Chapter One

Demons For Dinner

Jin was just like your average human. And yet, he was not like your average human being. He had an ability to summon demons. It was something he had been taught back in high school. Some friends of his wanted to try summoning a demon, fully believing it wouldn't happen. It was almost exam time and it was so ridiculous that it was a nice break from studying.

Like the others, Jin believed that it was mere rubbish. Right until someone suddenly appeared in their midst out of nowhere, claiming he was a demon. Jin could clearly remember everyone's faces. Surprise and disbelief was etched into every feature of all of them. The demon had been rather impatient and grumpy after that. Now that he thought back on it, Jin would be too, if a bunch of people summoned him and then didn't believe he was a demon.

Later on, his friends wanted to try it again, this time with a clear objective. Jin hadn't been able to join as he was working on an essay that needed to be handed in next morning. When he had asked how it went the next day, they had told him that it hadn't worked. This had made him curious if it was because of him not being there or because they weren't enough people. So as soon as he got home, he had set up everything and went through the ritual to summon the demon.

It had worked. The same demon as last time had showed up. The demon's face had fell rather dramatically when he saw who it was summoning him and sighed rather heavily. This proceeded with a very grumpy 'what do you want?' and 'didn't you have your fun last time' from the demon. To which Jin had just stared open mouthed in response. It wasn't until the demon sighed a second time that he snapped out of his daze.

“Do you want some dinner?” he had asked, that being the first thing on his mind. The demon had looked up excitedly, before it turned suspicious.

“Why do you want to serve me dinner?” he had questioned in return.

“Oh, uhm, as apology for just summoning you without a cause last time?” Jin had answered the first and best thing that came to mind.

“Oh, well, okay,” the demon had agreed.

“Come with me to the kitchen,” Jin had said then and had prepared the leftovers from dinner. The demon had enjoyed the dinner luckily and they had chatted a bit. Jin had learned that the demon didn't have a name in this language, so he had made one up for him. Jungkook. The demon had been satisfied with the name, so it stuck.

Over the years, as Jin got more experienced and powerful, he summoned more demons, all recommended by Jungkook. There was Jimin, who he had first summoned at Jungkook's suggestion. He was like a ball of sunshine once you got to know him. It was unbelievable that he was actually a demon, if it wasn't for his mischievousness that he excelled at. Being a minor demon of mischief, this was quite understandable. Then there was Taehyung. His mind was somehow differently screwed together and could go from intimidating demon to little puppy in less than a second. He was a bit of a puzzle to be totally honest. But cute nonetheless.

It had turned into a daily occurrence that he would summon the three demons, so they could eat dinner together. The demons were rather fond of his cooking, so it was a pleasure to be cooking for them. In return they had helped him find a job, so that he could afford all the food he had to buy to feed four people. Though he suspected they had used some of their powers on the people who hired him, despite him asking them not to. But they were demons, so what did he suspect?

Now he was in college and he still served dinner for the demons. At least one of them would join him every night. His old friends had gotten scared of him when he told them he could summon the demon on his own. They had quietly drifted away, but he had gotten new friends in college, though he didn’t tell them about his dinner plans. To them he simply told he had dinner plans every night with some friends.

And it wasn't bad being friends with demons. They made sure his apartment was mouse free and he was never alone when he needed a friend. One of them were always just a simple summon away.

Which was why he froze in shock when a mouse scurried past him in his bedroom. Next second, he was up on his bed, hastily muttering the words needed to summon a demon. He put all his will into it, desperate for someone to come and get the mouse out of there or kill it. When he opened his eyes, it wasn't Taehyung who stood there, like he had intended. For a second, he forgot about the mouse, as he just stared at the cloak-clad stranger. He was tall, blonde and had a rather threatening feel about him. But very attractive nonetheless, as the demons Jin knew were.

“You're not Taehyung,” he stated lamely.

The boy raised an eyebrow. “You tried summoning someone you know through a demon summoning ritual?” he asked. “You do know humans don't need to summon each other?”

“Taehyung is a demon,” Jin told the demon.

“Taehyung is a demon?”

“Yes,” Jin nodded.

“Why the hell would you summon me then?” the demon asked angrily.

“I don't know,” Jin replied, his voice slightly higher than usual. At that moment, the mouse decided to scurry across the floor once more. “But now that you're here, could you get rid of that mouse?” he asked, as he hugged his legs.

“You want me to kill a mouse?” the demon questioned in disbelief. Jin nodded in response. The demon kept on looking at him like he was crazy, while he kept his best innocent face up.

“Fine,” the demon finally agreed, sounding like he didn't believe he was doing this. “Come here little mouse,” he called, and the mouse obeyed, scurrying across the floor. A ball of darkness was shot from the demon's hand, hitting the mouse, turning it to dust.

“Thank you,” Jin thanked the demon, letting go of his legs and standing up next to the bed.

“Anything else?” the demon asked sarcastically.

“Do you like kimchi fried rice?” he asked in return.

“I-... what?” the other looked confused.

“Or have you never tried it? Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook said they hadn't really tried human food before,” Jin continued. The demon just looked more confused. “Come with me, I'll make you some dinner as thanks for your trouble,” he told the other, took his hand and gently led him to the kitchen.

