
What Really Happened

There are some things in life that are made more complicated than necessary.


One of these things is my love life or rather my dead and nonexistent one.




The recording studio was trashed. Crumpled pieces of paper littered the floor. The chair had fallen over having been pushed aside in another drunken rage. The green bottle of soju had been spared by the soft carpet floor from being shattered to bits. An outdated television set sat in the corner of the otherwise modernistic room droning on about stuff that the media considers newsworthy.


“DBSK’s Yunho and labelmate and actress Go Ara were spotted attending a musical together. While SM Entertainment denies claims that they are dating, this has not been the first incident where they have been seen out in public together.” Blah. Blah. Blah. Might as well rip my void of a heart out of my chest, Jaejoong thought.


He was sprawled on the carpet floor. His fingers pulled at the twisted tufts of nylon until his delicate hands were rough and warm from the friction.


It was one of those nights. One of the nights that corresponded with some specific event that had occurred far behind in the past. This time his scribbles read ‘Anniversary.’ Why he chose to continue labeling the calendar with anniversaries that should have long been forgotten? He does not know.


Maybe, it was his unwillingness to move on and push past the fact that the love of his life probably hates him, having long moved on and forgotten about him. He’ll probably be alone for the rest of his wretched life until even those pathetic leeches that dare call themselves fans forget about him. Then, he thought, at least I could be openly sad and lonely.


His sober self would laugh at this pathetic drunken state, having too much pride to admit that he still yearns for his Yunnie Bear, as he used to so affectionately call his beloved. Jaejoong’s eyes stay fixed on the pale white ceiling and suddenly he lets out a giggle.


“The stars look beautiful tonight. Don’t they? Look it’s Cassiopeia! Can you see it?” He exclaims with the vivacity of a five year old at the blank ceiling.


His rational self would scoff. You’re looking at a wall Jaejoong. And stars? We live in the middle of metropolitan where the sky is covered up by smog. We don’t see stars. All those lights are damn satellites. You want to look at stars? Just look at yourself in the mirror. You’re dazzling.


Yes indeed.


But right now, he was comparable to a mop. A really sad, ragged mop. Even those swiffer sweeper things that can so easily be replaced were better off than him. He was stuck as used. He couldn’t replace the undetachable end to start clean and anew. He had to carry all the filth that would never get off no matter how many times the coils of fabric have been washed.


“Stars,” he stated dejectedly almost on the verge of tears now. Then he giggles again and repeats “stars.”


Outside the recording studio, Yoochun could hear spontaneous laughter and occasional whimpers. His hand hesitated in wrenching the door knob. Dealing with a drunk Jaejoong was not part of his plan.


He had just finished his drama filming and had headed back to the studio to see how far Jaejoong go in writing their title track for their new album. Obviously, not much has been accomplished.


He heaved a long sigh before opening the door. Jaejoong was lying pathetically on the floor with his eyes closed listening to mumbling of the TV.


“I’m so done with you,” Yoochun sighed exasperatedly.


Hearing Yoochun’s voice, Jaejoong’s eyes whipped open. “Junsu! You’re here!”


Yoochun stares.


“Junsu, you look awfully different today. Is it your hair? How about you stargaze with me?”


Yoochun continues to stare.


“Aren’t the stars pretty tonight?” Jaejoong inquires, finger pointing at the ceiling.

Yoochun has had enough of seeing his friend in this same pitiful state every so often. He swiftly leans down, pulls Jaejoong up by the shoulders, and shakes him furiously.




Jaejoong’s body becomes a dead weight as he loses consciousness. “Stars... Moving… Stars,” he mumbles.





I'm starting short. I'm still gauging chapter lengths. The chapters should gradually get longer.


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Alice-tvxq #1
Chapter 4: Interesting , looking forward to your next chapter .
Alice-tvxq #2
Chapter 2: Great loved it please update soon
lucachristina #3
Chapter 2: Wow I really like how this sounds!! Can't wait for your next update!! HWAITING
Please update as soon as you can. I like the dark and melancholy feeling at the 2 first chapters, it's captivating , it's real .I hope the story will become more bright and full of funny and hilarious moments in the future.