jaejoong. He looked up at them with sad eyes and a bittersweet smile before absentmindedly getting up and looking around for his stuff.


“Jaejoong,” Heechul called a bit surprised.


Jaejoong silently picked up his belongings that were neatly placed on the dresser, not heeding to Heechul’s call.


“You need to confront Yunho. You can’t keep living like this. He needs to know. Are you not tired with living in this mess of a misunderstanding?” Leeteuk spoke facing Jaejoong’s back.


“Was it really a misunderstanding? How would you know?” While Jaejoong regretted his harshness, he could not help but let his bitterness season his words. He turned slowly to look at the pair, giving them one last sad and sorry look before heading out the bedroom door.


The other members of the incredibly noisy group stood in a line outside the door obviously trying to catch the conversation. Surprised at Jaejoong’s sudden appearance, they all stood frozen in place as they received a death glare from the pasty and disheveled man with red eyes. He walked past them with urgency as their eyes followed the sight of his back.


He opened the front door and slammed it shut.


If that had been the last time that he (involuntarily) visited their dorm room, things would have been different. If he had let go of his lingering feeling for Yunho, things would have been different. If Yoochun didn’t find him on the studio floor that night, things would have been different.


Jaejoong was sprawled across his bed that night unable to process any other piece information except for Leeteuk’s words. The word “misunderstanding” bounced around in his skull until the pressure in his head was going to cause it to explode.


If he had not spent the rest of the day thinking about what Leeteuk had said, things would have been different. If he had not picked up the phone to call Heechul that night, things would have been really different.





A bit worried about the outcome but please enjoy.


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Alice-tvxq #1
Chapter 4: Interesting , looking forward to your next chapter .
Alice-tvxq #2
Chapter 2: Great loved it please update soon
lucachristina #3
Chapter 2: Wow I really like how this sounds!! Can't wait for your next update!! HWAITING
Please update as soon as you can. I like the dark and melancholy feeling at the 2 first chapters, it's captivating , it's real .I hope the story will become more bright and full of funny and hilarious moments in the future.