The Real Jongdae?

What's Good Without A Little Bad?

"Minseok dies. The end. No just kidding, I meant the author died. By my own two hands. Minseok and I hook up. That's all you have to know.

                                                                                          -Kim Jongdae

Um...On to the REAL story...






I 'fell asleep' on my bed, waiting for Jongdae, to still answer me back. Was it something I said? Even though I wanted to sleep, I couldn't. Insomnia just wouldn't let me. So I stayed up, almost the whole night, staring at the dark ceiling. I finally fell asleep under the nights lullaby.

When suddenly a few hours later....


Goddammit. What time is it? I look at my phone and see it's only 12. 30 minutes to spare until I go to work. Wait. Has Jongdae replied to me yet? I look back at my phone, only to no new messages. I makes me wonder, why am I still in contact with him? Why am I even worried about a stranger I met just yesterday? But man, who else won't worry? If a friend, I guess you could call Jongdae now, ran away out of no where, anyone would worry right? But, I continued my day like any other. Still with a linger of worry. I got ready for work, checking my phone every now and then.

"Minseok, you're 5 minutes late man."

"Yixing just let me off just for this time."

"Fine, because I'm nice."

"Thanks." I nodded of to Yixing and went to my position. Until...

"Pst. Minseok." I turn to the source and see Yixing once again.

"What is it now Yixing?"

"Um...There's someone at the back asking for you." Asking for me? Who could it be?

"Who is it?" I tilt my head to add more curiousity to my look.

"How would I know?" I frown and walk to the back.



"Who is-" But I was suprised by who I saw. "J-Jongdae?" He notices my presence and smiles.

"Yep. That's me."

"What are you doing here? You haven't even answered my texts."

"Um...sorry, personal things."

"Well, how are you doing? Why did you leave?"

"You wouldn't want to know man. Like for reals." Why did he think that?

"Of course I would want to know."

"No...I don't even think I can show my face to the public easily."


"Because I'm too beautiful." I start to snicker. But I have to admit, he is beautiful.


"No It's true, I'm too beautiful man. Actually..." Actually what? He seemed a little down.

"Actually what?"

"I don't think we can hang out anymore." W-what? 

"W-what do you mean?"

"You know. Just watch the news...maybe I'll see you in a year or two? Maybe until I get better than I already am. I got to go now...Bye." And with that Jongdae bolted away.

"W-WAIT!" But Jongdae has already ran away. Watch the news? I mean, I guess I will... I head back inside, wondering what the hell just happened.



After my shift finally ends, I head home. By taxi, again. There's a chance that killer is still out. Wait. Why haven't I reported this to the police yet? Blah- Pretty sure Chanyeol and Baekhyun did that already. When I enter my house, I drop my bag by the door, throw off my jacket, and change into comfortable clothes before slipping into my cozy couch to watch the news. The moment I changed the channel to the news my jaw dropped.


"Recent killer on the loose. Name, unknown. Yet, suspects have identified the killers face."


Then an image of Jongdae appears.

"W-WHAT?!" I scream out loud. I've been talking to a killer! , where did I get myself into! I need to report him. But...I can't. Fine I won't...But I swear, if I ever meet him again I'ma go straight to ze police. I swipe out my phone to send an angry text to Jongdae. God, why am I so mad? Was it the fact he didn't tell me? Or the fact that I kind of enjoyed his company. Those high cheekbones, and the way the ends of his lips curl up, making seem like a pernament smile...


From: Kim Minseok
To: Kim Jongdae

You were a killer?! Why didn't you tell me?! Ugh! I am so pissed! >:(


Okay maybe I shouldn't have said that last part, but still! It was too late to change it already. What do I do now? Be a douche and keep sending hate messages? No, that's too mean for me. Or just forget all about Jongdae and even meeting him? Yeah, that should do. I stay up till it was 2am until I finally fell asleep on the couch.





I wake up the next morning, where I expected my alarm but didn't recieve one. Looking at the clock I see it's only 3....WAIT WHAT?! 3:00! I am SO late for work! Rushing, I run to the bathroom getting ready, until I noticed...It was Saturday. I have no work. . That means, I can't keep my head from thinking of Jongdae...Why am I still thinking of him. Jongdae still lingered around my head, not escaping. Making me think all about Jongdae, the damn brat.




A/N: Hello~! It has been a while since I've updated yes? I apologize for that. Not only that, but this chapter is short. Sorry if I at stories, but I'm trying to improve! Anyways, please continue to enjoy my story!From:

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vickiazn #1
Chapter 7: It is okay, author-nim. I will patiently wait for the day you find your inspiration. Hwaiting~!!!
hi there~ you must credit the shop in your story's forward
Chapter 5: well....damn
Katira_Elise08 #4
Chapter 5: *Satansoo sorry I miss spelt it in the last review
Katira_Elise08 #5
Chapter 5: Hahah damn you Yixing! I knew you were a bad unicorn!! And haha Kyungsoo wow, doesn't call the police or something. Sarandon xD
Katira_Elise08 #6
Chapter 4: Haha aww Jongdae has to be the worst criminal ever xD and what?! Kyungsoo read the letter omo
Katira_Elise08 #7
Chapter 3: Hahahaha omg I love Jongdae he has to be the most crazy terrible killer ever I love it xD
Katira_Elise08 #8
Chapter 2: HAHAHAHAHA omg knew it!!! But lol couldn't stop laughing like who texts a killer and says "You were the killer and you didn't tell me ugh I'm so pissed!" Like seriously that cracked me up so much xD
Katira_Elise08 #9
Chapter 1: Huh? What... IS JONGDAE THE KILLER?!?!
Canxiubemybaby #10
Chapter 4: I don't know how to feel about this chapter, it's not bad at all don't get me wrong. I have mixed emotions like when Jongdae put on the letter "See you never?" Really Kim Jongdae. Really? AWESOME CHAPTER THO!!!