Personal Message


Hey there stalker! Yeah its you, sadly..but you just came across one of the most awesomest creatures around here.

well not really. hahahaha

I write anything from stories, songs and poems. I am Key biased and my otp's Jongkey. I'm a fashionista and Mika and Lady Gaga are the ones to blame. or even key.

And if you are a fan of the world of fashion then i'll tell you that my fave is The Alexander McQueen. Now who doesn't love dresses from 19th century?

But this has nothing to do with AFF but my blogs mostly contain kpop fashion!! 

And that stalker is the beginning of Em. ♥


And I shall mention that I'm already taken by an amazing person named Jules. I love you so much!♥

About Me

Key Bias! 

Why am I a key bias? 

Duh, because of his priceless face reactions! Diva's all the way!



What else? I'm a total random dancer. Seriously.


And when I say no, I mean it! And I don't care what you es say.


And I'll flip my hair like this:



Cause , I don't give a damn.

Full time JongKey shipper!


That is all Diva's!