A familiar voice

High school drama - Final resolution

Come on! Let’s go to the park and relax. The sun is out and I wanna go and catch my rays” me and J-hope smiled at Jongdae’s crazy ways which was nice to see. He didn’t really care what anybody thought of him anymore, he was a lot more care-free, less popular but he doesn’t care about that. We all went to a shop just around the corner from school, got ice lollies and we made our way to the park. When we were walking, i could hear a familiar voice behind us, calling me from afar. “yoohoo! Hyobin over here!” the three of us turned around, it was Rejin and her 100 watt smile again. “What are you doing here?” i asked shocked. “oh well hello to you too Hyobin. I wanted to come and see you now that your last exam was today. Was it today? I think it was. Anyways, if you’re free tonight, did you want to go out for dinner? I don’t really remember this area that well so you can take me to your favourite restaurant and i’ll pay of course since you’re broke”  i rolled my eyes as usual. "This area you live in is quite... cheap" she said as she looked around the street. "Can you stop? you're embarassing yourself in front of my friends. so i guess you got my text about Je mi right?" "Yeah i did. my goodness, my heart broke for her. i've never met her before but i can't even imagine the pain she's feeling. i went past a rehabilitation centre on my way here and i saw a young girl with dark red hair. i  don't know what makes these teens so unstable" "Umm can i ask you a question ReJin? was her skin pale? J-hope asked. "Yeah her skin was pale, she could have done with a tan for sure" ReJin repled. "And was she tall or short?" Jongdae asked. "She was short, maybe a little taller than Hyobin. What's with all the questions? i don't even know her" i looked at Jongdae and J-hope before looking back at ReJin. "You might not know her, but we do. we need to go there right now"

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nice fic i like it ^^