Chapter Three

Demons For Dinner

“You have never baked before, am I right,” Jin commented dryly, looking at the mess Namjoon had made. Apparently, the Sin of Anger, one of the Princes of the Underworld, Satan himself, couldn’t crack an egg properly.

“I don’t eat, why should I bake?” Namjoon defended himself with a huff, glaring at the egg covered counter. If the chicken in that egg had been developed and alive, it would’ve been dead now with the lightning that was shooting from the Sin’s eyes.

Jin chuckled. “Why don’t you clean that up, and I’ll crack the eggs,” he told the Sin. Namjoon huffed again and waved his hand at the counter. The egg and shell turned black and disappeared into thin air, like the mouse the Sin had saved him from at their first meeting. Making sure the Sin was watching, he cracked the eggs with two hands, so that the other could learn how to do it. Jin was able to do it with one hand as well, however, he didn’t want Namjoon to lose all hope of ever cracking an egg properly.

Slowly they made their way through the preparation of the batter, both his own and Namjoons. Jin stayed patient with the Sin’s apparent handicap in the kitchen, chuckling lightly at every mistake and helping him. It was cute. The Sin was not used to being incapable of doing something, but he kept trying. He was stubborn and Jin could see the anger bubble up in his eyes, turning them red sometimes. However, every time he put a light hand on the Sin’s arm and helped him, which seemed to calm him down and his eyes turned back to black.

“Turn around,” Namjoon told him when their batter was done and ready to be put into the forms.

“Why?” Jin asked, confused.

Namjoon gave him the bowl with his own chocolate cake batter and motioned for him to turn around. Jin gave him a searching look but did as he was told. A rotten smell filled the kitchen and he felt the need to puke. It was like a combination of all the worst smells in the world. Whatever it was crawled up his nose and down into his lungs, almost choking him. His eyes were watering, and he coughed, trying to get the horrible smell out of his system.

Then the smell was gone, though it lingered in Jin’s lungs. He coughed and coughed and didn’t notice Namjoon’s hand on his back until a whooshing feeling went through his body, seemingly expelling the smell.

“What was that?” Jin asked, coughing a few times more just in case.

“I can’t tell you that,” Namjoon replied, rubbing his back comfortingly.

Jin wiped his eyes from the tears that had fallen. “Whatever it was, I’ve never smelled anything as horrible!”

“Yeah, I’m not surprised,” Namjoon laughed.

“Okay, I’m going to ignore the fact that you filled my kitchen with the most horrid smell to ever exist on a human plane, but is this smell going to affect my cake?” Jin asked. “Because I will not forgive you if you ruin my cake.”

The Sin threw his head back and laughed loudly. “It won’t affect your cake, don’t worry, not even when they’re in the oven together.”

“Good,” Jin nodded and placed his batter back on the table. He couldn’t help but look at Namjoon’s batter suspiciously, but he took out two forms regardless. Together they put the cakes in the oven and set the timer.

While the cakes sat in the oven, Jin sat down at the table while Namjoon waved his hands around, seemingly ordering the dishes to do themselves. He couldn’t help but study the Sin as he absently waved his hands here and there.

“What’s wrong?” Namjoon asked after a while of silence and staring.

“I’m thinking,” Jin told the other. “And I’m trying to come to a conclusion but it seems like my head won’t settle on one.”

“What are you thinking about, maybe I can help you?”

Jin paused shortly, trying to figure out if he should say it or not. “Well, that’s the thing, I’m thinking about you,” he finally told the other honestly.

“What about me?” Namjoon smirked.

“Well, you’re obviously a Sin, but you’re also really nice,” Jin said. “My conception of the Deadly Sins are that they’re bad, but you’re not bad per se.”

Namjoon waved his hands a final time, before sitting down across from Jin with a thoughtful look on his face. “So you’re split between thinking I’m a bad being and a good being?”

“No, because Kookie, Tae, and Min are all demons yet they are nice,” Jin replied, before pausing. Sins and demons preferred honesty and they were loyal to a fault, from what Jin had learned. However, they did respect secrets if the secret did not benefit another party over them. Back when Jin had first gotten to know his three demon friends, he had had the same dilemma of what to discuss with them. He didn’t want to accidentally say something that awoke their anger or hurt them in any way, but he didn’t want to say something that hurt him either. Back then he had decided to trust Jungkook, then Taehyung and Jimin too. What was the right choice this time?

“So, you’re pondering over the duality of demons and Sins in the same way you should ponder about humans?” Namjoon asked.

“To some extent,” Jin nodded and paused once more. “I’m wondering what type of being you are in the sense of how much should I trust you with. Your nature of being a Sin is clearly seen in your actions, but you are also as human as me. To be honest, I forget even Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin are demons sometimes. You all seem so human, yet you have powers no human has.”

Namjoon nodded slowly. “I will be frank with you because you behave in a way most humans don’t,” he said. “You shouldn’t trust me, at all, with anything, because I have a history of using humans’ secrets against them when they anger me. I am the Sin of Wrath, so I am always angry.”

Jin accidentally snorted at that.

“What?” Namjoon snapped.

“Sorry, it’s just that you reminded me of the Hulk, please continue and I am sorry,” Jin apologized.

“Okay,” the Sin looked hesitant for a moment, but then he nodded. “However, seeing as you are not like the other humans I have met, you do not need to worry about me using your secrets against you until the day you betray me.”

Jin thoughtfully.