“You really have no idea who I am, do you?” the demon asked, sounding rather incredulous. After sitting the demon down in a chair in the kitchen, Jin looked at him closely.

“You look like a Namjoon,” he concluded, before turning around to make some kimchi fried rice.

“A what?” the demon asked.

“A Namjoon. I like the name Namjoon, it has a rather nice feel to it, doesn't it,” Jin told the demon.

“I'm going crazy, aren't I? That devil. He finally got to me, didn't he? Or is this all a joke?” the other mumbled.

Jin turned around, worried. “You okay there?” he asked the demon that had his head buried in his hands.

“Tell me this is all a joke. Tell me this is a joke set up by that bastard that doesn't know where his place is,” Namjoon muttered to himself desperately.

“Seeing as I know you demons value honesty, I'm not going to lie to you. This isn't a joke,” Jin told the demon softly. He simply groaned in reply. Deeming that the demon needed a moment, he turned back to his cooking.

When he finished, he set the table and sat down across from the demon.

“Dig in,” he told the demon who simply stared at him and the food in turn.

“How can I know you haven't poisoned this?” the demon asked.

“You can poison a demon?” Jin replied in confusion.

“No, you can't,” Namjoon denied hurriedly and took a bite of the food. “This is good,” he said in surprise.

“Thank you,” Jin smiled and took a bite himself. It wasn't that bad. Namjoon apparently thought it was delicious, as he shoveled the food in his mouth, barely chewing before swallowing.

“Slow down there, the food isn't going to run anywhere,” he told the demon. Namjoon looked at him for a second but slowed down his eating after that. While eating his own food, Jin couldn't help but look at the other. He really was extremely attractive, even when shoveling food down his throat. And he wasn't attractive in the same way Taehyun, Jimin or Jungkook were. The three demons had this young puppy look over them, even though Jimin was as if chiseled in stone. Namjoon looked older and more... alluring in lack of better words.

“This was delicious,” Namjoon told him when he finished.

“Thank you,” Jin thanked him. “I'm glad you liked it.”

“You seem like a nice person, why do you summon demons?” the demon asked curiously.

“Well, it just sorta happened in high school. And then I kept summoning them for some company,” he answered.

“So, you're a loner? An outsider? You actually have a bone of anger in you that wants your bullies to pay?” Namjoon questioned further.

“What? No!” Jin was appalled. “I just like inviting them over for dinner. And in return they keep my apartment mouse free,” he told the other. “I have human friends,” he added after a small pause.

Namjoon laughed. “Wow, just wow.”

“What's wrong with that?” Jin asked.

“Nothing, nothing. Just, remember to clear your mind and be focused when you summon demons,” Namjoon advised. “You probably don't want to summon one of my brothers. Actually, you don't want to summon me, but I'll let it go for some odd reason,” he continued.

“Your brothers?”

“I'll tell you about them another time.”

“Okay then,” Jin nodded.

“I'll need to get going now,” Namjoon said before he could say anything more. Standing up, the demon left the kitchen. Jin hurriedly stood up and followed. He found him drawing something on a paper in the living room.

“What are you doing?” he asked the other.

“Leaving you my symbol,” the demon answered and finished his drawing. “I'll be going now,” Namjoon told him.

“Oh, I'll just get on with the uninviting then,” Jin replied, readying his mind.

“No need,” the demon grinned and with that he was gone. Weird. He usually had to take back his invitation to let his friends go back. Oh well. He went over to take a look at the symbol. It was a circle with a five-pointed star inside it. He had seen that before. If he remembered correctly it was one of the more powerful demons instead of the minor demons that his friends were. Anyways, he would ask them tomorrow, when he summoned them. He had homework to do now.


Jin spent the next day going to classes, chatting with friends and complaining about the massive amount of homework that had been put on them. It was a perfectly normal day, though he kept thinking back to the evening before. Namjoon had basically told him to summon him another time. He had left his symbol, so he could do it again.

So, when his friends noticed that he was spacing out a lot, he excused himself from their hang out at the cafe and went home. He wanted to ask his demon friends about the symbol. It was seriously familiar. It looked like the symbol people usually associated with demons. But that would mean Namjoon was one of the most powerful demons, and that simply couldn't be. First of all, Jin wasn't powerful enough, second, Namjoon seemed way too nice and thirdly, why would a powerful demon want to answer a call like that? Or stay for that matter? Or kill a mouse? Especially when he could leave at any given moment.

Locking the door behind him, he went into his bedroom and closed his eyes. He had permanently set everything up in there, so he just had to hide his room when his human friends came over. He didn't want to know how they would react if they knew he could summon demons. Concentrating on his three demon friends, he spoke the words needed.

“You didn't call me yesterday,” Taehyung's insulted voice was the first thing that greeted him when he opened his eyes. His three demon friends stood side by side with smiles on their faces. Well except for Taehyung who looked grumpy.

“Sorry, I accidentally summoned another demon,” Jin apologized and stood up from his bed.

“Another demon?” Jungkook asked worriedly.

“Yeah, tall, blonde, rather nice, liked my cooking,” he told the three demons. The three seemed to ease up at that.

“What are we having for dinner?” Taehyung asked excitedly, seemingly forgetting about not being summoned yesterday.

“You'll have to wait and see,” Jin smirked and made his way to the kitchen with three demons following him. As he cooked, the demons told him of the people who summoned them and how things were going in the underworld where they lived. Jin told them of his world, with school and his human friends.

“Tell me about the demon you summoned, maybe we know him,” Jimin told him when he served dinner.

“Well, as I said, he was tall, blonde, rather nice and liked my cooking,” Jin told them again.

“Anything else?” Taehyung asked.

“His eyes were red in the beginning, but they turned black like yours after a while,” he replied slowly, recalling the demon's eyes. The three demons froze and looked at him with wide eyes.

“They were red?” Jungkook finally got out.

“Yeah,” Jin nodded.

“You do remember us telling you that red eyed demons are some of the most powerful demons, right?” Jimin asked hopefully. He shook his head. He had forgotten that.

“He left his symbol, if you want to see,” Jin told them and they all nodded. Leaving the table, he went to get the symbol. He had put it in a drawer in his bedroom yesterday so it was out of sight. When he came back he laid the paper with the symbol on the table and dug back into his food. It wasn’t until a couple of moments later he found that his friends were being unusually quiet.

“What’s wrong?” he asked when he saw their shocked and worried faces.

“This is his symbol?” Jimin squeaked.

“Yeah,” Jin nodded. The three demons looked at each other in panic. Which was highly unusual, especially for Taehyung.

“It could just be a lesser demon playing a prank on him?” Jungkook suggested, but he didn’t sound convinced.

“Who would go to those lengths to prank one of them? They would be thrown into the Pit-fires if they were lucky,” Jimin replied.

“What?” Jin asked, still confused.

“But what are the odds that Jin summoned him and he took it well?” Taehyung asked, sounding… frightened.

“What’s going on here?” Jin asked, still not getting the entire picture. Namjoon had seemed decent enough. And he had loved his dinner, so why were they reacting like this?

“Jin, tell us everything,” Jungkook said, “from the way that he looked to the way he acted.”

“Why is this so important?” he asked his demon friends. “Namjoon was a nice guy.”

“You named him?” Jimin exclaimed, looking properly frightened now.

“Well, yeah, just like with you guys,” he nodded.

“Okay, tell us everything, from the beginning,” Taehyung requested with a dramatic hand flourish.

“Well, there was a mouse, and I tried summoning one of you, but Namjoon showed up instead. He had blond hair and red eyes, quite tall, and he was a bit grumpy at first. But then I invited him to dinner as thanks, kimchi fried rice by the way, which he thought was delicious,” Jin told them. “He did think I was trying to poison him or that someone was playing a prank on him at first, but I convinced him it was just dinner and that he was welcome to eat. Which he did. Very hungry demon, I might add.”

“Is there more?” Jungkook asked nervously.

“Oh, right, yeah,” Jin nodded, “Somewhere between taking him to the kitchen and eating, his eyes turned black just like your eyes. And after dinner he left his symbol along with saying I should summon him again.”

“It sounds like him,” Taehyung whispered, “but the way he acted doesn’t sound like him.”

“What is so wrong with Namjoon that you’re acting so scared?” Jin asked, running out of patience.

“He’s one of the Sins,” Jimin told him, looking a bit pale.

“The sins?” Jin asked, confused for a second before he realized. “Oh, like the seven deadly sins?”

The three demons nodded.

“Which one is he?”

“Wrath,” Jungkook replied.

“Anger,” Jimin added.

“Satan,” Taehyung added on as well. “He has a lot of names here.”

Jin hummed and nodded. “Looked like he was a Namjoon, though.”

“You don’t get the danger you were in, do you?” Jimin shuddered.

Jin shrugged. “He seemed nice enough,” he said, “but if it matters so much, then I won’t summon him again.”

The three demons collectively sighed in relief.

“Has Kibum found a semester project that is to his taste yet?” Taehyung asked, switching subjects. “I found an old Gucci collection that might inspire him.”

Jin chuckled and listened as the demon went on a rant about how this collection spoke to him like no others had before. Just like last time he had found ‘fashion brilliance incarnate’.



And here is the first chapter, I hope you enjoyed it ^^

Peace out (^_^)v

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Chapter 3: Please update soon authornim, I love the story ^^ <3
Chapter 3: An awesome and interesting story!!!I can't wait for more.I want to see them meeting and I want to see Hobi and Yoongi too!!!Please update soon!!!
Chapter 2: Oooohhh I really like the story!!!! Keep up the good work!! <3
Chapter 2: I also read this in ao3 but i always miss the chance to subscribe, comment and give kudos so I'll be making it up for it here (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ goddd i lovvee looovvvvveeee the plot I've been thinking about demons and jin a lot lately (heheh devil jin with horns yeehaw) so i instantly fell in love with this!!!!! i can't wait for the day that they all meet up it'll be very chaotic dhbfjdnkd ♡♡♡♡♡