“Also, we are all made by the same in the Haven, so of course we’ll have different sides to ourselves. Even if that didn’t know how to accept it in his children, he does have a certain style,” Namjoon continued, eyes turning red in anger.

Jin looked at the Sin in wonder. He was obviously angered at the current moment, but though he was unearthly in his looks, his emotions were relatable.

Carefully, he covered one of Namjoon’s clutched hands with his own. “I think I trust you,” he told the Sin with a small smile.


“And then his clothes disappeared!” Taehyung cackled. “They just straight out disappeared right as Lucifer entered!”

“You should have seen his face!” Jungkook continued, doubled over in cramps of laughter.

“And then Lucifer kicked him right into the unlit Pit and told him to try getting out before it was lit,” Jimin added, tears of laughter running down his face, while Taehyung and Jungkook let out howls of laughter. Jin laughed along, happy that their prank went well.

“You little demons,” he told them with a shake of his head.

“What else did you expect,” Taehyung shrugged with a wicked grin on his face. They were adorable, really. Jin took a deep breath. Now was a good time. They were in a good mood and their smiles were bright.

“I’m glad your prank ended so well,” Jin told them, and scooped up a big mouthful rice. “I was thinking of inviting Namjoon for dinner with you three tomorrow,” he told them and immediately shoved the rice into his mouth.

Three heads snapped towards him so fast he would be worried they got whiplash if they were human. He started chewing on his rice, slowly, so that they couldn’t expect any words out of his mouth any time soon.

“What?” Jungkook finally asked.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Jimin asked.

“Did he agree to befriend us?” Taehyung asked excitedly.

Jin kept chewing.

“What if he punishes us for this!” Jimin worried.

“He wouldn’t, when he visits Jin himself,” Taehyung waved him off.

“That doesn’t mean he wouldn’t try to make our lives harder,” Jungkook replied.

“Exactly! Dinner visits aren’t exactly on the job description for when we’re on duty,” Jimin agreed.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine, we’re in the same boat as him,” Taehyun argued.

“He’s a Sin! You know they don’t hold back on punishment,” Jungkook argued back.

“Jin, please say something,” Jimin pleaded. “And say you won’t invite him.”

All three demons looked at him with different expressions. Taehyung looked hopeful, Jungkook shook his head slightly, obviously giving him a hint, and Jimin looked pleading.

He pointed at his mouth as he chewed on.

The three demons’ faces immediately morphed into the same unimpressed expression. Jin snorted, accidentally inhaling some of the remaining rice and started choking. He coughed and coughed, trying to get the rice out, but it wouldn’t budge.

“Are you okay?” Jimin asked while Taehyung looked worried on.

Jungkook merely rolled his eyes and stood up, having witnessed this back when he was the only one visiting him. With a few slaps on his back, as Jin coughed on, the rice finally came back up into his mouth. Making sure he swallowed properly, Jin drank some water. He could feel a single tear rolling down his cheek.

“What happened, are you okay?” Taehyung asked, suddenly all up in his face.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Jin waved him off hoarsely. It didn’t seem to calm the demon down. “I just merely choked on some rice, it’s normal.”

“How is it normal, I’ve never seen you do this before?” Jimin asked, clearly still worried.

“It’s something that happens to all humans, and usually it’s not life-threatening-”

“Life-threatening!?” Jimin exclaimed.

“Calm down,” Jin told him and took another sip of water. “It’s seldom it’s life-threatening, usually we just start coughing a lot and need a drink of water.”

“Okay,” Jimin nodded, but he didn’t look completely convinced. Taehyung did though.

“Thank you for the help, Jungkook,” Jin told the demon by his side that still hadn’t sat back down.

Jungkook nodded and went back to his seat. “No problem,” he told Jin. “Now will you please not invite Satan?”

“Okay, I know you’re worried, but he’s really nice,” Jin told them. “And he assured me he wouldn’t do anything to you, and I’ve talked so much about you that he wants to meet you.”

Jungkook and Jimin looked thoroughly worried about the last statement.

“You talk about us?” Taehyung asked, placing a hand on his chest. “I didn’t know you talked about us.”

“Of course, I talk about you,” Jin told him with a smile. “I talk about you to my human friends too. You three are my favorite demons.”

Taehyung grinned happily and clapped his hands. “Invite him! I trust you,” he told Jin.

Jin looked at Jimin and Jungkook. The two demons looked at each other for a short moment before turning towards him.

“Fine,” Jimin nodded. “Invite him,” he continued with a sigh.

“You won’t regret it, he’s a sweet one,” Jin smiled. The three demons looked at him with a raised eyebrow.



Yup, next chapter up xD

Feels so weird being so good at updating, but hey, I'm not complaining xD

Peace out (^_^)v

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Chapter 3: Please update soon authornim, I love the story ^^ <3
Chapter 3: An awesome and interesting story!!!I can't wait for more.I want to see them meeting and I want to see Hobi and Yoongi too!!!Please update soon!!!
Chapter 2: Oooohhh I really like the story!!!! Keep up the good work!! <3
Chapter 2: I also read this in ao3 but i always miss the chance to subscribe, comment and give kudos so I'll be making it up for it here (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ goddd i lovvee looovvvvveeee the plot I've been thinking about demons and jin a lot lately (heheh devil jin with horns yeehaw) so i instantly fell in love with this!!!!! i can't wait for the day that they all meet up it'll be very chaotic dhbfjdnkd ♡♡♡♡♡